#tofus bday event


Beelzebub with #4

Summary: Number 4 - Just simping for you. It’s a lot of food allegories to call you nice.

from this prompt list

Asmodeus would often tell him that when food is beautiful, it tastes better. Something that Beelzebub had called dumb, that the presentation doesn’t change it yet maybe it just wasn’t the case with food.

Because there was something about you, maybe even everything yet he couldn’t keep it that simple. If he related it to what his brother had said about food, then it would just be your “presentation” not the inside “taste” of who you were past that. So this presentation, how you were plated, was delicious on it’s own yet when backed by the taste of who you were, a delicacy was created. A food that was meant only to be loved and looked at, not to be eaten like cake support made from rice krispies instead of the plush fluff it could be believed as.

A delight, bread shared between multiple cultures, to be commonplace and known by every baker close to any heat to prove your truth. Your grace, the ideal look of your eyes when you were happy, how your fingers looked cross hatched with his own. However, just like how they could not gain a place that belonged to him you were not a recipe to be followed, impossible to yield the same beautiful result of delicacy.

The ideas of relating you to baking certainly made sense in his brain on how food looks would make it taste better just like its certain that your kisses and smiles are much better directed at him. Yet he could go further, Beelzebub could relate you to more despite this uniqueness he had come to terms with. You could be soup really, and the best he decided you were. Perfect at keeping him warm, from his cheeks to how content he felt on the inside after a bowl while sick.

A word, three even,, came to mind when he thought of this journaling. Well-rounded, but most of all, perfect.


Bathym With #19

summary: number 19 - legally required flower shop au

(this is a mix of paragraphs and hcs!)

from this prompt list

Dew drops gathered on the weeds pushing past cement cracks and lifting themselves to the sun above just like they gathered dripping their drops as condensation from the building gutters. And despite the early time where the grass by the parking lot to the strip mall was still damp, a couple of the stores held inside were open including the floral arrangements with the fake neon sign filled with cheaper chemicals calling it “Devil’s Ivy.” The store front under it held delightful windows, no longer sheltered from their shutters but instead showcasing planters growing marigolds by the bunch, as well as showing them getting watered for that morning from your peeking from the sidewalk.

A young looking gentleman with only a few wrinkles peaking at his laugh lines and forehead, pale blue hair pinned in a headband to keep from falling over his eyes while he leaned over the golden petals. The smile moved on his face, speaking to them, muted behind the glass. Indentations uneven seen like flickering lights from the movement, dimples with the right just a noticeably hint at being higher than the left. A simple outfit was hidden behind apron already with specks of dirt sticking to the cotton blend, a dark short sleeved shirt matching the choker of similar fabric guarding at least two inches of his neck and black straight-legged pants.

He would get up from the hunched position to twist his body looking towards the shop back like his favorite song had come on the radio, hand loose on the watering can, a few drops hitting the tile beneath him when he had turned back towards you through the window. A double take, having just seen you in his peripheral, surprised and catching your look. Guiltily handed or not he still offered a smile and a small wave before walking towards shop door. It was a clear and clean as the windows with more blockades from stickers, its open sign, and schedule post.

With a hand leaning on the door way and the other on the low push bar of the door’s inside side, his head would peek back for his turn at you.

“Would you like inside? We have a drink cooler if you were jealous enough of the plants to stare,” his smile was bright as much as it was cheeky. Waiting for you to take the invitation to join the rows of floral and succulent inside.

