#blowin clouds



If you’re a drug blog please like and/or reblog this so I can follow you! 

Don’t fucking reblog this if you’re a weed blog.

Blow hella clouds….because….meth



lookin for tweaker blogs and friends

reblog if you’re a crystal blog!

hype 4 that original content tho

also message me

I’d love some new blogs to follow.

So reblog bitches

Gimme something to look forward to.

Follow me to succcess

King of tweakers 3 minutes straight back to back ,

blowing insane garage clouds on a cloudy spunday

Reblog with your cloud videos……impress me. @mvpofthetwackteam69

Unedited raw clouds. #Shardydabs


HOTT RAILSSS!!!!! Crackbacks and cloudy days with all my heathens. Like and Reblog the fuck outta this.

I think this needs some eyes on it. Like comment reblog. Fucking degenerates

3am Tweaker Hour

I don’t even have to look at the clock to know its 3am bc my phone starts buzzing from all the social media activity. Everyone is suddenly active on facebook and shit lol ️

This is why I voice in my videos lol…

@stevenb68 hopefully this visual gives you a better understanding of p how the peice works!

I was totally fuckin twacked…

Found this one too…

I’m gettin better with the clouds lol


Been searching for something to hold my bubbler in place so it doesn’t spill… Finally found something, and this is the end result…


4am Tweaker Problems

So I fill my bubble and melt it down. Go to hit it and… Torch is empty. So I grab the butane. IT’S EMPTY!! FUCK! Guess I’m using my lighter … so I get it rolling nicely, go to hit it and….THE LIGHTER DIES!!!

Friend says: Where can we get butane at 4am?!!!??!

Me: Walmart

Friend puts on shoes and walks to Walmart in the pouring rain to get butane.


It’s all fun getting spun till you’re almost done and left with none….

Who can get us right at 8oclock at night? That’s the real question… hmmmm @tweakerslut


Love the pic, except for the reality of it atm… But who knows, maybe the magical meth fairy will bless ths tweaker village we are visiting?!? ✌️

Just found this in my draft box from about a week ago. Must have been nicely spun to just let it sit there…

Finally get a decent amount of shards and realize I have no more points and my friend still has my bubble and torch and I can’t reach him or find anyone with points. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCCKK?!?! I tell another friend about my dilemma and he says “I’ll be there in 5 min, I got you.” and shows up with a brand new bubble, torch, point, and throws a shard sample on top…


Dude, you just made my top friends list. 

Yea so I made this last Friday and just now realized it was still in my drafts folder. 
