#colonel potter

April 10: Harry Morgan was born in Detroit on this day in 1915. Vigorous, versatile, always funny. H

April 10: Harry Morgan was born in Detroit on this day in 1915. Vigorous, versatile, always funny. He helped to usher in the “dramatic” era of M*A*S*H with flair and just the right amount of dignity (ie. he didn’t overdo it!). A beautiful TV actor, one of the all-time best.

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In honour of M*A*S*H’s 49th birthday, I thought I’d share one of my all time favourite fan videos (one second from every episode).

Posted a new sticker on Etsy!

Potter is my favorite character in MASH and I’m really happy with the way it turned out (:

Well well well, what have we here? Could it be The one and only Charles Emerson Winchester III?

Making this series has been a goal of mine for a very long time. I‘m beyond proud of it, but I‘m even more touched by all the love I have received these past few weeks. These paintings have brought joy to myself and others. What more can any artist ask for? ❤️

11 seasons, 11 paintings - what an unforgettable and fun ride! Thank you folks SO MUCH for all the love. ❤️ I’ll keep on painting but now if you‘ll excuse me…

Please, Mozart!

Horse Hockey! Or, well, I actually hope you DON‘T think that of my art. Thumbs up for Shermannn Teeeee Potterrrrr. (Yes, I always hear that in Klinger‘s voice)

Watched the ‘Welcome to Korea’ episodes again and it just solidified my opinion that M*A*S*H has the smoothest transitions from character to character in any show.

By the end of part 2, it is so easy to love BJ already. You can tell he’s extremely different from what we’re used to from Trapper, but he’s greatly likable.

Right after you get Potter and it only takes one episode to realize that he’s going to be interesting to have around.

Then Charles comes in and it’s almost a relief to have a different rivalry going on instead of what Frank brought to the table. Charles is my second favourite character after Klinger. A posh prick, but with a soft heart when it’s important.

Then Radar leaves and while it’s not the same kind of transition, Klinger gets a chance to grow and he turns out even better than before.

There are endless reasons for why this is my favourite show. This is just one of them.

It truly is a travesty we never got the medical conference before The Bus as it’s own episode. Could you imagine all those serious, professional army medical officers gathered in the lobby, having serious conversations, only to be lambasted by Colonel Potter, his pint of a company clerk, an ass of a major and two chuckle-fuck doctors who probably outclass them all.
