#teenage mutant ninja turtle imagine


Raphael X Biker!Reader

Part One     Part Two

Summary: Tomorrow arrives at your doorstep… but Raph doesn’t. Instead another brother does that leads to a perilous night out. 

A/N: Woo! Part three! This one is a bit more angsty but cute and well, who doesn’t love some good angst? I love you guys so much and all of the feedback that you offer. Always keep fighting. 


Music played softly as it rained again, and I waited by an unlocked window. Some part of my memory knew that he would be here, though I couldn’t tell what the truth happened to be or what happened to be a dream. It all seemed like a dream to me. A wonderful dream.

A knock interrupted my thoughts as I opened the window, expecting one turtle and getting another.

Leo?” I asked curiously. “What’s… why are you here?

“Is Raph here?” He demanded; his eyes swept my apartment not even looking at me as he talked.

“No?” I frowned. “What the hell is going on?”

“Raph went out tonight and he hasn’t been back, and I assumed he was here.”

“No,” I shook my head, fear growing in my chest for my lost rider. “Give me a minute, I’ll help you look,” I arrived at the conclusion.

“You can’t. Not in this weather, it’s not safe,” Leo scolded. “You stay here.”

Damn it, Leo! I can do what I want when I want, and you know you need me out there! You know I know him better!”

Cold blue eyes met mine, but I dug my heels in. Nothing would sway me from this. Looking for Raph became my number one priority.

“Meet at the alley in twenty minutes. Donnie will get you connected with the rest of us.” Leo didn’t meet my eyes as he ducked out the window. “And whatever happens to you is not on me.”

With that he vanished.

“Gee,thanks,” I mocked at the window and quickly changed for the ride ahead, my anxiety racing out of control as I muttered to myself the questions that I needed answers to. 

The one above them all: Where was Raphael?

I didn’t enjoy riding in the rain, it was cold and wet and hurt if you went fast enough, but I’d do it for him. Anything for my reckless rider. Sliding my helmet on, I sped off.

I arrived at the alley way and like Leo said, Donatello stood, equipment in hand.

“Hello,” He greeted, stammering slightly, “This will connected to your com system that you have set up and will pick up our radio frequency,”

I unlatched my helmet and handed it over, running a hand through my hair as the rain started to soak it through.

“Do you have any idea where he would be?” I asked as the turtle in purple worked quickly.

“Your guess is probably better than mine,” He muttered. “I figured that you would be the first place he went to after fighting with Leo,”

That was new information. That Leo conveniently left out.

“Fighting with Leo? About what?” I pressed, urgently. “Please Donnie this is important. If I’m going to find him… I need to know what happened.”


“You’renot going out tonight. There’s no need.” Leo stood in front of his brother.

“Get out of my way Leo,” Raph muttered. “I’ll be fine,”

“It’s too dangerous!” Leo shouted.

“And since when do you care whether I get hurt or not? Since when do you stop me from going out? Who do you think you are?” Raph stalked up to his brother agitated.

“Since you met her.” Leo answered coolly. “She’s dangerous,”

Raph scoffed and almost laughed as he paced away, growing more aggravated as each second passed.

“She’snot dangerous! Are you fucking kidding me!?” Raph pulled out his sais: a reflex. 

“Even now, she’s turning you against me,” Leo circled with his brother, keeping a distance.

No, I’m pretty sure you’re doing that all on your own fearless,” Raph snarled. “So, don’t you dare go blaming her,”

“You think she actually wants to see you Raphael? We don’t belong in her world and she doesn’t belong in ours,” Leo hissed.

“Ohyeah, and it was okay for you to go after Karai!Sure! That makes total sense!” Raph roared.

“Karai was forced into our world! Are you really selfish enough to make her belong in ours!?” Now Leo had his blades drawn.

“Wedon’t belong anywhere Leo! But she’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to belonging, even when it’s with you three,”

“We are your family!” Leo shouted.

“Then fucking act like it!” Raph yelled, fighting back tears.

He had to get away. He had to get to you. You would know what to say, or at least what to do… or maybe you could give him solace from it all.

So, he took off and didn’t look back.


I stared at Donnie in shock as he handed me back my helmet after testing it. 

“And Leo had the nerve to…” I growled slipping it back on.

“He went to apologize,” Donnie tried to soothe my fury.

Oh, I’m sure he did,” My voice dripped venom through the comm.

“Yo!Y/n!” Another voice chimed in over the headset in my helmet. It had to be Mikey, the only brother I hadn’t met face to face yet.

