#obey me levi x reader



Pairing: Levi x Gender Neutral Main Character

Content Warning: Levi has a meltdown over a fictional character dying, but nothing too serious!

Word Count:.6k+

Summary:The best part of introducing your demon boyfriend to your favorite human-world anime is knowing every twist and turn beforeLevi got the pleasure of seeing it. The worst part about it? Levi’s breakdown when his favorite heroine dies.

© 2021, takeaslicex. All Rights Reserved.

It was exactly 2:27am in the morning when Levi burst into tears. Of course, this was to be expected - when you had introduced Levi to one of your favorite human animes, “Help! My Dog ActuallyAte My Homework, And Now My Demon Teacher Is Out To Murder Me!”, and it only took about ten minutes of the first episode for him to get absolutely hooked. This was an anime you’ve already seen before - so naturally, you were already aware of every twist and turn that it had to offer - Levi, however, was completely left in the dark. The two of you had been bingeing it for the last few weeks, even well into the late night.

It was exactly 2:27am when Levi’s favorite heroine, Akito-san, bit the dust, and about half a second later, Levi began wailing like it was youwho had bit the dust.

Were you slightly twisted for anticipating this moment, since you already knew this was going to happen? Maybe. But it’s not like you could fix what’s already been done.

“NOOOOOOOOO! AKITO-SAN, WHY???????” Levi screamed, literally screamed. Damn to hell the embarrassment of getting so worked up over an anime in front of you of all people - because this is some serious shit! I mean, how could Akito-chan sacrifice herself to the Demon Teacher without a second thought like that, huh?!

Levi hugged his knees to his chest and watched the aftermath of her death unfold like it was the worst thing in his thousands of years alive that he’s ever witnessed. And it was oh so hard to hold back the smile forming at your lips, but at the same time, it really did crush you to see Levi so heartbroken.

“Oh, Levi,” you cooed, reaching out and rubbing his back in a calm and soothing manner. “You knew it was coming, didn’t you? They foreshadowed the hell out of that in the end, you know.”

“B-B-BUT…” Levi sniffled, his voice muffled through the sound of his tears and from his head being pressed into his knees. “I-It was… so obvious, that I didn’t think t-that they could ACTUALLY kill Miss Akito-chan! I-I…”

Queue even moreblabbering.

“Oh, MC… I can’t take it!” Levi’s next actions were almost so sudden that it caused you to jump, but what followed made you melt. Levi buried his head into your neck and continued to cry, dampening your shirt in the process, but you didn’t care. “How am I supposed to go on, huh?!”

You sighed, almost cringing at the thought of what you had to say next, but you knew it was what Levi would want to hear in these trying times. “Levi… honey… Akito-chan would wantyou to continue carrying on. She was the one who helped everyone accomplish their goals, and in the end, her sacrifice was so that everyone else’s fight could continue, right?”

“MC!” Levi hiccuped, considering your words. At that, he nuzzled deeper into your shoulder. “I… I suppose, but I still… *sniff*… don’t like it.”

“I know, honey,” you smiled, kissing the top of his head. Levi couldn’t help but be thankful that you didn’t see his blush just then, even as he continued to cry. “Just let it all out.”

As Levi began to cry, mourning the death of his second favorite anime heroine (because let’s face it, absolutely nobodycompares to Ruri-chan), feeling protected and comforted as he cried into your neck… an incredibly pissed off and already sleep-deprived enough Lucifer, who was woken up by Levi’s blood-curdling scream, was making a beeline right for his room.

Soon enough, the otaku would have a whole other reason to cry.

Heat/Rut with the Brothers

Okay, since I’m a sucker for this kind of headcanon. I might as well pitch in this :D

Note: So first off, this affects MC/Reader as well. Since pheromones/scent does alter others behavior hence (Behavior-altering agent) Plus it serves as aphrodisiac.

That being said this all consensual from both party.

And Their state of heat/rut change depends on if they have a mate or not. And this all with GN!MC

Warning:Talk of sex, heavily implied, mention of being fucked! (But no actual smut), Some prick comments in Belphie’s part.

(Minor DNI)


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial, Pain, and Tired.

