#trying still to work on my characterizations


you wanna know a little secret?

i did these out of order

today and the last one

and ill do it again

Brief Summary: Ramona makes a fairy confession to Faybelle.

Word Count: 308

I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!!

“You wanna know something?”

Faybelle groaned. “From you, Ramona, I’m not so sure I do.” Every time Ramona wanted to tell her something, it was something she didn’t want to know. Like that time she attacked a feral cat in the Village of Book End. Ramona had claimed it was self defense.

Ramona rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Well,” she began, starting into it anyway, “when I was younger, I thought that fairies were all really teeny tiny.”

Faybelle blinked at her. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No, no. It’s just, until I came to Ever After High and met you. I thought fairies were all really small. Like Thumbelina or Tinkerbell.”

“Are you going to tell me you’d like me more if I was petite?” Faybelle smirked. When Ramona’s hand darted over to wrap around her shoulders, she batted it away and stood up, keeping out of reach. “Anyway, you know that’s kid’s stories, right? All fairies are normal sized.”

“Nope.” Ramona shook her head, standing up and clawing out for Faybelle’s hand. “One time they brought a fairy to my class in Nursery Rhyme school and she was tiny.”

Faybelle scoffed, but let Ramona grab her hand anyway. She leaned in close to her ear, whispering. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she said seductively. “Most fairies… have shrinking magic.”

Ramona gasped. “Shrinking magi-?!” she blurted out, before Faybelle clapped a hand over her mouth.

“Secret. Remember? This is fairy stuff.”

Ramona nodded, taking Faybelle’s hand away and holding it in her own. “But I wasn’t wrong,” she mused, leaning in close to Faybelle’s mouth.

Faybelle leaned back. “Well, you weren’t right either,” she said, chuckling, before letting Ramona lean in and kiss her. Maybe Ramona could be a few eggs short of a basket sometimes. But she loved her anyway.
