#transwomen are women



trans “women” are men who are lying or deluding themselves.

No way! Expand your mind!

Men have invented SO many ways to be terrible! Autogynephilia, a sew of paraphelias…. shit I wish it was just cross dressing. Lets see if we can catch some :)



Saw a post about whether Johnny Bravo would date a trans woman, and now the thought is in my head and I hate being able to picture exactly how that conversation goes, so now I have to write it out.

You ask him, as a hypothetical question. He says he doesn’t know what that word means, but you said “women” so now he’s interested. No, the other word. He doesn’t know what “hypothetical” means. He interrupts your explanation to let you know that sounds boring, he doesn’t want to know what “hypothetical” means. What was that other word, you said “women”.

You try to explain as simply as you can, being frequently interrupted by reminders that he is uninterested in abstract concepts and unfamiliar terminology. He doesn’t know what a chromosome is. He doesn’t wantto know what a chromosome is. He is unsure how any of this subject is related to the ladies but he’s optimistic about it.

After about half an hour, he finishes with asking “ok but what’s the difference”. After a while of unfruitful back and forth, you understand what he’s asking what is the difference to him, how does this distinction affect him and his immediate surroundings. You have no idea how to word this in a way that would be understandable to a gerbil with A1 level english skills.

“If… If trans women are women, there’s… More women?”

“More women. Nice. Then let’s go with that one.”

He walks into the sunset, leaving you unsure whether anything of value was actually achieved. As a matter of fact it feels likely that instead of you enlightening him, he actually managed to make you stupider.

This is on point.
