
Thank you for my friend for inviting me to an illustration project “MILITARISM” on FB~!So happy to d

Thank you for my friend for inviting me to an illustration project “MILITARISM” on FB~!

So happy to draw Azul in military uniform!!!

Since someone ask me for the link of whole projects, here’s!!

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Commission I did for @squidwen of Overblot! Ceridwen and her Mirror Phantom.It was really fun design

Commission I did for @squidwen of Overblot! Ceridwen and her Mirror Phantom.

It was really fun designing the outfits! Thank you for commissioning me!

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@zackcrazyvalentine here’s your boy!

Furo sighed with content as they cleared a down tree in the woods. The late afternoon sun dappled the ground and gave the mountain forest a warm glow. They were in their gym uniform, dark purple t-shirt and long pants with the jacket wrapped around their waist. “Oh! Look at that,” Furo happily chirped as they spotted a piece of antler shed. They knelt down to inspect it. “This one had some tiny antlers. Hopefully they grow nice and big this season!”

They picked up the antler and put it in the satchel on their shoulder. A thrill call of a bird got them to look up. “Huh, guess there was a predator or something,” Furo mumbled as they shrugged the instance off. They stood up again to start walking deeper in the woods. Along the way, Furo also picked some trash scattered about. 

The deeper they went, the more they noticed that there were somethings amiss. It was quiet. Furo would stop periodically to try and spot animals, but there were no signs. They were frequenting their usual places and none of the animals appeared. “What is going on?”

Then there was a snap of a twig. Furo tensed as they turned to look in the direction it came from.

Okaaay…time to go.

Furo turned around to start heading back when a particularly angry voice echoed, “F*** this f***in’ place! Might as well burn it all. If it’ll get me outta here sooner.” Another crash of a branch. “F***!” It was from the same direction as the twig.

“Oh dear,” Furo sighed. They looked back in the direction and scrunched their face in contemplation. They sighed and gripped their satchel tightly. “It’s moments like these that make it so I can’t get mad when things happen to me.”

With that they trudged into the direction of the voice. It was closer to some cliffs than Furo tended to go, but all the more reason to get whatever ill-suited kid out of the woods. It wasn’t long before they saw a rough and tumble cyberpunk dude having a fist fight with a shrub. An all too familiar cyberpunk dude.

“Oh no…not you…” Furo sighed as they came to the edge of trees.

Mikhail Hallverd whipped his head around and tensed at seeing the Pomefiore second year. “Ugh, I should say the same for ya. Of course, I’d run into a beast in these damn woods.”

Furo bit the inside of their cheek as they stared at the boy. “No wonder all the animals have been on edge,” they grumbled. Exasperated, they questioned, “Why are you here, Mikhail? I didn’t take you for the type to go on a nature walk.”

“Like hell I’d go walkin’ in an overgrown weed patch,” Mikha growled. His arm was snagged on some thorns, and he roughly pulled himself free. He took a step back when he did so, and the ground crumbled ever so slightly. Furo flicked their eyes to the edge of the cliff, that he was getting awfully close to. “I hafta get some stupid f***in flower cause I slugged an a**hole during potions.”

Furo patted down the fly-aways on their brow as they adjusted the bow holding their hair up. Why do I keep getting involved with violent guys with a foul mouth?

“Well, be careful,” Furo warned. They partially turned around, ready to leave him. “The ground by the cliffs is loose, so it’s easy to cause a landslide. Stay by the trees, their roots hold the dirt in place.”

“Grr, just shut the hell up!” the fiery teen lashed out. He began to walk along the cliffside, but each step he took let a cascade of rocks and dirt fall. “It’s quicker ta go this way, so Imma go this way!”

“Hey! Watch where you’re-” Furo called out as they saw how the ground shifted, but the loud grumble cut them off. A large chunk of the cliffside began to break off. Furo let out a sharp croak in their throat as they ran up to grab Mikha’s sleeve but got caught in the rubble with him. “Grooak!”


Both fell in the shower of dirt and stone. It was a long way down. Furo clutched their satchel with one arm and covered their head with the other as they skid down on their back. Mikha tried to regain some form of footing as they went down, but everything was kicked loose when he touched it. In a cloud of debris, they landed in a new outcrop of trees.

Furo coughed violently as they sat up. Through squinted eyes, they looked around them. “M-mikhail? Are you okay?”

“Tch.” He was on his back with hands over his eyes. “I hate it here.”

“Yeah, yeah. Now, are you okay? Any internal body fluids no longer internal?” Furo asked again as they crawled over to him. There were slight lacerations along their upper arms, as blood trickled from under their gym uniform sleeve. Mikhail had some cuts along his cheek and hands. Furo sighed and pulled out their handy dandy healing salve out of their satchel. “Give me your hand, please.”

“I don’t want anything that ya got,” he hissed.