“Hey Mikey,” I gritted out, taking a left down Jefferson.

The wind and rain picked up step, making it hard to see. But I had a good idea of where I was going, a few ideas actually.

I sped to the tunnels, slowing as I reached the outskirts, killing my engine and slipping of my helmet.

“Raph!?” I called into the hollow caverns.

No response. I growled and dove back out into the storm.

“Do you guys see anything!?” I demanded over the intercom.

“Nothing,” Leo’s voice held an air of calm and collected.

Oh, I was so going to punch him in the face next time I saw him.

My next destination located itself in the middle of the Brooklyn bridge. Raph and his bike were nowhere to be found. Huffing, I set off again.

“Come on Raph,” I muttered. “Where are you?”

My hope waning, with one more spot left on my mental checklist, I turned carefully and headed towards the outskirts of the city. To a place Raph had never been. A road I had taken what seemed like months ago, leading him out of the city lights.

The city ways quickly became dense forest.

“Come on Raph, please,” Tears of fear and worry started to blur my vision. “Please, come back to me,

I slowed my bike, having to. Through the rain and my tears, there was no other option. On the side of the road, I got off my bike, and took off my helmet, leaving them on the side of the road as I started to keep walking down the dark road.


Stupid seemed like a good word to describe what I was doing.

Soaked to the bone, my tears fell freely.

What was I doing?

I was alone on a road, with no hope of finding a way back until the rain cleared, looking for someone who didn’t want to be found in the entirety of New York and I had nothing to go on.

Please,” I begged to no one. 


I almost dropped in relief. 

Raph?” I called.

“What the hell are you doing out here?” He was beside me instantly, his figure shielding the rain that seemed to be coming in sideways with the wind.


“What are you doing out here!?” She shouted back. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere! Why… what the hell were you thinking!?” Her voice sounded raw as tears mixed with the rain.

“You’ve been looking for me? In this? Y/n, were you seriously riding in this!” Raphael’s voice rose.

“Whatelse was I supposed to do! Leo came to me; said you were gone! Then Donnie told me about what happened and God Raph!” Trembles racked her frame as she continued to yell. “Do you know how worried I’ve been!? How scared that something happened to you!?”

In a desperate attempted to stop shaking, her arms wrapped themselves around her frame. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold her close, to give her comfort.

He never thought that she would care enough to come out looking for him. Or why the hell Leo would go to her of all people.

“I’m…sorry Y/n,” He mumbled, barely audible above the howling wind.

Please, come home,” She shivered. He could see her paling and her lips turning blue.

“No, we’re gonna get you home, and dry, and warm,” Raph, against his better judgement again, picked her up and walked over to where her bike waited.

Sitting her in front of him, helping her with her helmet, he tore off down the road, back to the city. Back somewhere where he could get her warm and safe.


Whimpers let my lips against my will as I shuddered from the bitter cold. I could hear voices over the comm, but the words didn’t make much sense… not that I paid much attention.

Every cell in my body was screaming to get warm, and fast. I barely processed the effort it took to stay on the bike until Raphael pulled up to my apartment complex.

With head he lifted me and climbed the fore escape, forcing my window open.

I collapsed in the warmth, against him and his warmth. His face was fuzzy… everything was fuzzy. I tried to blink the haze from my eyes, but soon my eyelids were too heavy to reopen.


“Donnie get over here and fix her,” Raph hissed into his comm. 

Raph?” The three brothers all responded.

Yes. Donnie, she passed out from being in the rain and cold too long and I need your help,” He growled, trying to keep his panic and worry to a minimum.

He had already stripped her riding jacket, shoes and socks, and currently, he cradled her in his lap cocooned in her throw blankets. Anything to give her warmth.

Donnie was ducking in through the window in minutes, and his brother looked at the limp girl in his arms and got to work. Taking her pulse and checking her vitals, Donnie seemed to relax.

“She’s in a stable condition, just a bit of hypothermia. What you were doing is what you should have been and need to keep doing until she wakes up and can shower and get dry clothes,” Donnie spoke softly.

Raph nodded, and his brother neared the window, hesitating slightly before ducking out into the driving rain.

Raphael held her closer in his arms as he moved to sitting on the floor, trying to keep himself together. He didn’t want to lose her, not like this. And he didn’t want to admit that maybe Leo was right… she didn’t belong in his world; she could get hurt… or worse.

But her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes fluttered open, and he knew that there couldn’t be any other place that he belong except right there.



