#ramona badwolf


Ramona Badwolf with her bffs Cocoa Candy and Nivia Frost! i drew this a few months ago but never posted it on here :)

you wanna know a little secret?

i did these out of order

today and the last one

and ill do it again

Brief Summary: Ramona makes a fairy confession to Faybelle.

Word Count: 308

I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!!

“You wanna know something?”

Faybelle groaned. “From you, Ramona, I’m not so sure I do.” Every time Ramona wanted to tell her something, it was something she didn’t want to know. Like that time she attacked a feral cat in the Village of Book End. Ramona had claimed it was self defense.

Ramona rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Well,” she began, starting into it anyway, “when I was younger, I thought that fairies were all really teeny tiny.”

Faybelle blinked at her. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No, no. It’s just, until I came to Ever After High and met you. I thought fairies were all really small. Like Thumbelina or Tinkerbell.”

“Are you going to tell me you’d like me more if I was petite?” Faybelle smirked. When Ramona’s hand darted over to wrap around her shoulders, she batted it away and stood up, keeping out of reach. “Anyway, you know that’s kid’s stories, right? All fairies are normal sized.”

“Nope.” Ramona shook her head, standing up and clawing out for Faybelle’s hand. “One time they brought a fairy to my class in Nursery Rhyme school and she was tiny.”

Faybelle scoffed, but let Ramona grab her hand anyway. She leaned in close to her ear, whispering. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she said seductively. “Most fairies… have shrinking magic.”

Ramona gasped. “Shrinking magi-?!” she blurted out, before Faybelle clapped a hand over her mouth.

“Secret. Remember? This is fairy stuff.”

Ramona nodded, taking Faybelle’s hand away and holding it in her own. “But I wasn’t wrong,” she mused, leaning in close to Faybelle’s mouth.

Faybelle leaned back. “Well, you weren’t right either,” she said, chuckling, before letting Ramona lean in and kiss her. Maybe Ramona could be a few eggs short of a basket sometimes. But she loved her anyway.

I am keeping UP with these longer stories

who knows how long it will last though

anyways. i love these two!! they are some of my very favorites.

Brief Summary: Ramona takes Justine on an unexpected vacation to a familiar place.

Word Count:396

I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!!

“Three… two… one… you can open your eyes!” Ramona stepped back from Justine, looking as excited as a young pup. In front of the girl was the Red Shoes Dance Club, music blaring from the inside. It was a place that Justine was very, very familiar with.

“Oh. This is great!” Justine said, a bit through her teeth. When Ramona had suggested the two go on a little vacation date together, she hadn’t imagined that this would be the destination. Her first clue should have been that they didn’t even get into a carriage.

“You’re disappointed.” If she had a tail, Ramona’s would have been downturned.

“No, no,” Justine hurriedly reassured her. “It’s just that I packed for a few days, not for… a night on the town.”

“Well, come in first. You’ll want to see this.” Ramona grabbed Justine’s hand and dragged her into the dance studio. The club was still bustling at this hour, but the studio was quiet. The inside was warm and dark.

“Are you sure we’re allowed to be in here?” Justine whispered, feeling a bit apprehensive. “Madame said we’re only allowed to practice while the studio is open.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ramona assured her with her characteristic wolfish charm, leading Justine down into the dressing area. “And… now we’re here!”

Flipping on the lights revealed a bundle of pillows, blankets, snacks, and a projector playing old reruns of fairy tale cartoons. It was not at all what Justine had been expecting. “You did this for me?” she asked, stepping into the room and sinking her feet into a cushion.

Ramona, still looking a bit nervous, nodded. “I got permission from the Madames. We’re allowed to stay here over the weekend. Just you and me.”

Justine turned around and smiled at Ramona, leaning over and giving her a big bear (or rather, wolf) hug. “I love it,” she expressed. “Although I did pack for the beach.”

“The beach? Whatever gave you that idea?” From Ramona’s cheeky smirk, Justine knew that the open magazines with pictures of the ocean had been on purpose.

“Oh, you’re a bad bad wolf!” Justine exclaimed, batting Ramona on the shoulder.

“Well, if it means that I get to see you in a bikini…” Ramona chuckled, and Justine rolled her eyes. Still, she couldn’t deny that if Ramona was a wolf, she was a sweet one.

im so sorry

its late and its short

i wrote it when i was very stressed out though if thats any excuse

Brief Summary: The first time Cedar said “I love you” to her, Ramona had been totally taken aback.

Word Count: 247

I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!! (2 spots left)

The first time Cedar said “I love you” to her, Ramona had been totally taken aback.

Yeah, her family all loved each other. But they hardly ever said it. It was in quiet gestures, or a wink when you passed in the halls. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d said “I love you” to Cerise. It just wasn’t something they did.

What made it worse was that Cedar literally could not lie. Which meant that she meant her words wholeheartedly. And that made Ramona nervous. She didn’t know how to respond. Didn’t Cedar feel the “I love you”s when Ramona brought her flowers, or brought her to a secret picnic in the middle of the woods? Was that not enough?

She didn’t know if she was ready to say it back, and she didn’t know what to say instead. So she’d awkwardly mumbled, “You too”, and was still kicking herself about that. Cedar didn’t deserve that. She was so pure and kind and deserving. Deserving of so much better than Ramona.

Maybe one day she could do it. She practiced in the mirror sometimes at night, when Justine was sleeping. “I love you.” Maybe a little more emotion. “I loveyou.” The words felt strange on her lips.

Maybe she just wasn’t cut out to love Cedar. Cedar deserved someone who could say kind words back to her, and express her love openly. Ramona just wasn’t sure she would ever be able to do that.

Okay ever after high community

I want a fan-fiction- I am willing to write it if this doesn’t exist.

But a fan-fiction where it’s like once upon a time in the enchanted forest section and like similar vibes of into the woods where their stories Inter-lap. It wouldn’t be modernized fairytale. It would be full fairytale like corset and forests and being too poor and having to go to market.

Does this exist? Or should I open my laptop and start writing a first draft??

Ramona: *breaks something* DONT TELL MOM!

Cerise: Don’t worry! I won’t

Red: *comes home*


Faybelle and Ramona would be that one duo that would go into a hospital and tell all the covid patients to “stay positive ” and just walk out like “slayyyy”. I’m not taking criticism.
