#tw sexual harrassment


I Had An Interesting AU Idea (Trigger Warning for Sexual Harassment and Horrible Extended Family Members)…

What if Diluc’s extended family (either his father’s side, mother’s side, or both) didn’t approve of Kaeya when they found out about him? If they felt he didn’t deserve to be part of the Ragnvindr family.

In front of Diluc and Crepus, they would treat him nicely only because they knew Crepus wouldn’t tolerate any bad language towards his adopted son. Any other time, they’d whisper about him and make cruel remarks about him, his appearance, and his possible lineage and homeland.

Kaeya endures all of this in silence until Crepus and Diluc catch them badmouthing him outside. Diluc ends up taking Kaeya inside and does everything to reassure him he is family while Crepus stays outside to chew them out and tells them not to come back if they couldn’t respect his son.

Years and a falling out later, the extended family comes to visit Diluc only to find him gone and ecstatic to hear rumors that he disowned Kaeya. They occasionally visit to see if Diluc had returned and to harass Kaeya, saying things like he had never deserved to be part of the family and how he should know his place. They would abuse him by forcing him to basically be their servant during their visits and humiliating him in public.

Though, Kaeya feels the urge to lash out, to scream and cause a scene, tell them to go screw themselves in a very vulgar manor, he holds his tongue. He has long since learned that anything they considered backtalk would be met with punishment. It was better to silently take it.

Any help Jean tried to give was gently but firmly turned down. Lisa always made sure to have a brew of calming calla lillie tea waiting for him after every visit. Albedo never said anything but he never turned Kaeya away when he needed a quiet place to unwind where no one would find him. Even Amber and Eula both seemed to get a little indignant at how he was treated, as strange as the idea was.

When Diluc returns, it doesn’t take too long for his extended family to hear about it. It only takes a month for them to show up, a month of being reminded by Diluc what they had already drilled into his head over the past three years.

Kaeya is nursing a Death After Noon after an already crappy day when they walk in. It takes everything in him not to curse but it just had to be his luck. They immediately swoon over Diluc, telling him how happy they were to see him and his much they missed him. Diluc appears unfazed by their praise, much to their annoyance. Kaeya could tell they were losing their patience.

Then they finally notice Kaeya and dread fills his gut. He wonders if it’s too late to make a break for it.

Diluc’s uncle huffs, asking what a stray mutt was doing at the counter. His wife lets out a haughty laugh that grates on Kaeya’s nerves as she says that he’s probably begging for scraps since he was so poor and his pay had probably been cut again. As they continue to degrade him, none of them seem to notice that Diluc had gone deathly still as Charles looked like he didn’t know if he should run to Kaeya’s aid or hurry to defuse his employer.

Surprisingly, it’s not Diluc who snaps first. Maybe all the bullying had finally gotten to him, maybe all of it plus Diluc’s new harsh and cold attitude towards him caused the captain to snap. Slamming his glass on the counter, Kaeya shoots up from his seat and gets in Diluc’s uncle’s face. He raises his voice, not shouting but definitely loud enough to be heard by the people around them. He chews them out about how they’ve treated him pretty much ever since they met and how sick he was of them.

He then proceeds to drop a bombshell that the uncle and his wife have been cheating on each other, the wife longer than her husband. He even spills how, despite him supposedly being a low, dirty mutt, that the wife had come onto him several times as well as their daughter. By the time he finished the tavern was hushed in stunned silence while the family was flushed red with anger. The father gives an angered shout, calling Kaeya a filthy liar as he charged him, his fist pulled back.

In a blur of movement, the man found himself on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Kaeya is stunned as Diluc rises from his crouched position between him and the wine tycoon’s family. Diluc makes sure to stay between them as he tells them that violence isn’t allowed in his establishment and tells them to leave. The aunt tries to object but the look Diluc gave her probably scared her because she scrambled to help her husband up and the family rushed out. Diluc tells everyone the tavern is closed and, understanding not to argue, everyone silently exits. Kaeya tries to leave as well but is stopped by Diluc calling his name. The look he gave him and the nod towards his seat were all that was needed to get his point across.