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Part One of: I Can Play The Piano Still Ft. When She Still Loved Me.

This quarantine isn’t keeping me down. I can knit bake play the piano read draw write… I could maybe go without the internet and live in a turn of the century novel and survive perhaps.

Raphael X Biker!Reader

Part One

Summary: Rain prevents you from riding the next few days and you’re growing restless. You wanted to ride. You wanted… to see him. You missed him against your better judgement. But what was wrong with missing him? Nothing at all. What happens when he misses you too?

A/N: As requested a Part Two to Midnight Rider!! I loved the responses on it and I wanted to thank you all for such positive feedback. Here’s something a bit softer and cozy for the hard times. Let me know if you want another part and what you think of this one!! I love you guys! ((P.S. I just finished my last paper-a twelve page research paper-for the semester so now I have more time for creative writing!!))

Bob Seger Vinyl Ft. in this Fic

Tags:@brightlotusmoon@boatloadsofheart@legandarybeauty@crazywritingbug@bitch-kms@ravn-87@just-a-casual-fangirl-011@unicornjoos@stuckoutsideofthebox@ilikestuffproductions@whygz@coffee-addicti@sugarspooks15@leslieebee@serperiorkb@blossom-skies@fantastical-67impala-fangirl@coresan@big-banging-red@iceprincess2019@raphaeladdict@thirstyforvenom@merindagriese@depressedemo-152@bengewatch@corabmarie@bitemebro522@tmnt-queen@muleka-loka@violet-sky-96@curadopordeus@artemismohr18@thewhisperpen@xjupitermoonsx@bisexualbumblebeesstuff@merindagriese@oceans-daughter-3@dixonreedusfangirlforever@shanidenise@thegayestfish441@lovelyyroseee@yourlieberhoe@dolphincommander @molzies-fanfics @fuzzy-panda​ 

Rain pattered against my window as the sun went down leaving New York in total darkness. I sighed and wished for sunshine or a clear night when I could ride again. When I could see him again. It had been a few days of constant rain and I was becoming stir crazy. But I wasn’t stupid enough to go riding in the rain. It wasn’t worth the risk.

I stared out my opened window and watched the raindrops race against each other. Curling up in a large sweater with a cup of tea, I settled down for the night.

A dark form in front of my window made me jump and curse, adrenaline racing. Then I realized who blocked my window. It was my daredevil rider.

I pushed the window open, throwing my hands up in dismay.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I scolded. “It’s raining, it’s not safe to be out there,”

“I had to see you,” Raph admitted sheepish as he ducked in through my window.

I headed to my small bathroom and threw him a towel or two to dry off, turning a light on in my wake. The gentle fairy lights glowed with the candles it accompanied.

“Gotta say, didn’t think your place would look like this…” Raph trailed off, his eyes taking in my studio apartment. “It’s so… cozy,”

“Thank you,” I smiled and stood by his side admiring my handiwork with him. 

I had made it cozy. My solace. My safe space.

“How’s your shoulder?” I asked, picking up my mug of tea.

“Fine,” He replied a bit too quickly.

“Well, you’re welcome to come and hang out… if that’s what this is.” I gave him a dopey smile. “I can make tea for you if you want.”

Raph stared at me like I had two heads.


“Not what you were expecting?” A smile played at her lips as she curled up in an armchair. 

“Not at all,” Raph muttered.

In his head he had this version of her.

Y/n. Her name forever engraved into his mind.

She was strong, confident, badass. She took no prisoners and always knew what to say. But this?

She was soft, and gentle, and he had seen it the other night in her concern. But what he saw before him, he wouldn’t have imagined. She was kind, and soft behind all of the edge and angst she gave off.

He almost loved it more, knowing that she offered both in who she was.


“So, what brought you around?” She mused, tucking herself under an afghan.

“It’s been raining, I haven’t seen you in a while,” He admitted again, taking a spot on her rug leaning against her couch.

A smile played at her lips and in the soft light, she was just as beautiful as she was in leather on a motorcycle. She didn’t make fun of him either, His brothers did. They thought it was ridiculous that he went to find her. Leo ordered against it. As if.

He had grown bored again with the rain coming down and he wanted to see her. 

“You haven’t been riding have you?” She asked, concern coloring her voice. 

“No,” It was the truth.

Mainly because he knew that if she found out, she’d have his ass for sure.

“Good,” She seemed pleased.


Knowing sleeping had left my short-term plans, I uncurled from my chair and headed over to my record player and started the Bob Seger vinyl that I didn’t put away from earlier.

