#twine games



Current Wips

Okay so while I’m thinking about it I’m just gonna post links to both of my games and pin this post rather than just have Rott and CoI separate–it’s just kind of getting annoying. I’ll make update posts still but this pinned post will remain at the top for easier access to my games.

Just wanna have a look at them and not hear the sales pitch? RotT is here, and CoI is here.

Keep reading



happy chapter seven release day!! i know it’s been a bit since i’ve updated but i’m pleased to say that the next update is finally here!!


  • flirt with death (aka literally just mirai)
  • get some questions answered
  • enter some precarious situations (you’re a hunter, you’re supposed to be good at this)
  • get in some interesting situations with the ros
  • witness a fight?

it’s been quite a journey for me writing this, but i truly hope everyone enjoys. the new content comes to about 57.5k words extra with a huge chunk of it being branches and variations, so if you’re interested in getting to know more than one ro, i highly recommend doing multiple playthroughs.

let me know what you think <3
