#total drama



So I’ve uhhhh been binging a ton of Total Drama and long story short I’m so sorry.

(But I’m also losing my shit at these)

I was binge watching 3 seasons of TD a few months ago and I didn’t get to draw at least one of my faves till now; anyways she was the moment ✨

Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 5: Kazuichi SodaBio: The most paranoid in the group. He specializ

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 5: Kazuichi Soda

Bio: The most paranoid in the group. He specializes in mechanics and innovating any existing device with just about anything laying around. So he’s capable of creating any high performing tools or even vehicles with little resources at his disposal, thus making him a huge supportive foundation for his team. Despite his juvenile appearance he is easily frightened and panics often over the most arbitrary things, on top of that he is distrustful of others with very little evidence to support his reasonings. Though, he can also get over things just as quickly (only with certain people) and cling onto them like they are his soul mates (or at least something similar to that regard). When it comes to affection/love he is normally timid and shy, but when he sets his eye on someone he becomes desperate and do any embarrassing/demeaning action for even a fraction of a second of attention from them. His reasoning for love are questionable and shallow when asked as his only criteria is their appearance and nothing else, issues/conflict with their personality, hobbies, or interest are of no concerns to him

Goal: Conflicted on what to use the prize for. (Plan A) Use the prize to renovate his family’s failing bike shop and then later purchase the best materials/resources to build dozens of rockets that he has always dreamed of. (Plan B) Use the prize to move to the Kingdom of Novoselic, propose to Sonia with the biggest diamond ring he can buy, and live happily ever after.
(SPOILERS*): Plan B will never work for OBVIOUS reasons (-3-)

Coming up next: The cold, the silent, the deadly…and the Fluffiness!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 3: Byakuya Togami(?)Bio(?): The most influential in the group. He

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 3: Byakuya Togami(?)

Bio(?): The most influential in the group. He specializes in leadership, finances, and corporate business. Therefore, has strong points/experience in guiding team members in clear directions, organizing their actions, and rallying them towards a common goal. At most times, he’s seen to be cold and self-centered by others from the way he talks about people and himself, but has shown to be genuinely dependable and supportive towards everyone on the island. Though he’s prestigious and dignified, he can be absolutely savage and a complete glutton when it comes to all manners of food, showing no mercy and have very little regards towards the opinion of others about the matter.

Goal(?): The prize is mere chump change for the homeless to him, entering and winning the survival game is a practice test that would help him prepare for his real battle against his siblings in order to inherit the Togami throne and become the rightful owner of all the family’s resources/wealth.

Bio(Real): The most unknown in the group. Being born a nameless orphan with no background or identity, he specializes in mimicking, disguising, and replicating others. It’s at the level where despite his size and physique, he can easily convince the masses that he’s the actual person that he’s impersonating. Though he has complete low self-esteem and low regards for himself, the same cannot be said on how he views everyone else as he’s constantly caring, friendly, and supportive of all people, despite the personas he puts on. His love for food will never change no matter the disguise, as mentioned before.

Goal(Real): Hired by the real Byakuya Togami to be his stand in as he was too preoccupied with other matters concerning his businesses and family status. He’s being paid a large sum just by participating in the game, and winning the prize will just be given to him as a bonus. But the imposter only really agreed to this in hopes of learning on how to better and improve himself as a real person once he’s surrounded by such remarkable people on the island.

Coming up next: The cowardly SIMP!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 6: Teruteru HanamuraBio: The most perverted in the group. He spec

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 6: Teruteru Hanamura

Bio: The most perverted in the group. He specializes in cooking and a vast knowledge of ingredients/recipes in different parts of the world. So he’s capable of both creating nutritious meals that can energize/vitalize his teammates and recognize raw ingredients in the wild that are possibly beneficial or harmful to others. At times he can be upbeat and friendly, but he’s mostly perverted and talks in innuendos towards both the men and women on the island. Despite his more urban/southern history, he desperately tries to be portrayed as a more elegant and sophisticated professional with a big city vibe to him. However his bumpkin nature will come out in a rage if anyone dares to waste/insults his food, mess around in the kitchen, misuse ingredients, or anyone that dares to eat junk-food in front of him.

Goal: First use the prize to pay for his sick mother’s treatment and hire a caretaker for her. Then after using his fame from his appearance on the show, he can use the rest of the prize to revitalize his old family diner into a major food chain across the world in order to achieve more fame and fortune.