“You’re a classics fan?” He mused as the music started

“My mom was… I picked it up from her,” I admitted. “Now that I’m up do you want that tea?”

I made my way to the kitchen despite his answer and began to make another cup.

“You like classic rock then?” I asked back, leaning against the counter.

He had shifted so that he could still see me from my vantage point in the small kitchen. 

“Zeppelin,” He offered. “Though my vinyl collection isn’t as impressive as yours,” He muttered. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Why am I not surprised you like Zeppelin,” I laughed. “Find something more original, Bon Jovi, Meatloaf! Hey, you might actually like Meatloaf,” I paused in thought. “Not that I know what you like… it just seems like… a very you band.”

“Whatthe hell is that supposed to mean?” He acted offended, but there was a smile on his face.

“I dunno,” I could feel my face flushing. “They just seem like… you.” I gestured. “I can let you borrow my record.”

“No, I can’t ask that.” Raph shook his head, standing in protest.

“You’re not asking, I’m giving it to you.” I smiled and offered him his tea as we both settled back in my living room area.


Raph still tried to figure her out. There was still the fire in her veins that he had seen when he rode with her. This was that same fire, but in a softer way. In one that made him take care of himself, and that allowed her to be selfless.

She hummed softly to the music and sipped her tea absentmindedly, lost in thought he presumed.

“How is your family?” She asked after a while. “It’s been a while since you guys have done anything.”

Raph laughed.

“Yeah, there isn’t much to do anymore. It’s why I started to ride again. And we’re okay, I guess. Mikey has vowed to watch ever Doctor Who episode with Donnie and it’s taking them a while to get through it all.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“I should do that.” She murmured. “I haven’t watched it in a while.” 

“You like that nerdy show?” He raised an eyebrow.

A laugh bubbled from her lips. It was soft and carefree. Somehow, even though he wasn’t racing through the streets of New York, he still felt free. A sort of freedom that crept in slowly and comforted him like a blanket.

“I do,” She smiled. “You might,”

“You keep saying that,” He challenged.

Oh?” A smirk grew on her face and a fire in her eyes.

“That I’ll like things when you don’t really know me,” Raph contested.

She went quiet, a smile still on her lips.

“Maybe I don’t know you that well, but I think I have a good idea of what you might like.” She quipped.


She nodded, her smile growing.

A clap of thunder shook her windows as lightning flashed. She didn’t flinch. Fear didn’t occupy her features. He knew Mikey was afraid of thunder, and Donnie didn’t prefer it, but she seemed almost at home among it.


“Tell me then,” I whispered. “Who are you?” I moved onto the couch and curled up on the side, waiting and listening.

“What do you wanna know?” His voice held a note of uncertainty.

“How old are you?” I mused. “That’s an easy one.”

“Is this twenty questions now?” Raph raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled. “That would mean yes or no answers, this is just… a conversation.” I decided. 

“Alright, but if you get to ask questions, so do I,” He countered.


“Eighteen, you?”


We went on like that for a while, question after question. His favorite singer was actually Billy Joel; I hated the Beatles; he never thought to read anything other than magazines; I couldn’t remember the last time I had read a book; he had never been out of the state; I had been along the east coast on road trips; he hated spinach and cucumbers; I hated smoothies and tomatoes; he had four brothers; I had one.

“Where did you learn to ride?” He asked as it neared one am.

“My mom,” I yawned, blinking slowly. “She’d take me on her bike when I was little… my dad was a mechanic…” I gave a small shrug. “Why do you ride?” I countered.

“It’s…freedom.” He replied.

I nodded, knowing what he meant. It’s why I loved to ride. No one telling you where to go or what to do or who to be, you could just ride and not stop.

“Did you miss me?” His question came softly and hesitantly.

I nodded, my eyes slipping closed from tiredness. Talking to him like this made me feel safe and more at home than I ever had before. Like I was a child, curled up on a winter night waiting for Christmas as snow fell softly into the quiet of the night. A simpler time.

“I did. It’s not the same when I’m not around you… I looked forward to our rides.” 


Raphael watched her eyes droop closed as the hours passed. He was on a high learning so much from her and letting his walls down over stupid trivia that had him laughing and her blushing.

But being up late tonight didn’t seem to rest well with her despite their late-night rides the week before. He wondered if it was the rain that lulled her to sleep.

It didn’t really matter what it was, she was all but fast asleep on the sofa above him. Peace washed over her like this, though no smile was on her face, a gentle expression rested in her features.