Since he is the most dominant in the whole house, Lucifer develops an instinct to keep his rank as head of the household hence his sudden instinct to keep his guard or threaten any of his brothers if they suddenly grow some guts and start fighting him.

One time Mammon did and challenged Lucifer since he heard that demon being in heat/rut makes said demon weaker. Though he shouldn’t listen to Levi about those sorts of things. Because when he surprised Lucifer. Lucifer almost killed him, but managed to destroy the whole living room.

When he’s not on guard, he usually stays in his study or his room and waits it out, without anything to keep his mind busy. Yes, even doing paperwork doesn’t cut it. He endured the pain of his heat/rut losing his control of shifting forcing him to stay in his demon form during the whole, feeling that his whole body is on fire. His groans of pain made it seem like he was dying, which worried Mammon and Satan at times. Though they made sure that no one knows their worry.

The morning after his heat/rut Lucifer went back to his usual self as if the whole ordeal never happened.


Days lasted: 2 to 3 days

State: Affection, Aggressive, Clingy, and Needy 

It all starts when you start clinging to him like a baby Koala. At first he loves it but when he realizes that you are being affected by something. He quickly tried to look for the cause of it. Then he felt it, his whole start to heat up within. He knows this feeling and he is not happy about it.

You cry when he tells you that he needs space from you for the next couple of days. Then you just cry harder and tell him that he doesn’t love you anymore which is further from the truth.

But you stop crying and get up to leave, something within Lucifer snaps. He can’t let you leave.

He quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you into his embrace, he leans his nose on your hair and takes a deep breath taking in your scent. Then he let out a low growl.

Soon enough you start to feel warm, wrapping your arms around his torso. You look into his eyes with lustful eyes.

Let’s just say, Lucifer took that as a sign. He quickly swoops you up and rushes to his room. As he passes some of his brothers by the halls. He sent them a death glare warning them to not get near him or you.

Once in his room, he plops you on his bed and locks the door behind him.

With no warning, he shifts to his demon form and stalks toward you as he strips out of his clothes. Meanwhile you made quick work and stripped down while still laying down on his bed.

You two went at each other, sloppy kissing, biting, clawing each other though he had to be careful on his part not wanting to hurt you too badly.

After a day, his whole demeanor changes, this time he’s the one who’s needy. And pour out his fear of losing you or you might not want to see him after this.

You reassure him that you don’t see him any differently and that you aren’t going anywhere.

For the next couple of days you two switch a couple of times. By the end of his cycle, you two are holding each other. You sniggling your face into his chest and Lucifer snuggling his face to your hair breathing in your scent.

Yeah when the you of two did wake up with an awkward tension in the air, not really remember the whole thing, only bits of memory.

Though you smile and tell him that you remember him telling you about his fear, and that you meant what you said.

He smiles back and leans forward for a passionate kiss. However, he tells you that whatever happens in this room stays in this room. You giggle and hug him, which he returns along with his wings.


No Mate

Days lasted: 5 to 7 days

State: Frustrated, Shy, and Moody

All his self-confidence or his boasting persona all goes out the window. Where he kinda speaks in his defense whenever his brothers pick on him. The first sign of him was going into his heat/rut. He becomes more shy and moody, avoiding his brothers at all times. 

Most of his brothers ignore him, but something with Levi and Asmo makes them want to tease Mammon while he was in his heat/rut.

Lucifer or even Beel had to step in and drag the two brothers away from Mammon.

Poor Mammon had to ask Belphie if he could use the attic during the whole thing. Belphie felt pity on his brother and gave him full access to the attic.

Mammon moved quickly and took all the things that were important to his brother out of the room into the hall outside and immediately locked himself up. There he instantly shifts into his demon and lets out a roar.

All with him in the room is a mattress which after an hour being in the room. He ripped it to sheds and made his nest.

All he can do is lay on his makeshift nest, pace around the room, or just claw the walls of the room. He is irritated in his own skin, like he just wants to rip it off of him.

This was Mammon’s hell week, and prayed that he would survive to his father. Though that sentiment quickly vanishes once his cycle is done. He kicked himself for being a baby with the whole thing.


Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Needy, Possessive, and Confident  

He was in cloud nine, sure he still stole and was a con man, but he never thought to have someone to love and be loved by. He completely forgot that he goes through something that will definitely be a deal breaker for your relationship.

It was not until one day, he came back from a night in the casino when he saw gifts at his doorway. At first he suspects Levi, but when he picks up the gift off the floor, he immediately smells your scent on the gift.

He has a smug grin on his face as he looks at the little present you left for him. 

The next morning however things just became more tense… well for his brothers at least. Because the moment he walks in the dining room. He glared at Asmo for being near you. Though he didn’t have to do anything, all because you move away from his brother and jump on to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck.

He was confused with your sudden action, but that soon faded when he started sniffing you top to bottom which made you giggle.

But he was least happy to find out that Levi, Asmo and Beel’s scent is all over you.

Some say looks can be as powerful as physical action can ever do. Mammon’s displeased face sends shivers down Levi, Asmo and Beel.

With one quick, low but deep growl Mammon hoists you up and quickly carries you back to his room.

He kicks the down open and jumps towards his bed, he plops you on it and quickly makes his way back up the stairs to close and lock it. The sound of the lock clicking snapped him out of his out of character state. Then it hit him, this strange feeling he has… his in heat/rut! 

He internally panic and frantically look around, while trying to think a way to explain to you what’s happening and also talk his way out of this fuck session he got himself in.

But he immediately froze when you suddenly appeared behind him and wrapped your arms around him and started kissing his neck even so far as making a quick nibble on it.

You told him that you might be a bit horny, but you are in a sane mind. But the kicker was during your mumbling he heard you say that you are his.

Mammon insteadly shifts into his demon form, turns around, grabs you, tosses you over his shoulder and makes his way back to his bed.

Say goodbye to your clothes, while he had to strip out of his (damn demon clothes being too tough to rip). Once fully naked he pounc on top of you and starts assaulting your poor face, neck, and chest with love kissing and bites along with claw marks.

The flustered Mammon you know him by is nowhere to be seen, the avatar of greed is your partner for the next couple of days. Taking some breaks, but Mammon made sure that you can be heard throughout the house.

In the morning after his cycle, Mammon reverted back to his tsundere but needy state. Snuggling close to your side and mumbling repeatedly that he loves you.

You sigh and just keep stroking his hair and tell him over and over again that you know and that you love him too.


No Mate

Days lasted: 4 to 6 days

State: Petty, In-pain, and Whiny

Levi intentionally made sure that his brothers knew that he was in heat/rut. If he was going through this, you bet your ass that he’ll make his brothers suffer with him.

He cries of pain goes through that house and 

He doesn’t have to worry about locking himself up since he’s already doing it. He is petty and kinda sadistic, because the moment Mammon and Asmo start complaining he quickly acts like he was in so much pain. Well it’s true but hearing Lucifer scolding both Mammon and Asmo for making Levi feel worse is music to his ears. However that small pleasure didn’t stop the pain making his ordeal any less bearable.

He had to move Henry to a fish bowl so he could be in the aquarium. That way he doesn’t have to move his precious collection on one side of his room.

Once Henry is out, Levi immediately jumps on his tank and shifts into his demon form where there he floats in the middle holding himself trying to indor the pain for the next couple of days. With the occasional thrasting to the side of the wall when he can’t bear the pain.

It was Lucifer, Satan or Beel’s job to check on Levi, they know when his cycle is over. Because this whole ordeal leaves Levi to pass out his tank by the end.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial, and Horny

It all started with small things for you at least, you start to crave Levi’s touch and want to be as close as possible to your demon boyfriend.

To you Levi did no wrong in your eyes, so you turn away whenever Levi starts to be more aggressive to his brothers, even Lucifer. In fact Lucifer got the worst out of this, everytime Levi sees Lucifer he hiss and growls at Lucifer. When things were about to turn nasty you step in and pull Levi away from Lucifer, though you didn’t see Levi flipping Lucifer off. (Lucifer will remember that…)

You sat in his tub/bed while Levi took his frustration on a game that was meant to rage someone. You know those games.

You start to doze off even with the constant spewing curses from Levi to the screen.

Then you hear something break which wakes you up from your short nap.