  • Indeed there’s a small fridge unit on the cashier desk next to the wall, waving you off when you try to hand anything in return for the single small beverage.
  • He doesn’t stand over you while you look around, finishing his morning chore rounds while checking in on any that you seemed to deem nicer than others maybe finding a preference.
  • Bathym is rotating the plants who will enjoy more direct light for the day when he bumps into you looking at the floral section filled with whites and bright yellow.
  • It’s a favorite of his, pausing with you after the short apology. Like most plants brought in and raised in shop, he knows the popular meanings of each but focusing more on the positive than how the single daffodil signals misfortune in the future.
  • You can tell he enjoys his job and sharing it with others, the fact is almost downplayed by how easy he seems to be carrying a short and potted lemon tree without any worry of weight showing on his face. Too focused on explaining freesia than that and the fact he had yet to explain how to say his name in case you wanted his attention later in your rounds around the shop.
  • At some point behind the desk, trusting you won’t (technically) steal any more than what was rest of your drink, you can hear him talking out loud.
  • It was a habit he gained taking the shift, usually even talking directly to the plants though he definitely played favorites, talking to more than others.
  • He was crossing things out in a book-a catalog- going on about reminding a “Levi” to get a “Mammon” to sign for the soil shipment, something about knowing Levi wouldn’t want the interaction.

You were shifting between your feet, a plant from the “houseplants, yes even cat safe” section firmly planted in your hands. The cashier desk had no bell and the concept of messing up the name of someone you were interested in building some kind of relationship with was more embarrassing than could be handled at the humble 10 am.

It would take you, setting it just a little too loud on the glass cover for him to perk up and recognize you were ready to go. Dusting off his dyed jeans to get up only to make the problem worse, more dirt from his gloves now on his pants resolved in some self cursing, threats to himself about “if you mess this up now ill make you move out.” Maybe you could ask if you visit again.

But he was standing, a small flush to his cheeks when he gave a smaller tight lipped smile. And now rushing in a brisk walk over to ring you up. It was a small plant, on one of the taller shelves for easier grabs meaning it still wasn’t too expensive but something told you a certain coworker would have his ass for knowing a customer came in for stuff and got it all for free.

His hand, the left, now ungloved to put in commands to the register easier, brushed yours when giving your change and receipt. Just a moment too slow than a normal accident, a bit surprised at feeling your hand touch his own. You put away the change and receipt in your pockets, yet staggered a bit. Hyping yourself up before extending the talk even after the exchange was now supposed to be over.

“You know a lot about- well about everything, would I need to ask for an arrangement delivery to get to hear more? Or is someone else in charge of them?” You ask, a hand picking at the edge of one of their cards.

His face lights up in surprise as you ask, happy that you seem to care so much before connecting that you are using it for an opening.

“You can always ask for me personally, Mammon does our calls usually b-oh. Oh! I see, here let me give you my personal if that’s okay,” He says, a chuckle just resting in the back of his throat but not laughing during his talk.

“There, and if you still want to call the shop instead you can ask for Bat. I know Bathym can be a hard one to remember, I’ll know when they mean you even if you don’t become a regular.”

Taglist:@hiraethhh-h (bc i wanted to save your actual req when i answered for mams n levi :] )

“Camera” with Leviathan

summary:[sent 11:39 am] MC, after the panel will you help take my photos?

from this prompt list

You and Leviathan have been preparing for this weekend, it was a smaller convention in its first few years of activity. It was also, in the human world. Not one of the Devildom convention centers that Leviathan was used to, doubling the nerves as well as the excitement jitters as the transport bus pulled from the parking lot to the actual convention hall.

Binging anime series, games, and translated mangas that hadn’t been “properly” released yet on somewhat worrying websites, had been replaced for the two weeks prior to this very outing. Instead, Leviathan would watch any convlog you found acceptable. From old ones from years back of when you first gained the interest to ones of this convention specifically. It was soothing to him, to know the similarities in how humans acted compared to demons and the basic lay out of the vendor’s hall to the makeshift arcade room.

As much as it was helpful, it was also enthralling, having trusted your judgement before his own was a wonderful and perhaps even pogdecision. He loved the different accents, the regional dialects and slang, the reaction of seeing someone’s hero, the voice actors in character to cosplayer, the memes that the human fanbase had picked up instead, and especially how many people actually dressed up rather than going casually.

Of course he was going to wear one of his comfort cosplays to his first human anime convention with you that was already law, written in stone really. Though it was, nevertheless, comforting.