Y/n?” He asked softly, standing and stretching. He loved the feeling or her name on his lips.

She hummed a response, not opening her eyes. He wanted to laugh.

“You need to get to bed,” He muttered, taking her mug and his and carefully putting them into her sink, very conscientious of the space around him.

“Too far,” Her voice grew jumbled. “I’ll sleep on the couch,” She seemed resolved about this.

“No, you’re not,” He smiled and shook his head at her antics. “It’s not that far, lazy,” he teased gently.

“M’fine,” She tried again, her words slurring.

Raph stared at her curled-up form and her bed that rested against the back wall of her apartment.

Maybe the rain had calmed him too, or maybe being near her had let him be someone who didn’t thrive on anger and deflecting, but he carefully lifted her from the couch and walked her over to her bed and gently laid her down.

She immediately stretched out and found her way under the covers, cuddling a pillow. Her eyes never opened.

“Thanks,” She mumbled, the faintest smile playing at her lips. “Tomorrow?” 

Tomorrow,” He promised.



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Requested by @orelie14 

Raph 2007

+ Y/N is known for coming over to the lair a lot. She even stays the night quite often. It was one of those nights where she stays but it goes a little different this time. In the middle of the night, she has a nightmare that shakes her to her core. Unable to get back to sleep alone, she goes to Raph in search for some comfort.



I laughed uncontrollably as Mikey whipped out off the skateboard ramp. He shook his head as he sat on the ground, literally swaying back and forth. Master Splinter and Raph were openly laughing while Donnie was trying not to and Leo was just shaking his head smiling.

“That’s how many times now, Mike? 10?” Raph cracked as Mikey finally gained his composure. He glared at Raph before getting up. Raph sat on the back of the couch next to me and nudged me with his foot. I looked up at him. “You should show him how it’s done, Skids.”

“Alright.” I got up and walked to Mikey. “Let me have a whack at it.” He smiled and let me have the board. I was able to get the trick he has been trying to do you an hour on the second try. Once I stopped and stepped off the ramp, he just looked at me.

“How!” He yelled before turned and walking away. He threw his hands into the air and whined. That got us all to laugh. My laugh was cut short by a yawn.

“Looks like it’s someone’s bedtime.” Raph said. I gave him a half glare but nodded.

“I’m exhausted.” I said stretching. “I think I am going to hit the sack.” I set the board down.

“Alright. Goodnight my dear.” Master Splinter bowed her head. The others all said goodnight as I jogged up the stairs. I turned left and headed to the room that was mine when I stay here. I heard yelling as I closed the door.

“Things are definitely back to normal.” I said. I changed into a loose shirt and some shorts before plopping on the bed. I snuggled under the blanket and quickly drifted off.

I hit the ground running after bursting through a set of doors. I don’t know what exactly I was running from but I was running as fast as I could. I could hear yells and pounding behind me. I turned a corner and tripped. I rolled a feet and onto my feet and ran again.

“What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed. I looked up at the top of the buildings trying to see the guys were anywhere. I didn’t see any of them. I bit my lip and kept running. That was until a bang of a bullet hit the wall in front of me. I jerked and skidded to a stop against the wall. The bricks dug into my skin of my left arm and I felt blood run down my arm.

“You’re not going to get away girlie.” I saw three men down the street. One of them had a gun pointed at me. I saw him pull the trigger and a brick just above my head exploded.

“Ah!” I screamed and ran again. I ducked into the ally and jumped onto the fire escape. I climbed up and heard them enter the ally.

“Up there.” I heard the gun go off again and pain exploded through my right bicep. I stumbled and clutched my arm. Tears sprang to my eyes as I froze in pain.

“A, a, ow. Shit.” I forced myself forward and got to the roof. I ran over the roof tops. I thought I had gotten away when I was tackled. The person landed on top of me, winding me. I gasped for air as the person got up. I kicked back with all the force I could muster.

“Shit!” I heard the yell as my foot collided with something. I pushed up and forward, trying to get away. My ankle was grabbed and yanked back. I landed on my stomach. My hair was grabbed.

“Hey!” I was yanked up and onto my knees. I grabbed the person’s wrist, trying to lessen the pressure. I froze when a knife was produced in front of me. I heard a dark chuckle.

“Now we have your complete attention.” He waved the knife around a bit. “Told you, you couldn’t get away and now you are going to die.” He moved the knife closer to me.

