#terfs dont even look at this post

replicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yoreplicant-savior:violetdioxazine: i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately.  Right there with yo



i’ve been feeling really frustrated lately. 

Right there with you

l i t e r a l l y this.


Outfits n make up n flannels don’t make you gay- 

being homosexual does you fucking twits

Next time some fucker on my dating app tells me “I”M a TRANSbiAN”

Well firstly; you look like Bigfoot fucked a green bean and gave birth in a Jeffree Star Palette like…

e x c u s e  who the fuck do you think your large-ass man-ass is tricking?

talkin bout some damn History-Channel level cryptids thinking they can slather on blue eyeshadow and demand to be accepted. 


You *really* want “womanhood”? Get used to never being enough and always being critqued, which we have already seen you’ve failed time and time again . For fucks sake, JK Rowling simply said “sex exists” and your limp-dicked testoster-don’t-al ree’s still echo throughout cyber space.

A man is a man is a man is a man, and y’alls shit y chromie attitudes clock yourself before we even get a look at your franken creep selves.

No one paid attention to women’s fight against gender stereotypes until men decided they wanted to perform their fetishes full time. 

Only when *men* decided they wanted to “be” a woman, did the definition suddenly become offensive.

Post link


trans “women” are men who are lying or deluding themselves.

No way! Expand your mind!

Men have invented SO many ways to be terrible! Autogynephilia, a sew of paraphelias…. shit I wish it was just cross dressing. Lets see if we can catch some :)
