#tpn norman



※ norman > emma × violet , ray × hayato

Middle school AU (korea)

- x - ;;


Always good to see quality crackpair content!!!


Happy birthday, Norman!


Happy birthday, norman!

(New art blog since this acc got flooded with shitposts)


What’s popping lesbians let this blog begin

I made a badly drawn TPN account btw y’all go follow


the promised neverland au where everything is the same except Norman is british

Norman, to peter: i swear on me FECKIN’ mam, matey, if the queen’s feckin’ old im gonna throw some mcfeckin hands at ya ratchet ass ya better believe it

It is currently 1am but i had the epiphany of tpn youtube au and had to doodle it as fast as i could

I’ll probably regret this when i wake up

Grab your backpacks and keep an eye out for demons because it’s finally time to venture beyond the walls of Grace Field

Contributor Apps for Reminiscence: A TPN Scrapbook zine are now OPEN until Dec 3rd! We are looking for Artists, Writers, and Merch Artists! Please read our application guidelines carefully and thoroughly before applying. We‘re super excited to hear from you!







Krone parallels in Ayshe’s narrative

It’s a shame that I didn’t have time to post earlier, but the newest chapter (139) confirms it completely:

Ayshe’s narrative parallels Krone’s from the escape arc

I have been thinking that with all the parallels from the escape arc, we have been missing Krone’s tag game and her becoming an unexpected ally to the kids.

But looking at Ayshe now, we can see a very similar narrative:

Both of them are introduced as very dangerous, and are seemingly assigned to just keep watch over the kids and the kids:

Both also have exceptional abilities: Krone is extremly strong and fast, whereas Ayshe has exceptional senses and shooting skills. In both cases they show their skills in a tag game, in a forest, looking for Mujika and Sonju isn’t that different from tag.

There are a couple more panels that are drawn as parallels:

Also, Don and Gilda are easily outdone by both of them:

It doesn’t take much from either Krone or Ayshe to discover Don and Gilda’s intention, and in both cases, they unexpectedly offer to join forces, rather than tattle to their superiors (Isabella in Krone’s case, and Norman in Ayshe’s).

We learn about both that they have their own motives that neither the kids or us as readers expected as to why they don’t want to follow their superiors agenda.

However we also learn that neither Isabella nor Norman trusted them. In both cases they are assigned as guards as merely distractions, and the real “traitor” and information suppliers are Ray (escape arc) and Hayato (new arc), who again no one saw coming.

Edit: Given these parallels, I don’t expect that Ayshe will be successful in her revenge against Norman. After all, Krone was easily outsmarted by Isabella, but until we see Ayshe with a butterfly, I am hoping that she won’t have to die as Krone did after her failure.

Omigod you’re right! Norman you cinnamon sneaky bastard for making this sort of plan

And I can’t believe we have two people with opposite personality who shares the same role in their respective arc

But it’s true though, we didn’t expect them to be a double agent in the beginning.

It’s really interesting to see the gradual shift of objective from GF children’s POV based on this parallel.

In the beginning, they’re trying to survive by escaping adults and demons. Now, they want to survive too, but they’re trying to save demons as well.

The overall plot has changed a bit and some characters has changed/added, but the parallel stays the same. To make a simple comparison, it’s like


  • A = demons and/or adults
  • B = children
  • B1 = children who wants to kill demons
  • B2 = children who wants to protect demons

And this parallel happens between the one I circled red.

Is that it? Sorry, i’m just trying to make sense of what happened.

Wait. Did I.. just saying there’d be a civil war?

Ahahaha naahh no waayy nope

Very nice reply, thank you!

Yes of course Norman is sneaky, he learned it from Isabella (), and I think it makes absolute sense for him not to trust Ayshe. I think he is clever enough to have noticed that she wasn’t kept as food, based on the circumstances.

Yet he still chooses to use her, because he believes he can handle her. It was a similar scenario with Isabella and Krone. Isabella knew all along that Krone would try to undermine her, yet it wasn’t obvious to us as the readers until Isabella suddenly dealt with Krone.

