


If you’re a drug blog please like and/or reblog this so I can follow you! 

Don’t fucking reblog this if you’re a weed blog.

Blow hella clouds….because….meth



lookin for tweaker blogs and friends

reblog if you’re a crystal blog!

hype 4 that original content tho

also message me

I’d love some new blogs to follow.

So reblog bitches

Gimme something to look forward to.

Follow me to succcess

King of tweakers 3 minutes straight back to back ,

blowing insane garage clouds on a cloudy spunday

Reblog with your cloud videos……impress me. @mvpofthetwackteam69

Unedited raw clouds. #Shardydabs

It’s so fresh and clean no iso here….


HOTT RAILSSS!!!!! Crackbacks and cloudy days with all my heathens. Like and Reblog the fuck outta this.

I think this needs some eyes on it. Like comment reblog. Fucking degenerates



Theres fucked up…. then theres so fucked up you wish you could be a part of the show. No one that blows clouds is this fucking sexy and just all around weirdoooo. I’d make her my bitch in a heartbeat and we could destroy the world together.

The meltdown 2019. Watch it flow then come back a little harder than before. #crackback appreciation day is everyday. If you don’t ReBlog…..do you even love meth? Do you appreciate how she makes you feel. FOLLOW FOR more appreciation videos.

#Crackback appreciation. dazed and fucking lit. Reblog so the whole world can see it. Don’t be greedy share with someone speedy.

Well, there goes sobriety.

Who am I kidding? If sobriety was in my cards, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.

Fuck sobriety. Fuck feeling anything at all. Fuck life.

I need shards. And Xanax. And…whatever you have. Like now…

I was totally fuckin twacked…

Hope you’re all having a Twackful Tweakend!!
