#tw anxeity


tw: depression, ableism, cancer, anxiety, ADD

before i ask my question to ppl with ADD. if parts of this story and/or questions are triggering for you i apologize in advance. i am neurotypical and so is my mother so we’re not pretending to know what it’s like to have ADD or be neurodivergent. we are willing to learn though

here it goes: my mother works in a kindergarten. she is 60 years old, a breast cancer survivor, and has a history of depression and anxiety attacks.

a couple of months ago a 24 yo woman (let’s call her Emma) started working at the kindergarten. my mom soon sensed there was “something about her” she noticed Emma was easily distracted, had to take breaks every 10 minutes, has difficulty bonding/playing with the children, and gets nervous at the thought of working the later shifts where she has to close (they never close alone. there’s always a minimum of two ppl closing).

this results in my mom having to carry a heavier work load than she can handle which is making her very anxious and tired.

my mom is not Emma’s boss, they are equal coworkers so my mom asked Emma personally what best ways are on how to divide the workload btwn them and what Emma needs to do her work that feels good to her and be comfortable and still works for my mom too. Emma told my mom she has ADD, but no solution came out of it.

my mom then asked if their supervisor could attend a meeting just the three of them to figure some things out, but still no solution.

my questions to my mutuals or readers with ADD:

  • do you have any tips for my mom on how to help Emma, and by doing that helping herself?
  • what are things coworkers did that made it easier for you to adapt to new situations?
  • what is something you wished every supervisor knew/did where you worked to accommodate your needs?
  • what if my mom and Emma come up with some sort of understanding and solution but after a while one of them starts slipping. what is the best way to call each other out and stay on the right path?

im grateful for any tips. I’m upset with their supervisor for not being able to come up with something and afraid on what her lack of empathy & action might cause on the long term for both Emma and my mom.