You look over and gasps to see Levi in his demon form panting heavily in front of his now destroyed monitors.

You slowly got out of the tub and made your way to Levi. you grab his arm and start rubbing it to sooth him.

He looks at you with a mixture of love, but also sadness. But you and him just stare into each other’s eyes. Both in some sort of trances as the two of you start to feel warm and aroused.

And just like a strike of lightning. You two quickly move and lock lips, you wrapping both arms and legs on Levi as he walks you two to his tank.

He leaps over and jumps into the water, with no disregard to your clothes and your D.D.D in your pocket. Though you didn’t have to worry, Levi moved quickly and ripped your clothes while still locking lips with you.

As you frustratedly strip him down (you curse whoever design his demon clothes)

Once the two of you are completely naked, Levi starts wracking you as you are pinned to the glass wall of the tank, with arms wrapped around his neck and head.

Yes, he does use his tail at some point during the whole experience.

But by the time the whole cycle is over, Levi holds you close to him burying his face in your shoulder, mumbling apology after apology. But you giggle and stork his head and back and say that you loved every minute of it but you told him Henry is the one he should be apologizing to. The poor baby was in the tank the entire time.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 5 days

State: Angry, just anger, if you value your life. Stay the hell away from him.

Lucifer and his brothers ask Diavolo to stay in the castle for the next couple of days. The prince doesn’t need further explanation seeing that Satan is missing from the group.

Meanwhile Satan starts destroying everything in the house, everything that Lucifer didn’t have time to put in some sort of enchantment to protect from Satan’s wrath.

Satan reverts back to his primal instinct and marks everything with his flame and claw marks.

None of the brothers dare to go back to the house, even just setting foot at front yard triggers Satan to go and check who is stupid enough to his territory.

Lucifer had to work to shoo all demons who caught whiff of Satan’s scent and put them under his pheromone of attraction.

After five days the brothers return to a destroyed house with Satan calmly seating in the living as if nothing has happened.


Days lasted: 2 to 4 days

State: Needy, Affectionate, and Possessive.

You could’ve swore that Satan just became a cat. For whatever reason, he was clinging to you at all times one day. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck when no one is looking. He asks for you to stroke and pat his hair at times. 

You can chug it off with maybe he got himself cursed again in an attempt to prank Lucifer again. But all that was thrown out of the window and Belphie and Asmo ask Satan to quickly lock himself up in his room before it was too late. Even though you don’t have the full context, seeing his brothers yelling at him set something off within you. You scold both demons and drag Satan back to your room ignoring Belphie calling you.

You sat on the edge of the bed, while Satan sat on your chair by the desk. After a couple of minutes you managed to get a clear head. You ask Satan why is acting like this?

And he just flat out said that he was in heat/rut. But this was different.

As he talks, you look at him really taking the idea that he was in heat/rut. Your face starts to heat up and you slowly get up and walk towards Satan.

Without any warning, you press your lips into Satan’s. The passion turns aggressive real fast as you drag Satan to your bed. 

You pin him down, straddle on his hips.you reach down and comb his hair with your fingers. He leans further into your touch. Eventually he shifted to his demon and you began to strip him off from his horrible demon clothes internally cheering that you got him off those awful clothes.

There you two went at it, with you assaulting every inch of his body. He tells you that you’re doing a wonderful job as he holds you.

Two days later, Beel knocks on your door asking if you and Satan are okay?

You know how you end up on the bed, or when you and Satan switch. Before you can respond to Beel. Satan who was right above you, growls at the door holding you tight.

Also, you completely forgot that you and Satan are still… Connected.

Soon Satan growls, Beel immediately backs away and runs as far from your room as possible. 

Once Beel is gone, Satan comes back to you with a smirk, before quickly leaning down and starts kissing you aggressively. Still feeling his passion you wholeheartedly wrap your arms around him, drawing your body close to his.

The next thing you remember was after the whole thing. Your back against your headboard and down to your side is Satan snung to your side, sound asleep.

You smile and move back down to lay next to your demon.


No Mate

Days lasted: 5 to 8 days

State: Needy, Whiny and Petty

Oh Asmo, this would’ve been easy for him. But ever since Lucifer ban him from bringing strangers to the house which leads into a full grown orgy. Asmo made it his mission to make his brothers feel his pain.