“No! I didn’t do anything to you.” I jerked back away from the knife. “Please!” Where were the guys?

“Sorry girlie. Bye, bye.” He moved the knife to my throat and pressed down. I screamed as he swiped it across my throat.


I shot up in bed in a panic. I looked around frantically. I clutched my throat and backed up into the wall. I didn’t feel a cut or blood and saw I was in my room in the lair. I closed my eyes in relief and let my head fall back. I tried to control my breathing.

“Holy shit, holy shit.” I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head in my knees. I took a big breath and held it. After a few seconds, I let it out slow.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. I kept seeing the knife and hearing the gun. I sat up and looked to the door. I got up and walked out the door. I looked out over the railing and saw the lair was empty and quiet. I made my way down the platform to the other side. I stopped at Raph’s door. I knocked and waited. No answer.

“Raph?” I opened the door. I saw him lying on his stomach. He was snoring a bit. I walked over and knelt next to the bed. I reached and shook his shoulder. “Raph.”

“Hmm.” He stirred and buried his head in his pillow before peeking out at me. He say it was me and pushed up onto his elbows quickly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked and reached forward and wiped a tear away.

“Umm.” I looked away and rubbed the back of my neck. “It’s stupid but I had a nightmare and couldn’t stand to be alone.” It was silent for a few minutes and I could feel him staring at me. I suddenly felt his hand on my arm.

“Come on, get off the floor.” He pulled me up and I sat on the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest as he sat up. “Do you want to tell me what happened in your dream? You look petrified.”

“It was…I was…” I stuttered before taking a breath. “I was being chased and shot at by three men I didn’t recognize. I got hit in the arm with a bullet. One of the caught me and then he slit my throat. I woke up right then.”

“My god.” He whispered.

“And you guys were nowhere in sight. I was totally alone.” I set my head in my knees. I felt him place his hand on my back.

“It was just a dream, Skids. We will always be here when you need us. You’re one of our best friends Y/N. We would die before anyone could get the chance to get to you.” I sniffled and looked at him. “Come here.” I nearly launched myself into his lap.

“I was so scared. It felt so real.” I buried my face in his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me and readjusted me in his lap. H pulled the blanket up and over my legs and he held me.

“I know. I’ve had those nightmares. They scare ya and rock ya to your core but ya have to remember that’s all they are. Nightmares. They’re not real.” I nodded and moved my head to his shoulder. He pet my hair. “Do you want to stay in here tonight?”

“Please?” I lifted my head and looked at him pleadingly. He chuckled. He nodded and ruffled my hair. He looked towards the door and saw I left it cracked. He grabbed a basketball that sat on a shelf above us and threw it. It hit the door just right and it shut firmly.

“Bullseye.” I rolled my eyes and moved off his lap and onto the bed. I laid down on the far side of the bed and I felt him lay down too. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I felt a hand on my waist and pull me backwards. My back hit his plastron. “Beds not big enough to put space comfortably.”

“Alright.” I chuckled and settled. I was nearly asleep when I felt him nuzzle my hair. I opened my eyes and listened to check if he was awake. His breathing was a little too heavy for him to be asleep. I turned and saw his eyes closed. “Goodnight Raph.” I pecked his beak. His eyes shot open in shock.

“Um. Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered. I smiled before turning back around. I heard him take a stuttering breath before he pulled me tighter to him. He buried his head in my hair and I internally chuckled. I closed my eyes in content, feeling safe in his arms.

Hey Cuties, I’m not dead yet

Hey guys, so I’ve been gone for a while. Let me explain where I’ve been. So I recently moved from my hometown and I’ve been spending my time settling in. I also been super distracted by school and crap and I’ve been working hard since I found out I can graduate at 16 apparently. I’ve also been dealing with medical stuff. I don’t want to get too into it but basically I was just diagnosed with a motor tic disorder and I’ve been having problems with my colon/uterus after a run in with E. Coli last year. I’m back and I’ll try to be writing when I can!

Request are open!

More updates guys

I’m opening the ask box again. I now write for more series. Here’s what I write for

  • TMNT Mirage
  • TMNT 1987
  • TMNT 1990
  • TMNT Image
  • TMNT 2003
  • TMNT 2007
  • TMNT 2012
  • TMNT Bayverse

I’m also making another rule. You may request since yes, the ask box is open but please only send 1 request at a time. Thank you!

Random Headcannon I Have

The “Little Girl” aka Chole from the 2012 series is Casey’s little sister who is mentioned several times but never seen.
