#tv mash


Sucks this is the only clipping I could find of the MASH graphic novel

If there’s one thing I will always be grateful for, it was being able to grow up watching M*A*S*H. Strong female characters, anti-war themes, brilliant writing, subversive and clever humour. It helped shape who I am today as a person.

Have y'all ever gotten a concussion after your jeep overturned then proceeded to monologue in a strange family’s house where no one can understand you for 22 minutes straight until your company clerk can come pick you up????

I love this analysis from Ladyknightthebrave for than I could possibly say.

Rating M*A*S*H recurring characters

PA Announcer: 10,000/10: Deserves main character status tbh.

Sparky: 20/10. The legend we never got to meet.

Nurse Kellye: 10/10, an absolute queen, stunning and show-stopping even if she is just walking around the compound. She got her own episode and it was glorious.

Goldman: 8/10, missing 2 points because he didn’t get the quantity of dialogue he deserved. Best corpsman in the business, carries patients with ease.

Sophie:1000/10.Who’s the good horse? She is. She is the good horse.

Rizzo: 15/10. Would never let him teach me how to drive a jeep, but gets all the points for pronouncing it as “Vee-hickle”

Captain Tuttle: 10/10. RIP king

Colonel Flagg: 50/10. King of turning up when nobody wants him to. Which is always. A paranoid bastard I am slightly afraid of, but always entertains the camp, so…..

That one Korean actor that played a 100 different Koreans: 500/10. Somehow played the same character differently every time.

Rosie: 10/10. She could choke me, slap me and throw me out of her bar and I would thank her on my knees for it.

Igor: 9/10. A bad cook, but a decent butt of jokes.

Sidney Freedman: 100000000000/10. Instant likability, great advice giver, genuinely cares about the camp, took on Flagg with glee and made Hawkeye blubber like a baby on two separate occasions. What a fucking king.

Watched the ‘Welcome to Korea’ episodes again and it just solidified my opinion that M*A*S*H has the smoothest transitions from character to character in any show.

By the end of part 2, it is so easy to love BJ already. You can tell he’s extremely different from what we’re used to from Trapper, but he’s greatly likable.

Right after you get Potter and it only takes one episode to realize that he’s going to be interesting to have around.

Then Charles comes in and it’s almost a relief to have a different rivalry going on instead of what Frank brought to the table. Charles is my second favourite character after Klinger. A posh prick, but with a soft heart when it’s important.

Then Radar leaves and while it’s not the same kind of transition, Klinger gets a chance to grow and he turns out even better than before.

There are endless reasons for why this is my favourite show. This is just one of them.

Oh hi, welcome to M*A*S*H! Episodes of comedy gold are to your left, the existential crises to your right. Political commentary and war pacifism is right behind you. If it’s queer coding you’re looking for, just go straight ahead. It’s just before feminism and just after racial justice, you can’t miss it-

The surgeons in the army, they say we’re pretty bright. We work on soldiers through the day and nurses through the night.

Friendly reminder that my man Father John Francis Mulcahy never hesitated to confront a man with a grenade, volunteered to race against an elite marathon runner, defended an awol soldier when they wanted sanctuary and last but definitely not least, performed emergency surgery on the back of a jeep by following instructions on a staticky phone….in a war zone.

If that weedy, bookish, absolute sweetheart of a man can show ridiculous bravery, anyone can.

Henry trying to lecture the 4077th on marital sex in ‘Dear Dad’ is the epitome of chaos that only that group of medical chucklefucks could produce.

Now that M*A*S*H is on Disney+, Klinger is officially a Disney Princess.

Don’t argue with me. I know I’m right.

Under ‘denial’ in the dictionary, there should just be a picture of Hawkeye Pierce trying not to admit of his painfully obvious bisexuality.

Under ‘denial’ in the dictionary, there should just be a picture of Hawkeye Pierce trying not to admit of his painfully obvious bisexuality.

All I want in life, is to experience the love, familiarity and camaraderie that is just pouring out of the Movie Tonight episode of M*A*S*H.

Oh I don’t want no more of army life. Gee Ma, I wanna go home!

If MASH is an accurate representation of the PPE medical staff wore in the 1950’s:

  • Cloth mask
  • Cloth cap
  • Cloth gown
  • Gloves

Then I, a hospital kitchen worker, currently wear better protection in COVID times, then surgeons did during a goddamn war.

On a daily basis, I have to wear:

  • Surgical grade mask
  • Hair net
  • Sanitised face shield
  • Disposable apron
  • Gloves

All that just to deliver food to patients. I dunno it just occurred to me while watching the show.

If MASH is an accurate representation of the PPE medical staff wore in the 1950’s:

  • Cloth mask
  • Cloth cap
  • Cloth gown
  • Gloves

Then I, a hospital kitchen worker, currently wear better protection in COVID times, then surgeons did during a goddamn war.

On a daily basis, I have to wear:

  • Surgical grade mask
  • Hair net
  • Sanitised face shield
  • Disposable apron
  • Gloves

All that just to deliver food to patients. I dunno it just occurred to me while watching the show.

It truly is a travesty we never got the medical conference before The Bus as it’s own episode. Could you imagine all those serious, professional army medical officers gathered in the lobby, having serious conversations, only to be lambasted by Colonel Potter, his pint of a company clerk, an ass of a major and two chuckle-fuck doctors who probably outclass them all.

Colonel Flagg was the original “lights are on but nobody’s home” bitch. M*A*S*H really had the audacity to show how paranoid, ignorant, wasteful of resources and plain fucking stupid governments can be, all packed into one character.

It really is the greatest show ever.

Colonel Flagg was the original “lights are on but nobody’s home” bitch. M*A*S*H really had the audacity to show how paranoid, ignorant, wasteful of resources and plain fucking stupid governments can be, all packed into one character.

It really is the greatest show ever.

I’m an anti-religion atheist, but would honestly die for Father Francis Mulcahy.

Too precious for this world.
