#tmnt imagines




Requested by @orelie14 

Raph 2007

+ Y/N is known for coming over to the lair a lot. She even stays the night quite often. It was one of those nights where she stays but it goes a little different this time. In the middle of the night, she has a nightmare that shakes her to her core. Unable to get back to sleep alone, she goes to Raph in search for some comfort.



I laughed uncontrollably as Mikey whipped out off the skateboard ramp. He shook his head as he sat on the ground, literally swaying back and forth. Master Splinter and Raph were openly laughing while Donnie was trying not to and Leo was just shaking his head smiling.

“That’s how many times now, Mike? 10?” Raph cracked as Mikey finally gained his composure. He glared at Raph before getting up. Raph sat on the back of the couch next to me and nudged me with his foot. I looked up at him. “You should show him how it’s done, Skids.”

“Alright.” I got up and walked to Mikey. “Let me have a whack at it.” He smiled and let me have the board. I was able to get the trick he has been trying to do you an hour on the second try. Once I stopped and stepped off the ramp, he just looked at me.

“How!” He yelled before turned and walking away. He threw his hands into the air and whined. That got us all to laugh. My laugh was cut short by a yawn.

“Looks like it’s someone’s bedtime.” Raph said. I gave him a half glare but nodded.

“I’m exhausted.” I said stretching. “I think I am going to hit the sack.” I set the board down.

“Alright. Goodnight my dear.” Master Splinter bowed her head. The others all said goodnight as I jogged up the stairs. I turned left and headed to the room that was mine when I stay here. I heard yelling as I closed the door.

“Things are definitely back to normal.” I said. I changed into a loose shirt and some shorts before plopping on the bed. I snuggled under the blanket and quickly drifted off.

I hit the ground running after bursting through a set of doors. I don’t know what exactly I was running from but I was running as fast as I could. I could hear yells and pounding behind me. I turned a corner and tripped. I rolled a feet and onto my feet and ran again.

“What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed. I looked up at the top of the buildings trying to see the guys were anywhere. I didn’t see any of them. I bit my lip and kept running. That was until a bang of a bullet hit the wall in front of me. I jerked and skidded to a stop against the wall. The bricks dug into my skin of my left arm and I felt blood run down my arm.

“You’re not going to get away girlie.” I saw three men down the street. One of them had a gun pointed at me. I saw him pull the trigger and a brick just above my head exploded.

“Ah!” I screamed and ran again. I ducked into the ally and jumped onto the fire escape. I climbed up and heard them enter the ally.

“Up there.” I heard the gun go off again and pain exploded through my right bicep. I stumbled and clutched my arm. Tears sprang to my eyes as I froze in pain.

“A, a, ow. Shit.” I forced myself forward and got to the roof. I ran over the roof tops. I thought I had gotten away when I was tackled. The person landed on top of me, winding me. I gasped for air as the person got up. I kicked back with all the force I could muster.

“Shit!” I heard the yell as my foot collided with something. I pushed up and forward, trying to get away. My ankle was grabbed and yanked back. I landed on my stomach. My hair was grabbed.

“Hey!” I was yanked up and onto my knees. I grabbed the person’s wrist, trying to lessen the pressure. I froze when a knife was produced in front of me. I heard a dark chuckle.

“Now we have your complete attention.” He waved the knife around a bit. “Told you, you couldn’t get away and now you are going to die.” He moved the knife closer to me.

“No! I didn’t do anything to you.” I jerked back away from the knife. “Please!” Where were the guys?

“Sorry girlie. Bye, bye.” He moved the knife to my throat and pressed down. I screamed as he swiped it across my throat.


I shot up in bed in a panic. I looked around frantically. I clutched my throat and backed up into the wall. I didn’t feel a cut or blood and saw I was in my room in the lair. I closed my eyes in relief and let my head fall back. I tried to control my breathing.

“Holy shit, holy shit.” I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head in my knees. I took a big breath and held it. After a few seconds, I let it out slow.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. I kept seeing the knife and hearing the gun. I sat up and looked to the door. I got up and walked out the door. I looked out over the railing and saw the lair was empty and quiet. I made my way down the platform to the other side. I stopped at Raph’s door. I knocked and waited. No answer.

“Raph?” I opened the door. I saw him lying on his stomach. He was snoring a bit. I walked over and knelt next to the bed. I reached and shook his shoulder. “Raph.”

“Hmm.” He stirred and buried his head in his pillow before peeking out at me. He say it was me and pushed up onto his elbows quickly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked and reached forward and wiped a tear away.

“Umm.” I looked away and rubbed the back of my neck. “It’s stupid but I had a nightmare and couldn’t stand to be alone.” It was silent for a few minutes and I could feel him staring at me. I suddenly felt his hand on my arm.

“Come on, get off the floor.” He pulled me up and I sat on the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest as he sat up. “Do you want to tell me what happened in your dream? You look petrified.”

“It was…I was…” I stuttered before taking a breath. “I was being chased and shot at by three men I didn’t recognize. I got hit in the arm with a bullet. One of the caught me and then he slit my throat. I woke up right then.”