The rest of the bus was filled with people similar to himself and you, yet entirely different from the archetype of the character to the franchise company as a whole but it was never close to full of hate or questionable quip’s at Leviathan’s attire. When he had actually gotten compliments other than your own before even stepping foot to the badge line.

It was something surprising to him especially when his pose had been so stiff, freshly available after having stretched his legs from the cramped condition of the car and how his charms had dug into his side from the seatbelt. Leviathan was already in his habitat despite the clear change from Devildom’s hellish humidity to the chill of the automobile insides.

His shoulders were loose, not as tense as normal, yet still huddled close to you like a lifeline.

Like a better comfort than his head pillow, craning his neck towards you to look at the schedule you had pulled up on your phone.

The day was becoming hazardous as most good con-days were. Trying not to stumble into people’s large wings, not getting caught by a loose dress layer to the escalator, having to send the quick and mistyped version of “where are you” after getting lost from going to different booths in the artist alley when you are across from each other, the change from cute heeled shoes to sneakers with memory foam insoles.

It was closing in on lunch when Leviathan’s “Oh My God! My Lover Looks So Cute When He’s Happy Enjoying What He Loves! In Character Q&A” Panel was about to begin, settling into the folding chairs set in neat rows not before clearing the forgotten water bottles left behind. There was about five minutes before the hour long panel would begin when Leviathan would flare up, blush hidden under concealer and setting powder but visible at his ears. Whipping out his phone in his ungloved hand and typing out a message haphazardly.

Clearly embarrassed when you leaned over, curious at recognizing your icon at the top of the bar, so flustered he had to backspace quite a bit to recover the text from the jumbled keysmash. And within the next minute it would have been unknown he was so shy, the message looking relatively chill. Maybe, even calm and collected.

Yet you had seen the nervous grip messing with his phone case, even the way he had folded his arms on his lap, making himself small as if someone had asked to share his seat.

[sent 11:39 am] MC, after the panel will you help take my photos?

Such a text that would lead you close to 1pm, being handed Leviathan’s phone in front of the park fountain near by. A shy smile held in return by the seriousness you gave to such an honoring role before swiping to his camera to bring focus to his first few poses. Lens and eyes behind it on him with the right amount of exposure, him becoming comfortable and confident to play his character more in your delightful company.

Tofu’s Birthday Event!


(technically still quite early by around 11 days but)

Hi!!! To celebrate I made two lists of prompts for you to chose from, please pick one for one character! You are allowed to send multiple requests and it is in fact encouraged! Rules are that there is no nsft and preferably no angst, you can pick brothers and datables as well as Bathym!

Edit: Word prompts will be used to inspire either a small imagine/drabble or some hcs! Similar to the actual scenario prompts but they will have more variety in situations.

Party Prompts!

  1. how they hold your hand
  2. soft kisses other than to your lips
  3. whispering in their ear
  4. just simping for you
  5. kissing them mid-sentence
  6. at a coffee shop
  7. hiding their face in your neck
  8. responses to receiving forehead kisses
  9. touching their elbow to get their attention
  10. late night visits
  11. kissing & wiping away tears
  12. hugging while walking
  13. brushing hands by accident
  14. flirting pre-relationship
  15. you kissing their injury “better”
  16. how they hug you
  17. giving a forehead kiss while youre asleep
  18. wiping away food from one’s lips
  19. legally required flower shop au
  20. sharing their clothes
  21. and they were roommates
  22. build ur own (your own prompt/word)

Cake & Gifts Prompts!

  1. pumpkin
  2. journaling
  3. rainy
  4. buttons
  5. fireflies
  6. pastels
  7. windmill
  8. boats
  9. strawberries
  10. smell
  11. fortune
  12. stream
  13. skyline
  14. drive-in
  15. bugs
  16. camera
  17. games
  18. bookmark
  19. healed
  20. neon
  21. popsicle
  22. shiny

As a reference for sending in reqs heres two examples ♡♡

19 for party with asmo

bugs with beelzebub
