

Everyday was a blast, and it usually involved John [Barrowman] and, you know, some other part of John. His bum or … something else! But it was always fun.

Torchwood Cast Q&AwithKai Owen (Rhys Williams) (x)

More Torchwood Cast Interviews here

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send me asks besties

I’m going to be writing multifandom one shots weekly so please send me asks of one shots to write.

Rules :

No heavy smut

Fandoms must be in the list ( the hunger games, marvel, dc, Harry Potter, pjo , hoo, toa, magnus chase, kane Chronicles, doctor who, any and all star wars content including legends, narnia, squid game, Reign, Brooklyn 99, Bojack Horseman, Miraculous, The grishaverse, the Selection, The shadowhunters universe,  Young Royals and Twilight. )

No non conseual acts or large age gaps.

If you want me to write about a fandom not listed please pm me and i might get into the retrospective media and add it to my list:)))


in three days, Torchwood is going to be TEN YEARS OLD? WTF.
it’s incredible that a show that impacted my life so much felt like such a long time ago but also doesn’t? if we exclude the shite season, then the show ended over SEVEN YEARS AGO? I know it’s still continued through audio plays and, now, comics, but it isn’t really the same? how can a show and a couple in it, still affect me after all this time?
I had a dream about Jack and Ianto the other night. I don’t even remember what happened. all I remember is that they told each other that they loved one another. and it felt right and normal.
we never had that in video form. we only ever heard the audio of them expressing their love for one another. they were such a damn tragedy and they still affect me to this day. i wonder what 13 year old me would think if they knew this. that this little sci-fi show that was ahead of its time, would still have such a huge impact.. not just on me, but all the fans too. it only had 41 episodes (10 of those we don’t talk about because the Americans bastardised everything we loved and knew) and that little unassuming gay couple only existed for 30 of those episodes.
it’s strange to think that people talk of shows normalising gay couples when there was a show called Torchwood that had every single main character express/explore their sexuality that wasn’t just heterosexual. no one ever uttered a word against it in the show. no one cared that the main character was in a gay relationship with one of his male employees. for once there was no queer baiting.
yeah, a lot of their relationship was through looks, body language and the way they spoke to, around and about each other… but this was 2006-2009. shows like glee didn’t exist yet. they only had 6 kisses in the show. 4 proper kisses as 2 of those are debatable. but this was our ship. our representation.
its funny because the Torchwood fandom is still very much alive. Torchwood conventions still exist. the cast still love the show and the fandom. John and Gareth still have a deep respect and friendship for/with one another.
and that is wonderful.
I really do hope that one day the show is brought back. (especially if they somehow bring back at least Ianto, if not the entire old team)
these audio plays are incredible and I can’t thank Big Finish enough.. but it really isn’t the same.
Torchwood was my life. my saviour. i was devastated when S3 happened. I have met John and Gareth in the past few years and I can not describe how incredible and emotional that was to meet two people who have impacted my life so.
thank you Torchwood. thank you the BBC. thank you the Torchwood fandom. thank you Captain Jack and Ianto. thank you John, Gareth, Eve, Naoko, Burn, Kai and everyone else who was apart of the cast. thank you.



That last scene from Jack’s point of view. - 2,041 words

Read it on ao3.

A/N unbeta’d because i know no-one in the torchwood fandom now lol

Jack looked down at his watch and let out a deep sigh. It had been ten minutes. “Time’s up,” he murmured, turning over the engine. 

Keep reading


a moment of silence for all those poor janto fans who have never listened to ‘The Dead Line’, ‘The House of the Dead’ or ‘Broken’ …

you poor poor souls

I’m destroying myself with all of these parallels that I keep on thinking up between Janto and Malec. I don’t need to cry, please. Some are cute but most are angsty Q.Q


So in Torchwood: Miracle Day, we see that a group called “the Family”, including members called “the Cousin” and “the Mother”, cause all of humanity to become immortal by pouring Jack’s biodata into a mysterious crack running through the center of the Earth. I’m not saying it’s Faction Paradox messing around with Earth’s caldera - how could I? We see that the Family are just regular old humans! Though, come to think of it, Big Finish’s Torchwood audios do say that the Family was being controlled by a mysterious groups of aliens …

In fact, per The Torchwood Archive, the mysterious alien Committee controlling the Families later created a force capable of possession – a force which defeated its creators and waged a war against humanity, who forgot its name and called it only “The Enemy”.

Am I being pranked by James Goss?