“My god.” He whispered.

“And you guys were nowhere in sight. I was totally alone.” I set my head in my knees. I felt him place his hand on my back.

“It was just a dream, Skids. We will always be here when you need us. You’re one of our best friends Y/N. We would die before anyone could get the chance to get to you.” I sniffled and looked at him. “Come here.” I nearly launched myself into his lap.

“I was so scared. It felt so real.” I buried my face in his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me and readjusted me in his lap. H pulled the blanket up and over my legs and he held me.

“I know. I’ve had those nightmares. They scare ya and rock ya to your core but ya have to remember that’s all they are. Nightmares. They’re not real.” I nodded and moved my head to his shoulder. He pet my hair. “Do you want to stay in here tonight?”

“Please?” I lifted my head and looked at him pleadingly. He chuckled. He nodded and ruffled my hair. He looked towards the door and saw I left it cracked. He grabbed a basketball that sat on a shelf above us and threw it. It hit the door just right and it shut firmly.

“Bullseye.” I rolled my eyes and moved off his lap and onto the bed. I laid down on the far side of the bed and I felt him lay down too. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I felt a hand on my waist and pull me backwards. My back hit his plastron. “Beds not big enough to put space comfortably.”

“Alright.” I chuckled and settled. I was nearly asleep when I felt him nuzzle my hair. I opened my eyes and listened to check if he was awake. His breathing was a little too heavy for him to be asleep. I turned and saw his eyes closed. “Goodnight Raph.” I pecked his beak. His eyes shot open in shock.

“Um. Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered. I smiled before turning back around. I heard him take a stuttering breath before he pulled me tighter to him. He buried his head in my hair and I internally chuckled. I closed my eyes in content, feeling safe in his arms.

Hey Cuties, I’m not dead yet

Hey guys, so I’ve been gone for a while. Let me explain where I’ve been. So I recently moved from my hometown and I’ve been spending my time settling in. I also been super distracted by school and crap and I’ve been working hard since I found out I can graduate at 16 apparently. I’ve also been dealing with medical stuff. I don’t want to get too into it but basically I was just diagnosed with a motor tic disorder and I’ve been having problems with my colon/uterus after a run in with E. Coli last year. I’m back and I’ll try to be writing when I can!

Request are open!

What TMNT Probably Wanted for Christmas:

Leo: Leo wants “practical” gifts, like a new sheets for his bed or stationary supplies. He doesn’t want to seem selfish, but deep down he really wants some books on Japanese prodverbs or sword accessories.

Raph: Probably wants some new weights or new workout equipment. He’d also probably want some new metal or rock CD’s. He’d secretly die if anyone got him a homemade mug or scarf or blanket.

Donnie: COMPUTER PARTS AND TECH STUFF. Literally all he’d probably ask for tbh. Okay, that and maybe some new books or materials for some science projects. That and just a few minutes of peace and quiet from his brothers.

Mikey: I could see him asking for an immense amount of pizza. Maybe some art supplies or some new video games. Tbh probably asked for a kitten or a puppy and probably has asked for one since he was like 3. May also ask for some action figures.

Splinter: He isn’t necessarily attached to anything, but if he had to choose, maybe a new tea set. Another good gift idea could be various teas or insense.

April: She’d probably not be very upfront with what she wants. When asked she’ll just say “I only want to spend time with you guys”. But deep, deep down, there is a nice pair of heels she’s been keeping her eyes on that she’d literally cry if given.

Casey: He’d probably ask for some new sports equipment. I mean, all his old stuff is all battered from busting skulls. He may also want sports tickets to a hockey game. He’ll also ask for a kiss from April, only to get rejected.

Karai: She really wants to celebrate but can’t due to Shredder forbidding it. But if she could, she’d probably want some time off and maybe some self-care items like nail polish and face masks. Ya’ll know Karai deserves a break.

Shredder:Splinter’s death. He doesn’t believe in celebrating such a silly holiday, it’s below him. Shredder literally has no Christmas spirit and has forbidden anyone in the Foot from celebrating.


More updates guys

I’m opening the ask box again. I now write for more series. Here’s what I write for

  • TMNT Mirage
  • TMNT 1987
  • TMNT 1990
  • TMNT Image
  • TMNT 2003
  • TMNT 2007
  • TMNT 2012
  • TMNT Bayverse

I’m also making another rule. You may request since yes, the ask box is open but please only send 1 request at a time. Thank you!

Random Headcannon I Have

The “Little Girl” aka Chole from the 2012 series is Casey’s little sister who is mentioned several times but never seen.

audiovisual-dept:xx Imagine him being self-deprecating.He just didn’t understand what you saw



Imagine him being self-deprecating.

He just didn’t understand what you saw in him.

I mean, he’s a mutant turtle and you’re a human. A magnificent human.

It took one particular night when he went too far.

You couldn’t believe that he has never seen what you always see.

As you straddled him, and held his face,

You told him over and over again,

About how he is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.

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