He moans and groans at night, and he whines in the day. At some point Mammon and Belphie agree to kill Asmo.

Lucifer was one step ahead of them and locked Asmo in his room with a note saying that he’ll let him out if he stops this petty game while he was in heat/rut.

Asmo whines but all it does is tiring him out for the day. At night when everyone else catches up with their sleep. Asmo took this opportunity to call Solomon and tell him to come quickly. He made it sound like he was in trouble.

Solomon immediately appears in Asmo’s room. Asmo is lying on his side wearing only a robe. The second Solomon notices what’s going on. He gave Asmo one close eye smile and quickly teleported out of there, leaving Asmo to cry.

Once Asmo’s cycle was over, he kept annoying his brothers, especially Lucifer for treating him badly.


Days lasted: 4 to 6 days

State: Feral, Territorial, and Horny ‘Of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

One morning you felt like you’re under the weather, all you can think is Asmo and that how badly you need him. You didn’t even use your D.D.D. you just call out to him as you curl up in your bed as tears start to fall from your eyes.

While you are in your room in agony. Out in the hall, All six brothers try their best to subdue a crazed Asmo who all of a sudden shifts to his demon form and starts mauling through his brothers.

After managing to slip through Lucifer and Beel, he rushes to your room.

He makes his way towards you, picks you up and carries you out of the house and in the woods.

He found a cave perfect to keep you safe, he let you lay there as he prepared everything he needed for you and him.

He quickly made a nest and gathered food and water for the two of you.

As soon as he has everything, he carries you to the nest and the fun really begins.

He made quick work of your clothes and his. Then he hovers on top of you and starts kissing and nibbling your whole body. Once he feels you around him that is when he truly is feral.

Three days after Asmo kidnaps you, the brothers never thought that Asmo would bring you to the woods.

Oh they should’ve left you two alone. Poor Beel. he was the first one to find that cave.

He quickly ran towards the cave when he heard you scream. 

The other brothers soon found the cave with Beel standing next to the entryway his face hid behind his knees.

Mammon quickly rushes inside the cave while the other brothers ask Beel what he saw, soon they see Mammon come running out the cave as they hear Asmo roaring.

At that point they decide to come back when Asmo’s cycle is over.

By the time it was over, the brothers went back to the cave where they saw you and Asmo curl up together. Both of your bodies are covered in leaves.

Asmo senses his brother’s presence. He looks up with a smirk on his face and tells them that you two need a minute because under the leaves you and him are still connected.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: In-pain, Irritated and Tired 

Poor baby, Beel has the worst time with his heat/rut.

The moment he feels that he can’t lift his body up is a sign that he’s in heat/rut.

Belphie did whatever it takes to make this whole ordeal somewhat bearable for Beel. Even if he kinda feels his pain. He just wanted to help his twin.

All Belphie can do is pat Beel’s back as he groans in pain into his pillow. As his body starts to heat up. In the middle of his cycle, Belphie had to leave Beel due to his scent being the stage where it wore off other demon males who weren’t looking to mate with him.

Because Beel without even trying is intimidating to others. 

Now Beel all alone moans and groans in pain as his wings send off an annoying buzzing noise that affects his brothers making them want to challenge Beel to show him that they can take him down. But hold off and keep their own instinct at bay.

As soon as his cycle was over, Beel came out of his room with a calm expression as if nothing had happened.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial and Affectionate

One afternoon you suddenly have a sudden urge to cook a full course meal. As you cook in the kitchen Beel never got out of bed this morning which worried Belphie.

Belphie left you in that kitchen as he made his way to his and Beel’s room. Suddenly the door burst open surprising Belphie, he saw Beel step out in his demon form half naked!

Satan rushes to the scene once he hears that crush outside his room. He immediately met with a hand to the face, Beel hoist Satan up and tossed him towards Belphie.

The two cower in the corner of the hall as Beel slowly approaches them with such anger on his face. But as soon as you appear in line of sight, he completely forgets and ignores his brothers.

You just want to know what was causing all that noise, before you know it. Beel quickly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as the two of you make your way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He kicked the door open steps inside the kitchen before kicking the door behind him. He sets you on the counter as he locks all the doors and windows of the kitchen.