Coming up next: The master of “Among Us”!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 12: Hiyoko SaionjiBio: The most manipulative in the group. She&rs

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 12: Hiyoko Saionji

Bio: The most manipulative in the group. She’s a veteran in “fake” crying to guilt others and an expert in soothing traditional dancing in order to distract/calm aggressive behavior, thus she’s forgiven for most of her heinous actions and able guide others into self-destructive turmoil. She is generally very spoiled and sadistic in her behavior, but is careful enough to hide all her negative attribute behind an innocent and clean act. Though when confronted aggressively enough and all her tricks fail, she will honestly behave more like a child and truly reflect on her actions.

Goal: The prize is an afterthought, Hiyoko’s only desire is to be on tv and be seen throughout the whole world. Ever since being taken away by her strict family on her mothers’s side, she has very little memories of her father and have no knowledge of his whereabouts. Thus she takes advantage of the show’s worldwide broadcast and dances every chance she gets because the fondest memory she had was when she was performing for her father and had fun together. So when she’s performing live, she’s stating that she’s fine and she still loves him, wherever he is.

Coming up next: The questionable pervy coo-I mean chef!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 8: Fuyuhiko KuzuryuuBio: The most short-tempered in the group. He

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 8: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu

Bio: The most short-tempered in the group. He specializes in threats and his own willpower, thus he’s capable of interrogating for information and confronting any dangerous task with little concerns of his own safety. He is normally very aggressive and blatantly rude to everyone, but will immediately lower his head and try any attempt to redeem himself if he feels any amount of shame or dishonor has been done in his actions. Though he tries to be portrayed as very distant and cold-hearted, in actuality he secretly desires kinship with everyone around him and craves for “things” that may threaten his tough/dangerous reputation.

Goal: Entering the show and winning the prize will prove to everyone that he is capable of earning achievements without any aid/connections to his “family”.

Coming up next: The spoiled brat dancer!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 15: Ibuki MiodaBio: The most hyperactive/upbeat in the group. She

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 15: Ibuki Mioda

Bio: The most hyperactive/upbeat in the group. She specializes costume-making, music, and having enhanced hearing, thus gives her great advantages over challenges related to entertainment and eavesdropping/spying on other competitors with ease. She is generally very energetic and out of control to a point where others sometimes sees her as a liability or a hindrance, but in actuality she keeps moral high and ease tension with her presence. Although she drags anyone around with her crazy antics and bizarre behavior, she’ll display wisdom and empathy to those in need.

Goal: Use the prize to help startup her new band and prove to her ex-band members, “Black Cherry”, that she can still be a musician that can be proud of the music she wants to plays rather the ones that are requested or pressured.

Coming up next: The big bad Baby Gangsta himself!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 11: Sonia NevermindBio: The most curious in the group. She specia

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 11: Sonia Nevermind

Bio: The most curious in the group. She specializes in economics, politics, and cultural events, therefore makes her a major asset when it comes to challenges more in lined with academics. She also has the capabilities of organizing and commanding others in unity when there is an absence of leadership present. She has the tendencies of acting proper and formal in order to maintain the prestige of royalty, but her facade immediately drops when surrounded by friends. She is very outspoken and honest, even more so when she uses outdated slang or speak out for her love of horror in attempts to desperately fit in. Sonia is often gullible, kind, and gentle to everyone, but will stand strong and fight back anyone that underestimates her, especially those who only sees her as a princess.

Goal: Not prioritizing in the prize, the bigger goal assigned to Sonia was to gain traction through the world-wide broadcasts of the show and study the practices of other societies for the future development in the Kingdom of Novoselic. But secretly Sonia’s real goal was to use the show’s attendance as an excuse to escape the royal responsibilities of her family and the prejudice from her peers. Even though temporary, she wants to live her life happily and be lovingly surrounded by those that don’t just see her for her title or status.

Coming up next: The awesome rocker who I’m pretty sure has ADHD!

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Total Dangan Island Contestant No. 14: Mikan TsumikiBio: The most fragile(mentally) in the group. Sh

Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 14: Mikan Tsumiki

Bio: The most fragile(mentally) in the group. She specializes in medical treatment and has vast knowledge of human physiology, which makes her a great pillar of support in her team. Not only will she instantly recognize and tend to whatever injury someone may suffer, but she can also point out and exploit physical incapabilities or weaknesses of her opponents. She is immensely timid, paranoid, apologetic, and has such low self-esteem that she’ll do “ANYTHING” for people to at least acknowledge her existence, but she becomes more confident and assuring when treating people’s injuries and ailments.