Furo sat back and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. They put their salve away and got up to dust their pants off. “Fine, but those cuts are going to make it hard for you to climb back up,” they told him. Furo looked at their own injuries and sighed. It was going to be a pain to treat them. They looked up the mountain side. It was a long way up. They sighed, “I suggest you get back to campus, Mikhail.”

“I hafta get that damn flower still, so I won’t be comin’ with ya,” Mikha declared. He grumbled some more as he got to his feet, wincing when he had to place his cut-up hand on the ground. “Just piss off, why dontcha.”

Furo pinched the bridge of their nose. They looked up to see the sun was starting to set and the sky was taking on the hues of twilight. It was going to be getting dark sooner than later. I’m going to get in so much trouble for this…

“What flower are you looking for? I can try and help you locate it,” Furo offered as they continued to scan the undergrowth.

“F*** off,” he spat at them.

Furo just stared at him unamused. “You do realize I’m in the Mountain Appreciation Club, right? I know these mountains far better than you. There are some flowers that look like other flowers, and if you bring the wrong one back Professor Crewel is sure to know. Being in the woods alone during the day can be dangerous, let alone at night. So, get off your high horse you cyberpunk and accept help!”

Mikha looked like he wanted to bite Furo’s head off. He grumbled, “Oxyra divergens…”

“Man, Crewel really must have been mad at you,” Furo mumbled. They stretched their legs and started walking. Over their shoulder they said, “This way. We need to climb fast. That plant grows on mountain peaks.”

Mikha reluctantly followed a good distance behind. It was an awkward trudge up the mountain. Furo led the way while Mikha would get caught on every form of plant manner imgainable.

“Stupid trees,unreliable mountain. A factory would never crumble under my feet,” he grumbled, loud enough for Furo to hear. A slight buzzing whirred past their ear and then the coughing and sputtering of Mikhail. “F***IN’ NASTY AS HELL BUGS!! I HATE IT! I HATE EVERYTHING IN THIS HELL HOLE!”

He stomped on the ground, and the incline he and Furo were on shook. Furo pushed themselves closer to the cliffside, wincing as their cuts were aggravated. Mikhail was brought to his knees, and a pebble jabbed itself into his open wound on his hand. “Gah!”

When the shaking stopped, Furo looked down at him. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t throw a tantrum while we are on uneven footing. Thank you kindly,” was their passive aggressive remark.

The shadows were getting larger, and it was getting harder to see where feet were being placed. Furo bit their lip as they looked ahead of them. A small cave was about fifteen feet ahead of them. “We’re going to have to camp out. We can shelter there.” The only reply they got was a series of growls and grunts. “If you’re trying to say something in an Animal Language, your pronunciation needs a bit of work. You just said that your hair smells of spoiled milk.”

Mikha’s angry sputtering caused Furo to chuckle. They let him into the crevice first and took the area closer to the exit. Furo slid to the ground with a hefty sigh. Mikhail plopped himself on the ground too with a pout. He glared at Furo. “Do you know how to start a fire?”

“No fire,” Furo was quick to decline.

“Then do you know any pyromancy spells?”

“No. Fire,” Furo reiterated.

“Then what the hell are we gonna do?! Just stay in the dark?!”

“Your eyes will adjust.”

“F*** you!”

Furo rolled their eyes before slumping their shoulders. They reached into their pocket to pull out their magic pen. They focused on some rocks that were in between them and Mikhail. “Illuminate.” The rocks began to glow, casting a soft light on both of them. “It only lasts for an hour.”

Mikha huffed and pulled his knees in closer. Furo put their magic pen away again and took the salve out to place it on the ground. Both ignored the other. A small flutter and a series of squeaks echoed from deeper in the hole they found themselves in. Mikha flinched. “What the hell?”

“Bats,” Furo identified as they tried to roll their sleeves to gain access to their wounds. “Just keep your head down and they shouldn’t run into you. Nothing to be afraid of.”

“I ain’t afraid of some dingy bat!” And then a bat flew right into his face. “GAHHH! F***IN DAMN IT! GET IT OFF!!” He swatted at the flying mammal and kicked his feet. More bats flew out of the cave.

“Oh dearie!” Furo scrambled over him. They scooped the small bat off Mikha’s face and gently tossed it out with the rest of the bats. Furo turned back to see fresh scratches across the young boy’s nose and chin. They winced a bit. “…Do you want me to use the salve now?” He just sat there seething. “Mikhail?”

“I hate this crap…”

Furo nodded and scooched back to grab their medical salve. They brought it close to him and opened it with hesitating eyes. Very slowly, Furo dipped their fingers into the ointment and brought them closer to his face. He snapped at them. Furo brought their fingers back before they were caught in his teeth and lightly smacked him on the nose with the remaining fingers that did not have anything on them. Furo quickly said, “Sorry! Reflex! Usually, I’m doing this with another punk and… just let me do this. It’ll be done quicker that way and I’ll be out of your bubble!”

Mikhail looked Furo up and down and hissed out, “Don’t touch my face.”

Furo smacked their lips and nodded. “Okay, I can do that. Can I at least get the cut on your hand? Cause that one is starting to look nasty.”

