#to clarify



Distrust all in whom the urge to punish is strong is really just SUCH good advice lol

especially when that person is you

So it’s Holy Week, and I haven’t been to Mass since Oculi Sunday. I’ll go to keep vigil on my own with the Blessed Sacrament in the small hours on Friday, but other than that… no church for me. And I’m really sad about the fact that my options are:

  1. be a potential disease vector between unmasked college students and unmasked senior citizens et al.
  2. forgo participating in communal worship at the holiest time of the year

I am confident that 2) is the only choice I can ethically make. I’m still sad.



The fact that Genesis says Eve is the mother of all living, meanwhile the New Testament says everyone inherits deaththroughAdam never fails to amuse me

Not sure how Eve got made out to be the villain here

My professor raised a question of whether it was within the Bible itself, or did “we” decide to put Eve in that villainess narrative to justify societal misogyny hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

Exactly tbh it literally went like this

The Bible: life comes through the woman and death comes through the man

Christians: “do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil's gateway… You destroyed so easily God’s image… On account of your desert — that is, death — even the Son of God had to die.” (x)


Straight Pride William Afton UwU!!

Please don’t interact if you’re in our dni, thank you!

The awkward moment when a dude that I have a lot of history with sees my snapchat from the beach and proceeds to text me (not snap me but like, that’s clearly why he texted me becuse he had just seen my story and he has not texted me in over a year).

me: *hates men*

me: *has a blog dedicated to mostly men in bands*
