#tw vent


i hope you’re all doing well on here i have missed being active but life stuff has just been a lot recently and i haven’t had the energy to be online as much


What’s the opposite of agoraphobia?

I’m terrified of being home.

All the bad things have happened in places I called home, done by people I called family.

kyohiki: always different from the rest


always different from the rest

Post link


Iwanttochange everything about me.

It’s all you’re fault. I hate you.

projects my emotions cutely <3

don’t mind me just venting(? i guess so)

I’m gonna tear my fucking skin off

Bestie i can literally never have a just good day can i something always has to come fuxk it up at the end

Internalized Arophobia Vent

It’s very early in the morning and I’ve cried twice over the fact I will never fall in love like “normal” people. It’s a stupid thing to cry over but I want so badly to fall in love. I am tired of seeing myself as a monster.
Hell I have tried to get help for my internalized arophobia but everytime I do- I’m handed ace resources. “I still feel romantic attraction!” BUT I DON’T!!! AND IM SO FUCKING TIRED.
I want an aromantic partner who knows what I mean. I want to get married man. I want to do all the traditionally romantic things. I’m tired of people saying I just want a close friend or a fwb. No. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