I hope Norman won’t be as severe as that, but I guess it will depend on the situation. After all, Ayshe may choose to try to kill him or endanger his plans seriously, and he may not have a lot of options to handle her peacefully. She is a dangerous individual.

In terms of the conflict, well, to me the thing isn’t about lining up exactly who is on what side, but the fact that in each case Shirai-san chooses to portray the conflicts as complex problems, and even if people want to get to the same overall goal, they may disagree about how.

The escape arc had its fair share of conflict too, even if everyone wanted to escape:

  • Emma insisted on rescuing everyone, Norman chose to support her.
  • Ray wanted to leave everyone but Emma and Norman behind to maximise their chances of survival.
  • Gilda pointed out that even if they could take a lot more than Ray wanted, it was unrealistic and dangerous to take the toddlers.
  • Don flipped out about being lied to and punched Norman and Ray.

In the new arc as well, we get different viewpoints that don’t agree. All of the kids (including Norman) want the same: no more humans being eaten by demons. But they have different ideas on how to achieve it:

  • Emma thinks they can spare all the demons as long as they reforge the promise. Ray supports him.
  • Norman wants to kill all the demons to maximise their chances of survival.
  • Gilda for now wants to save Mujika and Sonju at least, but she doesn’t seem so far to have a problem with other, “evil” demons being killed. I wonder if she will speak up about this later, like she did in the escape arc.
  • Don hasn’t flipped out yet and punched anyone. I think this one is in the brewing, and will come later.

Hayato may be the opposite of Ray, but what they share critically and make them both the perfect spy is: TRUST.

Ray was trusted in the escape arc because he was an old and close friend, if he wasn’t, he would have seemed shady. Hayato is trusted because he seems naive and harmless, but that is exactly what Norman is using. So that’s why they share the same roles.

Krone parallels in Ayshe’s narrative

It’s a shame that I didn’t have time to post earlier, but the newest chapter (139) confirms it completely:

Ayshe’s narrative parallels Krone’s from the escape arc

I have been thinking that with all the parallels from the escape arc, we have been missing Krone’s tag game and her becoming an unexpected ally to the kids.

But looking at Ayshe now, we can see a very similar narrative:

Both of them are introduced as very dangerous, and are seemingly assigned to just keep watch over the kids and the kids:

Both also have exceptional abilities: Krone is extremly strong and fast, whereas Ayshe has exceptional senses and shooting skills. In both cases they show their skills in a tag game, in a forest, looking for Mujika and Sonju isn’t that different from tag.

There are a couple more panels that are drawn as parallels:

Also, Don and Gilda are easily outdone by both of them:

It doesn’t take much from either Krone or Ayshe to discover Don and Gilda’s intention, and in both cases, they unexpectedly offer to join forces, rather than tattle to their superiors (Isabella in Krone’s case, and Norman in Ayshe’s).

We learn about both that they have their own motives that neither the kids or us as readers expected as to why they don’t want to follow their superiors agenda.

However we also learn that neither Isabella nor Norman trusted them. In both cases they are assigned as guards as merely distractions, and the real “traitor” and information suppliers are Ray (escape arc) and Hayato (new arc), who again no one saw coming.

Edit: Given these parallels, I don’t expect that Ayshe will be successful in her revenge against Norman. After all, Krone was easily outsmarted by Isabella, but until we see Ayshe with a butterfly, I am hoping that she won’t have to die as Krone did after her failure.

Quick and dumb sketch…poor ray

Sweet, falling lies watercolor fanart by me

Happy Valentine’s Day ❤ i painted the otp!!

Drowsy Hope

A painting i made that makes echo to tome 5

Watercolor Portrait of Norman

Watercolor fanart of Ray and Norman !

“Would you put your feelings aside to find the best strategy?”

Sorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/socSorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/soc

Sorry not sorry (Ray x Norman!) quick comic done with a pencil :^)

Highschool AU by @mya-rt and @/socialllinks (IG) !

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