He pulls a chair next to the counter right in front of you. He was in between your legs which were dangling over the edge of the counter. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, resting his cheek on your lap nuzzling it. Then he looked up to meet your eyes, he spoke with those, like it was telling you to feed him. 

So you did. You reach out for the nearest dish you made and start feeding Beel. you even bent over and gave him a quick peck on his lips.

Feed, kiss or head pat, repeat. Until all the food you cooked up is all gone. You pout at him and tell him it’s all gone. But Beel isn’t satisfied, he kicks that chair away and pushes all the dishes, tray and pots off the counter before pinning you on the counter. 

Then he moves down and starts kissing you all over with a couple of nibbles and scratches on your skin. At this point he ripped your clothes off of you and Beel stripped out of his. And the two go at it.

A day after, none of the brothers manage to unlock the kitchen door. As Mammon bangs on the door while calling out to Beel to let them get something to eat.

The throw opens revealing a piss off naked Beel well naked but he most of his front is covered by you clinging on to him with your whole ass in full display for the brothers.

None of them said anything as he stared blankly at the fact that they see you panting heavily, your arms wrapped around Beel’s neck as your leg around his waist.

With one loud and booming roar at his brothers, Beel quickly shut the door and returned to whatever he was doing to you.

Once his cycle is over, Beel doesn’t care that he is walking out of the kitchen naked. He wants to take you back to his room to take care of you. 

You poor thing pass out. Though you don’t regret anything you and Beel did. You just feel sorry for Beel. Lucifer forces him to replace every two destroyed in the kitchen.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Whiny, Moody, and Irritated

All the brothers are so happy that the twins’ cycles are not in sync. Otherwise they had to deal with Beel bedredden while Belphie is walking around the house being a bitch to everybody.

Most if not all ticked him off.

Mammon just walking in front of him, he’ll say that he’s better off with witches since his whoring himself off to them for cash.

Levi is just sitting, he’ll tell his brother he means nothing to the company that owns the shows he watches and they’ll just move and change things just to please the normies he hates for an easy buck.

Asmo cooks in the kitchen, he’ll tell him that he will never truly be loved because the moment he does something to displease his fans they’ll move on to the next big demon and forget about him in a second.

Satan reading, he’ll say that half of the animal rescue videos he watches all stage because they know that those videos get the most views.

Lucifer just glanced at him. He yells at his brother at the fact that he just replace his oath with their father with Diavolo and that he will never be truly be free and that Diavolo is more worst since he takes every advance he can get to use his oath with Lucifer while the latter just sit there and take it.

That Last part causes Belphie to be locked up in the attic (this before the event of the main story) and Lucifer tells him that he will get out once his cycle is over.

However, that doesn’t stop Belphie from whining all night. Because he doesn’t have anything to distract his internal pain. All he can feel is that his whole body is on fire.

Lucifer and Beel personally go to him once his cycle is over, there they see Belphie sound asleep on the floor buttass naked.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Needy, Horny and Affectionate

Okay, You know Belphie is clingy but this is going a bit too far… but you can’t help but to encourage him. For whatever strange reason you just want to be as close to Belphie as possible as much he does to you.

In fact you listen to him and sleep in and skip class with him for the day. Little do you know Belphie is not planning on you two leaving his room.

Because the moment you woke up to go and use the bathroom. You saw Belphie had moved both his bed and Beel’s in the middle of the room. Push together to make one big bed.

But you ignored it and did your business, and when you came back you saw Belphie lying across the bed in his demon form and naked. His face and neck are all red from the heat he is feeling right now.

He calls out you, telling you that he did all this work and you still haven’t fucked him already. You want to hell you are under his hypnotic scent seeing him like this awaken something within you. The drive to please him.

You slowly walk towards him as you start to strip out of your clothes, climb on to bed and on to Belphie hovering over him as his tail brush against your legs then you start kissing him all over. As your body starts to feel warm inside.

Soon enough the two of you went at it, your moans and groans reaching out to the halls giving away to the others that Belphie is in heat/rut. 

Beel had to bunk in with Mammon since he doesn’t have a place to sleep. However none of the other brothers get much sleep to begin with.