Goal: Use the prize to open-up her own medical clinic where she can treat anyone from anywhere and everywhere so they can live happily, and at the same time she can also feel needed and build her confidence. But it’s more likely that all her winnings will be taken away by anyone who threatens, bullies, or even lightly teases her until she gives them what they want, hopefully the friends she made on the island will stand-up and protect her.

Coming up next: A gang-slanging princess who enjoys the dark side!

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“…Having someone around and not think I’m a complete piece of shit…It&rsqu

“…Having someone around and not think I’m a complete piece of shit…It’s not too bad~”

Duncan’s POV/Dialogue is exclusive on Patreon:

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DRSS: Bridgette-Ultimate SurferBridgetteUltimate Talent: Surfer-She’s highly respected in the

DRSS: Bridgette-Ultimate Surfer


Ultimate Talent: Surfer

-She’s highly respected in the surfing community and has been acknowledge by the World to be an icon that symbolizes the sport, to where her name is permanently etched into people’s heads whenever they think about surfing. Her reputation started out pretty low when she was 8 where she entered several Junior Surfing Competitions and landed in 3rd-7th places, but she would later always win 1st place when she became 10. After years of competing and winning, she was specially invited to partake in the Global Ranking Competition at the age of 13. But by the end of the contest she was ranked #56 in the World. After the contest was over, a massive storm hit the beach where all the competitors were still far out in the water. Every single one of them tried to escape and reach land, but they were swallowed by the raging waves. Though there was one that not only avoided the dangers but also managed to rescue everyone from either drowning or crashing into rocks. When everything was over, all the surfers and townspeople crowded around her in order to give thanks and praise her. Even renown veteran surfers, who ranked #1 before, came over and was mesmerized by her. She had such masterful movement and control in water of that dire condition, it was as if every ounce of liquid was under her control and became part of her, in both body and spirit. Since then, she’s been labeled as a Goddess of Surfing that’s blessed by the oceans.

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Dramaronpa: Star Struck-Bridgette“Oh hey there…What’s up?”“What are y

Dramaronpa: Star Struck-Bridgette

“Oh hey there…What’s up?”

“What are you doing out here alone? Did you see something out there?”

“Oh…Is looking out into the sea really that interesting to do?”

*girl explains the mystical and calming affects of staring at the sea*

“Heh…I couldn’t do that, I would fall a sleep immediately.”

*both giggled"

(Finally! I actually met someone that’s normal and easy to talk to. So far everyone I met up until now were too intense for me to say anything decent. But now things are smooth sailings!)

(Though I’m meeting her for the first time, I feel that I knew her somewhere before…Come on brain, think! I know I must’ve covered her before…..)


(…..Oh, right! Duh, Goddess of Surfing!!!)

(Nice one……It should’ve been obvious given her outfit and her love for the ocean.)

(Granted, she hasn’t been in any dramas, scandals, or involved with anything crazy like the others I met so far, so I never really kept a close eye on her. She’s been a perfect spokesperson for the surfing community ever since her rise to stardom.)

(So let me see…What do I remember about her on the video I made back then…..mmmmmm.)

(Right…She’s Bridgette, the very image of what you would imagine an ideal surfer should be. Actually, she’s so renown in the surfing community that whenever someone brings up or even thinks about the sport, her name and face would always come into mind immediately.)

(From all the competitive videos she’s in, I can’t really blame anyone for doing that. It’s just…I don’t know what…maybe amazi-no…mesmerizing to watch her in action. When she’s in the water, the way she moves is so fluent and precise. No matter what move or trick she performed, she’s always in control of her movement without any kind of sway or stumble happening.)

(It looked like she had every ounce and droplet of water under her control and moved only by her instructions, it was like seeing her become one with it.)

(There’s actually fables about her from the locals in her town that said that she was loved and blessed by the Seven Seas and was granted control over the water. Thus the people gave her the name Goddess of Surfing, or at least that was part of the reason.)

(For her to be given the title and respect she has now, it all started back when she first got into the surfing scene.)

(If I remember correctly, in a biography Bridgette started surfing at the age of 8 and entered several Junior Surfing Competitions at the time. Though surprisingly she didn’t have the insane skills she has now and used to land on 6th or 7th place, her highest was 3rd. )

(But that didn’t discourage her at all, in fact that just made her love for surfing even stronger. She would surf at any time that’s given to her—whether day or night, weekday or weekend, or even school day or holiday, she just kept on surfing.)

