#slam meth


Throwback slam video from a couple of years ago…I remember being so excited to do this shot that I accidentally pulled out the rig after registering it…rookie move, but I recovered quite nicely for take off.

This definitely wasn’t the smartest choice I’ve made…I broke weak and gave into the urge to use before I was officially off probation…now I have to pray that this doesn’t come back to haunt me…But damn!!! That was one of the MEANEST RUSHES EVER…I hadn’t touched this drug in over 6 months and halfway through that shot I could hardly see straight or keep my hand still…I had to pause for a minute and regain my senses a couple of times before I finally did the whole thing…

Text for discreet deliveries and quick drop off

Send message for discreet delivery and drop off



Flying high. 32,642ft to be exact. Mentally, I’m higher than boat gas. What a time to be alive. ✈️

look, I made a friend!

so hoT

this hoT slammmer! woof

this hoT slammmer! woof

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If you are from Florida and like to get spun then reblog and share location!!

Feel free to follow me and/or message me. I’m always up for meeting fellow tweakers!!

And once again, remember to follow the tag #florida tweakers

Always looking for new tweaker buddies!

Anyone else ever been tweaking hard but realize you are sitting in a super uncomfortable position and tell yourself you’ll get up as soon as you do “this one quick thing” …

…5 hours later and you still haven’t moved. Or completed that one quick thing.

Tryin to hide the fact that I’m totally tweaked while enjoying this hoodie weather. Having an ex-twe

Tryin to hide the fact that I’m totally tweaked while enjoying this hoodie weather.

Having an ex-tweaker for a dad sucks dog balls.

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Ilovehow long the meth high lasts.

24 hours later…

Ihatehow long the meth high lasts.


I’m talking about grown folk shit on here. Go, run along now, play somewhere else you young lil Mufux.

True Story! This shit aint for youngins!

When you just did the last of your stash and you are blissfully spun but notice it’s still pretty early and you kinda wish the meth fairy would magically apear.

You know you’re spun when you forget what you were gonna look up before the browser finishes loading.