But once the noise from the twins room dies down, all the brothers cheer before passing out from the lack of sleep.

Meanwhile you try to slip out of Belphie’s iron grip as he mutters that you don’t have to leave just yet, you just gave up and crawl back to bed and snuggle against Belphie. 

Lucifer is right, you baby him too much.



Okay at some point writing this, I hesitant to make this full blow smut, however I’m still not confident on my writing skill in smut (Plus I’m just going to post it on Ao3 because I want to keep this as 15 to 16+ aka PG13 XD) I just implied that Sex did happened during all of this.

If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or rebloging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3

“Camera” with Leviathan

summary:[sent 11:39 am] MC, after the panel will you help take my photos?

from this prompt list

You and Leviathan have been preparing for this weekend, it was a smaller convention in its first few years of activity. It was also, in the human world. Not one of the Devildom convention centers that Leviathan was used to, doubling the nerves as well as the excitement jitters as the transport bus pulled from the parking lot to the actual convention hall.

Binging anime series, games, and translated mangas that hadn’t been “properly” released yet on somewhat worrying websites, had been replaced for the two weeks prior to this very outing. Instead, Leviathan would watch any convlog you found acceptable. From old ones from years back of when you first gained the interest to ones of this convention specifically. It was soothing to him, to know the similarities in how humans acted compared to demons and the basic lay out of the vendor’s hall to the makeshift arcade room.

As much as it was helpful, it was also enthralling, having trusted your judgement before his own was a wonderful and perhaps even pogdecision. He loved the different accents, the regional dialects and slang, the reaction of seeing someone’s hero, the voice actors in character to cosplayer, the memes that the human fanbase had picked up instead, and especially how many people actually dressed up rather than going casually.

Of course he was going to wear one of his comfort cosplays to his first human anime convention with you that was already law, written in stone really. Though it was, nevertheless, comforting.

The rest of the bus was filled with people similar to himself and you, yet entirely different from the archetype of the character to the franchise company as a whole but it was never close to full of hate or questionable quip’s at Leviathan’s attire. When he had actually gotten compliments other than your own before even stepping foot to the badge line.

It was something surprising to him especially when his pose had been so stiff, freshly available after having stretched his legs from the cramped condition of the car and how his charms had dug into his side from the seatbelt. Leviathan was already in his habitat despite the clear change from Devildom’s hellish humidity to the chill of the automobile insides.

His shoulders were loose, not as tense as normal, yet still huddled close to you like a lifeline.

Like a better comfort than his head pillow, craning his neck towards you to look at the schedule you had pulled up on your phone.

The day was becoming hazardous as most good con-days were. Trying not to stumble into people’s large wings, not getting caught by a loose dress layer to the escalator, having to send the quick and mistyped version of “where are you” after getting lost from going to different booths in the artist alley when you are across from each other, the change from cute heeled shoes to sneakers with memory foam insoles.

It was closing in on lunch when Leviathan’s “Oh My God! My Lover Looks So Cute When He’s Happy Enjoying What He Loves! In Character Q&A” Panel was about to begin, settling into the folding chairs set in neat rows not before clearing the forgotten water bottles left behind. There was about five minutes before the hour long panel would begin when Leviathan would flare up, blush hidden under concealer and setting powder but visible at his ears. Whipping out his phone in his ungloved hand and typing out a message haphazardly.

Clearly embarrassed when you leaned over, curious at recognizing your icon at the top of the bar, so flustered he had to backspace quite a bit to recover the text from the jumbled keysmash. And within the next minute it would have been unknown he was so shy, the message looking relatively chill. Maybe, even calm and collected.

Yet you had seen the nervous grip messing with his phone case, even the way he had folded his arms on his lap, making himself small as if someone had asked to share his seat.

[sent 11:39 am] MC, after the panel will you help take my photos?

Such a text that would lead you close to 1pm, being handed Leviathan’s phone in front of the park fountain near by. A shy smile held in return by the seriousness you gave to such an honoring role before swiping to his camera to bring focus to his first few poses. Lens and eyes behind it on him with the right amount of exposure, him becoming comfortable and confident to play his character more in your delightful company.
