#tumblr things











Thought exercise. You are me, you are hungry, you want to make my world famous pancake recipe. This recipe needs four eggs. You have three eggs. Do you:

a) go to the store. yes you have a cold, but you could be in and out fast. then again you could run into someone you know. embarrassing.

b) go across the street to your grandparent’s house and ask to borrow an egg. you may or may not get a lecture about not being at church. is it worth it.

c) use two of the raw eggs and two hard-boiled eggs. surely this will work out fine

if you picked c, congratulations, you correctly picked my thought process. i have committed an affront to god and my tummy hurts so badly

actually oddly enough the pancakes tasted fine, despite all of the bits of whole egg falling out of them, which is where the affront to god kicks in

anyway if this ever happens again i’m just gonna go to the store. experiment failed, we’ll get ‘em next time

i didn’t….i didn’t even think to do that

I could’ve…used other ingredients……?

actually you know what in fairness to me i’ve been on a lot of cold medicine this week while battling a virus. from now on i’m only making sandwiches

i’m no longer on ungodly amounts of cold medicine! i wish i could tell you i have no memory of making this post, and by extension the pancakes, but unfortunately i do!

The Three Egg Solution Comment Alignment Chart:


gay sex will not fix this situation. honestly, it’d probably make it worse. that being said i think we should give it a shot anyway

Not me seeing the new ALT text description on images and thinking I’d accidentally written something on one of my pinned posts


Go figure, Tumblr barely loads on my desktop but runs like butter on my new phone :///


We lost a vital part of this site when people stopped making “fuckyeah_____” fan blogs 




i’ve seen multiple gifsets now cut off with a “view post” button under the first two gifs instead of showing the whole set….

this is not good news for gifmakers.

oh shit it’s not even just gifsets! i just saw a regular medium length post with screenshots and memes, literally no gifs and it was under a “view post” link…

alright y’all. it’s a new setting you’ll have to turn off if you don’t want to have to click to see posts all the time



So I will be moving to a new blog on January 2nd and deleting this one. I think it’s time for me to start over and the new year is the perfect time for that! My new blog is jarvis-is-my-copilotI will be posting mostly Marvel as usual but I will also be posting things I find funny, writing posts, and just things going on in the real world. If you guys continue following me I would love that but if not well it’s been a fun time!!!!! I love you all and thanks for sticking with me for so long!☺️❤️(Please reblog so this gets around!)

Listen. As a native Tumblr person who has to commute to TikTok for work (I’m not kidding I’ve gotten acting and writing jobs because of that hellsite), coming back to here is like walking back inside your house with the intense, beautiful knowledge that I can tell bigots to fuck off, eat shit, and get eviscerated without hiding it behind cute codewords and asterixis or having my response to someone advocating for my murder by euthanasia taken down as bullying and the comment approved by moderators. 

For example: I will burn Alexander Graham’s Bell’s fucking bones and cook potatoes in the ashes of his shit-stain legacy.  


one thing they don’t tell you about tumblr is you gotta look out for the spike traps




It’s World Sleep Day

Log off.

Go back to bed.

@staff​ why are you putting this message out at 10:04 am on a friday?

@staff​ this is weirder than flavortown.

Because it’s World Sleep Day! Not World Sleep Night. Please, everyone. Stop posting.

g̷̡̟̱̋͑͘o̸͔̮̘̫̽ ̴̩̥̈́b̴̀ͅa̴̫̳̍͂̊̈́c̵͖̣̽́̏k̷̟͆̎ ̶̥̲̮̭̎́ţ̶̨̨͔̀̈́ọ̸͍͂̕ ̸̹̥̼͓̑̾b̶̲̮̌͂̌͝ͅe̵̖̔͗̎̓d̴͔͎̺̀̾

sometimes, in the dead of night, my tumblr breaks and i think you lot are after me






There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without infringing copyright! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 

Please add on if you know any more sites for free images <3

Thanks for the information!!

I will reblog this everytime i see it

Ok so while we’re at this, I just checked out Unsplash, and it’s an AMAZING site for free images?

Is it already possible in the year 2022 to make a sideblog a main blog on tumblr or is that still just a dream