Even as he sat back in his seat, he found himself wondering if this was it. Was Diluc going to officially ban him from Angel’s Share for life? A restraining order? When he looks up at Diluc, the man has put his hands on the counter and is leaning forward, he breathing forcibly deep and even as if he was trying to calm himself down. Had he made Diluc that angry? His question is answered when Diluc asks how long they’ve been treating him like that. Kaeya tries to dodge the question but Diluc isn’t having it, demanding to know.

So Kaeya tells him. His mouth starts running and he’s horrified that he can’t seem to stop. He doesn’t tell everything but he gets the general point across. By the end of his rant, Diluc looks angrier than Kaeya thought he ever would, even more than that night. He’s terrified.

All of his panicked thoughts are cut off when Diluc hops the counter and forcibly pulls him into his arms, his fingers from one hand burying themselves in his hair while the other wraps around his back to hold him close as he mutters apologies and promises that Kaeya will never have to deal with them again. Kaeya freezes at first, unable to comprehend the situation (that Diluc would ever hold him like this again, whispering reassurances into his hair, anddear Barbatos were those tears he felt) before he melts and hugs back. He doesn’t bother to hide his tears as he breaks down and only feels safer when Diluc tightens his grip.

He was gonna be okay. Diluc would protect him.

Okay. I’ve never thought of an anime/manga that stooped so far from my hopes and expectations to borderline make me uncomfortable: My Hero Academia.

Something that displays abusers getting away practically scott free with their actions and the victims being punished cruelly without any justice. Putting this under read more cause despite it being simplified, I’m talking about abuse, sexual harassment and suicide baiting. Alongside some spoilers.

Katsuki Bakugo, physically and mentally abused his friend Izuku Midoriya just because he didn’t have a quirk. EVEN SUICIDE BAITED HIM WITH A FUCKING SMILE ON HIS FACE.

“If you want a quirk so bad, why don’t you take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in your next life!”

Yet he manages to get off scot free. Got into UA and the Hero Course, treats people like shit but still gets friends. Actively tried to kill Izuku during a training exercise and got away with it. This fucker needs to be thrown in an insane asylum.

Endeavor, forcibly married a woman for her quirk and (practically raped her) kept having kids so that he can have one with both their quirks. Physically and mentally abused his children alongside their mother to the point they harmed or tried to kill the other. Actively tries to kill his own son who managed to escape but badly mutilated. Becomes Number 1 Hero as his unforgivable actions are never reprimanded. This bastard should be locked up permanently or on death row. Dabi or Touya Todoroki is most likely dead now from the latest issue.

Mineta Minoru, sexually harrasses the female student body especially Momo. Actively peeks on the girls’ bathing multiple times. Only a slap and practical finger wagging. This kid should had a background check cause he probably has done more than just this and needs to expelled but also locked up.

Can’t even forget the discrimination against people without quirks like Izuku. It’s like the writer only made Izuku quirkless just to give him a quirk and not explore how he lives or tries to fight against this bias by becoming a Quirkless hero. Oddly specific that 20% of the population is Quirkless cause that’s doubled the number of people with disabilities in the world.

This isn’t painting a good image for me or anyone else that noticed this fact too. Hell, I bet the only reason Melissa was made is because he remembers establishing the Quirkless Population. Or Aoyama and possibly Shigaraki was in the same exact situation as Izuku, Quirkless but also countlessly bullied and abused by their current society.

Don’t get me started on the discrimination to those with weak quirks, mutation quirks and ‘villainous’ quirks. Toga being abused to the point of starvation and insanity because her quirk required blood. Something that probably kept her sane too. Shinso being relentlessly bullied for his Brainwash quirk.

Or how I noticed most criminals have weak quirks, mutation quirks and 'villainous’ quirks. USJ episode along has all stereotypes right there, won’t be surprised if some of them were quirkless.

