

June 4, 2022. “E-eu não tenhojoguinhos…”

And then he got goop’d

“Maybe I should be careful,” Kris teased her. “If I keep letting you and Susie hang out, I might end up as the third wheel in this fun little gang of ours.”

Noelle stopped walking, and it took Kris a second to realize and stop as well. “It’s not up to you to let me do anything.”


Forgot to post chapter 3! Chapter 4 is in the works. It’s twice as long as the other chapters so I’ll need some extra time editing it.

Voice actors: moi, @a-town-called-hometown,@mythmonster

Narrator: @a-town-called-hometown

Author: @doyouhearthunder

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May 27, 2022. Almost forgot to upload these! Probably the acrylic paint I’m most proud of so far. Second photo is edited on iPhone 7

June 3, 2022. Pride photoshoot with ya boi
