#toh s2 ep8


Excuse me-

What was this episode???!!? I’ve never had such a clusterfuk of emotions before!!!

I was not ready for a sad, happy, angsty combo. I almost died.

Firstly Hooty is Mvp

Next. I thought seeing King upset about his dad was gonna be the saddest part of this episode… Ha

I was wrong- the stuff with Eda was much worse.

We got to see her dad. At first I was like oh yeah… Then I was like oh no.

Ay least it can’t get any worse

Ha right? Wrong!!! Did you ask for a Raeda break up scene because I sure didn’t. And I still don’t, take it back! I hate it. It hurts.

I was sure it was gonna be just a sad angsty episode but then… We get harpie Eda. Also king has powers. And im like wait that’s awesome!!!

Then we get a bunch of Lumity angst and im of course crying with Hooty.

But then the greatest thing happens

It’s canon!!! Omg we won!!!

I can’t breath-

And then we get this cliff hanger…

I can’t handle the emotional whiplash.

Im tired.