(Then by the age of 10, she started showing her skills and continuously dominate every competition around and getting 1st place in all of them. This kept going until she was 13 and was specially invited to partake in the Global Ranking Competition due to her achievements.)

(But unfortunately for some reason when she showed up to the rankings, she wasn’t able to perform at her best and got a pretty mediocre score at the end. When the competition was over, she was ranked #56 in the world.)

(The reasons for her performance back then are still unknown to this day. A lot of people, including myself, believed that it was due to bets and that she owed money. It seems kind of harsh given the kind of person she is, but this theory holds strong for everyone given what happened next when the rankings was over.)

(On that day after everything was over, a sudden massive storm hit the beach where all the competitors were still far out in the water. Even though every single one of them tried to escape and reach land, they were eaten and swallowed by the raging waves each time.)

(Screeches of panic and fear could be heard on the beach and echoed throughout the city. No one dared to come and rescue the surfers even the likelihood of more casualties in play. All hope seemed loss and no one could do anything…well anyone except for a lone 14 year old girl out there in the water.)

(With her exceptional skills and control, not only did she avoid all the dangers that lied before her, but she also managed to rescue everyone, one by one, from either drowning or crashing into rocks, and safely escort them to land.)

(When everything was over, all the surfers and townspeople crowded around her in order to give thanks and praise to her. Even renown veteran surfers, who ranked #1 before, came over and was dumbfounded by her talent. That was the day where her name became known to the world.)

*both chatters about*

(Man it sure is nice to meet someone normal around here, I was worried that I’d be too plain to talk to anyone casually. Luckily it doesn’t seem to be the case~)

*continues to chatter*


*awkward silence*




(CRAP!!!…I ran out of normal things to talk about! Come one man, you gotta think of something!!)

(Man she sure is nice~… just waiting on you to respond without any judgement or a look on her face. Any guy would be lucky to have her……..Damnmit, if only she was my type, I would’ve tried better…No! keep your head straight man, make friends first, then reach a higher goal later.)

(Think, all you’ve been talking about are things about you, maybe trying talking about things she likes….mmmmmmmm………aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh….Can’t think of anything ……Oh well….Maybe just go for the most obvious thing first.)

“So…About the ocean, what do you like about it so much that you would just stare out at it?”

*instant regret*

*suddenly Bridgette’s eyes gleamed and started endlessly prattling on about the amazing wonders of the seas and her love for surfing because of it…..for hours*

(My god……that was a terrible decision….THIS IS ENDLESS!!!…She became such a chatterbox, and here I thought I found someone normal.)

(Wait…That’s not fair, I shouldn’t think that. She does seem nice and would be a good friend…..Bbbbbbuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt, maybe I should avoid talking about surfing or water in general…for my own sake.)

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DRSS: DJ-Ultimate CaretakerDJUltimate Talent: Caretaker-The gentle giant known across the states for

DRSS: DJ-Ultimate Caretaker


Ultimate Talent: Caretaker

-The gentle giant known across the states for his community services, volunteer work, and charity ethics, thus dubbing him the title of the “Golden-Heart Gangster”. His principles and morals first began back when he and his mom were in terrible living conditions and barely managed to survive, but because of the community they lived in, they were able to get by. When they were able to have a stable living, his mom brought him to a charity event to help give back to the community that provided so much for them. There at that moment, his passion to help others began. His love and compassion for others encases of that of infants, children, animals, elders, and the “specially-needed”. Before he tends anyone, he makes sure to memorize and prepare schedules, medication, aids, etc… for what’s needed to take care any specific groups, then he’ll go further and study everyone individually in order to understand what makes each of them the most comfortable and happy. 

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Dramaronpa: Star Struck- DJ Reveal“Um…Hey man, what’s up?”“Did someon
Dramaronpa: Star Struck- DJ Reveal

“Um…Hey man, what’s up?”

“Did someone tell you to do that?”

“You do know that there’s already food out for everyone, you don’t have to make snacks on top of all this y'know.”

*stares at plate full of snacks briefly* “……”

*quickly glances back at the big guy* “…..mmmm”

(You don’t have to say anything big guy, I know what your M.O. is and I got my eyes on you~. I covered you in the past, and I know quite a bit of what’s been said. Though I’d be lying to myself if I said that I wasn’t scared of what you might do to me if I got in your way.)

(DJ, the giant mountain of muscle that makes body builders look like they have anorexia. Like, jeez man…Tell me your secrets so I can have remotely of what you got going on.)

