#tweakerslut submissions


Love the rush but damn not when u first wake up….

Head shots

Totally badass dude, love it!!

Unique Ways of Holding the Hot Pipe!

So I was cruising through my page and I come across that HORRIFIC picture of your arm after you had done the total opposite of what my DUMBASS said I did and chose the logical route and brought your ass to the damn hospital! First off, I am sooooo sorry that I even put that out there to you! I can’t even imagine the way I would of felt if you would’ve not went because of how mine ended up when my dumbass “Manned” up and got through it without going, and who knows what would’ve happened…! HOLY SHIT! I feel like shit now! I would’ve just had to end it all right there because that would’ve ate at me for the rest of my life!!! FUCK! Now that I was able to get that out,, how is that arm doing now? Hope you are doing allot better now! Let me know, ok. Take Care!

Oh yeah! I seen in your blog that people could submit pictures so I figured I’d submit one at the same time as I was down on my knees begging for your apology, ok. I’ve been using this drug for just over 30 years and have used many many many different unique ways to hold that hot pipe so it won’t burn something or roll over and,, well yeah.. that! I have had allot of pretty outrageous things that I used throughout the years but this is what is currently doing the honors of this very important job.. lol. I mean this this was totally ridiculous for me to buy years ago when I was even more of a dumbass, and yeah it basically sat and did absolutely nothing for so many years until one day when I was smoking and for some reason had to put that pipe down quickly and I scrambled around furiously looking for something and this just so happened to be in the right place at the right time and ended up landing this gig from that time forward! Lol. Ok, so there is my little submission for your page, hopefully you can use it.

So please just throw me a little message or fuck you dumbass and let me know how you are doing ok. It would be very much appreciated! And you Take Care ok! Now I gotta figure out how to attach that damn picture! Shit! I gotta take it and post it at the same time huh? Not a problem! Ok, here it goes!

Don’t beat yourself up dude! Arm is good, I’m good, all is good!! Nice contraption. I’m def peeping the Zico in the background