This series is incredibly messed up. Heinous actions being rewarded without any consequences. Also hints of ableism scattered about. Kohei Hirokoshi, you’re giving me very bad vibes as you continue this manga. I don’t know what you are trying to portray but it’s very mixed or not positive.





Despite the praise and love the creator and director of the classic “Neon Genesis Evangelion” Hideaki Anno and his creation may receive from many fans. The same adoration cannot be said for the voice actress of the ever iconic Asuka Langley Soryu, Yuko Miyamura.

Keep reading

[the op’s deleted so the rest of the article is gone but someone reposted it on reddit]

Although Hideaki Anno has always been known for being a tough director, not much can compare to Yuko Miyamura’s experience doing her voice for Asuka Langley Soryu. Most specifically during her time working on the final instalment of the series “The End of Evangelion”.

Once all of the lines for the film were recorded, Anno was dissatisfied with her performance and summoned Miyamura to the studio to revise her final line. Seeing as the scene was between both Asuka and Shinji, Megumi Ogata was brought to the studio as well (despite it was only Miyamura’s line Anno had problems with).

In the original script Asuka’s finale line was “Anta nankani korosareru nowa mappira yo!” which can be translated to “I’d hate to be killed by a bastard like you!” But no matter what Miyamura tried, Anno remained unsatisfied with her, leaving both Miyamura and Ogata at a complete loss as to what needed to be done.

Anno then had Ogata straddle and choke Miyamura just as Shinji did to Asuka during the final scene in the film. It was so rough that Miyamura had difficulty speaking for the rest of the day. In Miyamura’s 2005 Anime Yawa interview she told the story of what Anno said to her after the choking idea failed.

“‘At last Anno asked me ‘Miyamura, just imagine you are sleeping in your bed and a stranger sneaks into your room. He can rape you anytime as you are asleep but he doesn’t. Instead, he masturbates looking at you, when you wake up and know what he did to you. What do you think you would say?’ I had been thinking he was a strange* man, but at that moment I felt disgusting. So I told him that I thought ‘Disgusting.’ And then he sighed and said, ‘I thought as much.’”

*It is worth noting that when she describes Anno as “strange”, the translation is a bit off and can also be interpreted as “odd”, “freaky” or “creepy”.

The conversation between the two is what lead Anno to change the final line in the film to the iconic “kimochi warui”.

After finishing her work on Evangelion, between the stress of her sex scandal, having a stalker because of her voicing Asuka and many scary incidents with fans Miyamura moved to Australia. She’s then proceeding to do most of her voice work from studios there.

Prior to the Rebuild films release and with no Asuka in the first film “Rebuild of Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone” there were many fan speculations all across the web and betting pools as to what new voice actress would take over as Asuka as no one expected Miyamura to return.

In Miyamura’s 2010 SMASH interview when asked about her experiences voice acting and if she ever regretted anything, she admitted “At one point in time, I thought to myself that I would never act as Asuka again” and “For a very long time I wanted to erase Evangelion”. When asked if the series was truly that hard to work on, she very clearly expressed that “it was very hard”.

sources interviews referenced: “ http://animaniajapan.livedoor.biz/archives/17687653.html


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169858/ (though I don’t see an interview here, it might have just been general information) “

Two years ago she was a guest at Saboten Con in Phoenix Arizona, and in a panel with some other guests they were all asked something to the effect of what was the lowest point in your career, and she went to explain in detail this scene and the situation with Anno being a slave driver, and being genuinely afraid of what vulgar and abhorrent things were happening to her, and the situation she, and potentially the rest of the cast was in if they were to proceed with, I’ll be generous and call it “method-acting”. The entire ballroom fell completely silent no one could say a word, and honestly what could you possibly say to bring up the spirits of a crowd in that instance. People were walking on eggshells around her the entire rest of the convention being as polite and respectful as humanly possible, and there was a heavy drop-off in Eva related questions as a result of that.

I didnt need this to hate Anno and Evangelion, i had plenty of reasons already, but if this is the that puts it over the edge for you, thats more than enough for me. This man does not deserve any of the hype, or respect, or admiration that he gets for his own self-admitted grandest failure.