(Not just that, how about sharing some of your height too cause damn…you’re easily passing at least 7 feet and I barely meet up to your waist.~)

(But anyways, contrary to his looks, his actions and personality reflects that of a holy saint…or more accurately an angel, or at least that’s what the media have said.)

(Throughout the states, he’s practically the poster child of all charity events, volunteer facilities, and fundraisers. He’s shown some deep dedication and devotion for everyone and everything under his care.)

(It’s been shown across several network channels that his love and care for things ranges quite far, without any biases or discrimination. So far he’s been with infants, children, teens, animals, plants, the elderly, the homeless, the disabled, the specially-needed, and etc.)

(From what I could gather, from some “unorthodox” sources, I was able to pin down the source of his morals and love.)

(My sources say that him and his mom didn’t have the best life and barely managed to scrape by due to some unknown circumstances. But the neighborhood that they lived in donated and gave enough support so they could live. By the time when their living conditions were better, his mom brought them to a charity event so they could give back what was given to them. At that moment, its says that his passion was lit and his driving force to help others was forged when he saw those smiles be made through his deeds in that event.)

(Though I don’t have any rights to say this because I’m still skeptical of him, I feel kinda sad to think about that, despite all he’s done, his presence wasn’t covered by the media because of his actions, but because of how he appears when doing so.)

(Based on all the commentary that’s been done on sites and networks, if he wasn’t as big, bulky, or dressed as he is, but instead looked normal, then he would’ve been this everyday guy that would’ve faded into obscurity without anyone paying attention. That’s why he’s titled the Golden-Heart Gangster.)

(Though with everything that I said, I’m still cautious around him because I still don’t believe that someone as pure hearted as him could exist. Plus, there’s all those rumors about him that that reached my ears.)

(Sources say that all his good deeds are all just a front or coverup in order to throw off suspicion of his illegal transactions in the background. Not too clear of what some of these transactions are since some stories don’t line up, but they all involve drugs, gangs, cartels, or weapons.)

(In my line of work, you hear all sorts of things that are just too bizarre to believe, but you can never be too careful.)

(I’ll be sure to be on your good side, but I’ll keep record of all your suspiciousness and malice that I’ll see in the upcoming unforeseen future.)

*moments of complete silence with awkward stares* “…..”

*with a gentle smile, DJ reaches his arm out and offers a cupcake*

( I want to decline, but I can’t have him see me as an enemy or someone in high alert. So I might as well suck it up and take what’s been offered, but always remember of his suspiciousness and malice.)

“Oh…ah……Thank you.”

*takes a bite*




( ~suspiciousness and malice is tasty….)

“Can I have another? :3”

(…I still got my eyes on you though…)

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DRSS: Gwen-Ultimate PoetGwenUltimate Talent: Poet-She’s greatly known to be called the greates

DRSS: Gwen-Ultimate Poet


Ultimate Talent: Poet

-She’s greatly known to be called the greatest and most influential literary genius of our time. Her fame first began at the age of 9 when she submitted her first poem and won in a city wide art contest. Then she created a mass fortune with her talent when she started publishing her poems at the age of 13, which were soon adapted to films that became cult classics. The way she structures each line and masterfully capitalizes on her word choices, causes her reader to enter in a trance-like state and transport them into the world that her poems created. The way she’s able to make her world and the inhabitants feel so real is because she usually stands far from a distance and stare at everything that goes around; the changing environment, people’s reactions and interactions, the behavior of animals, and even to the slightest shifts in the wind. She observes and studies everything, she would even go as far as to act out as other people or things in order to understand their perspectives, all so in order to capture and understand the pure essence of life.

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DRSS: Duncan-Ultimate ConvictDuncanUltimate Talent: Convict-He made his name widely known all the wa

DRSS: Duncan-Ultimate Convict


Ultimate Talent: Convict

-He made his name widely known all the way back right before his first year in Middle School where he was not only sent to prison, but was also transferred to 5 separate state facilities due to “Bad Behavior”. Since his release, he demonstrated incredible feats due to his time in these prisons. He’s shown remarkable skills in lock-picking and escaping narrow places, mostly due to him repeatedly breaking out of solitary confinement. He has amazing cardio and parkour skills, thanks to him always escaping the clutches of guards and other inmates. And he’s incredibly efficient when it comes to brawls, all because of the practice he gets when he picks fights (whether that be in or out of prison). But his most defining trait is his unbreakable will to live freely and independently, no matter what odds or authority he faces.

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