Mikha looked at his hand and indeed it was looking rather…unclean. He glared at Furo for a long time before holding his hand out. Furo perked up, ready to start when he barked, “I’ll do it myself.”

Furo sighed, “Alright. That’s better than not getting it done at all.” They handed the ointment over and went back to sit on their side of the of the rock pile. The silence was deafening, even with the calm sounds of the creatures of the night carried on the wind.

“Hey.” Mikha’s call out caught Furo’s attention. They barely caught the jar of ointment that was thrown their way.

“Thank you.” Furo nodded their head towards him. They placed the jar next to them and began to take their t-shirt off.

“Woah! Why the f*** are ya taking your shirt off?!” Mikha exclaimed.

Furo’s head popped out of the bottom of the shirt and gave him a confused look. The soft light showed a black crop top looking article of clothing tightly bound on their upper torso. It took them a moment to piece what he was up-in-arms about. “Because I can’t reach my cuts with the t-shirt on?” Furo explained like it was common sense. They started to apply the ointment a bit messily.

“Hmph,” he huffed.

Then the light started to dim, until it was all but gone. Mikha started to close in on himself more. “Are you alright, Mikhail?” Furo asked concerned as they put their shirt back on.”

“Of course, I’m aight! What? Ya think I can’t handle being in the dark?! I ain’t no baby! Shut up before I throw ya off the mountain!”

Furo held their hands up in surrender as they put on their gym jacket. “I said nothing of the sort. I’m going to try and get some sleep. Feel free to do the same.” Furo leaned back and closed their eyes.

It would have been a nice way to fall asleep, if it wasn’t for Mikha’s constant grumbling and shuffling around. Furo simply opened their eyes and peered into the darkness where they remembered him being. He was curled into a ball and shaking nonstop. Furo felt their heart pang a bit. They turned to look out into the line of trees. It hurt them to see the young boy terrified of something that they find so much solace because Furo couldn’t keep their cool. 

I should be a bit softer with him tomorrow…

They sighed and forced themself to fall asleep.


“Why the f*** are we even here?! How the hell did I get dragged into this?!” Mikha complained as they trudged on in the early dawn.

Furo groaned ahead of him.

Yeah, softer. As soft as a rhino’s butt!

Furo pulled themselves up onto a ledge and waited for Mikha to do the same. They were nearing the highest point of this section of mountain. Furo stretched out and took a deep breath in. “Well, first you punched a kid. That’s what got you in the woods. Then, you didn’t listen when I said the ground was unstable. That’s what had us sliding down the mountain side.”

“I ain’t askn you.”

“Of course,” Furo said with a forced smile. They continued climbing, being careful to avoid the rocks that look slightly suspicious. Mikha followed again, keeping his complaints no louder than a whispered growl. Furo mumbled, “Huh, Slyvan would be having a much easier time with this…”

Then the sight of red tinted oval leaves and burnt ombre beaded flowers cascading over the edge of a ledge a few feet up. Furo pointed, “There’s the plant you were looking for.”

“Great. Finally.” Mikha reached up and before he could grab the plant in his fist, Furo stopped him. “What now?!”

“You shouldn’t take the whole thing, Mikhail. Leave the plant to keep growing,” Furo told him.

“Why should I care?”

“Because everything is tied to nature, even your tech. So, you need to treat it well,” Furo explained.

“My tech has nothing in common with f***in’ mother nature,” he commented before pulling up a large chunk of the plant. Furo swallowed back a growl at his actions.

What if I just turn into a hawk and leave him here? Huh? What would happen? They sighed as they covered their face with their hands. No, you can’t do that. your morals won’t let you. At least see him out of the woods.

As Furo started to make their descent, a growl reached their ears. They froze along with Mikha. “What the f***?”

“Mikhail, I’m going to turn into a mountain goat,” Furo calmly informed him. “When I do, get on and hold tight.”


“Bestiary: Passage of the Mountain Goat.” Furo turned into a lean goat with long, straight horns and a white wiry curled hair. They had a short tail and a long beard underneath their chin. A blue bow was tied neatly around their neck.

Mikha flinched away from Furo, only to hear the shifting of rocks from somewhere around them. That’s when he saw the eyes of a mountain lion staring at him. He ran in the opposite direction of Furo, and the mountain lion gave chase. He slid and tripped over rocks as he tried to escape. The predator, being far more skilled with this terrain than him, was gaining very fast. Mikhail fell and slid down the mountain fortunately, because the mountain lion jumped over his head. It landed downhill but turned to look Mikha in the eyes. He scrambled to get up. The cougar was fast to approach, but Furo came from the side to headbutt the cougar back farther.

In a puff of green smoke, Furo was back in their human form panting. “I TOLD YOU TO GET ON!! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET A CHUNK BITEN OUT OF YOU?!” they yelled at him. “WE ARE RUNNING! BESTIARY: PASSAGE OF THE TIGER!”

With another puff of magic smoke, Furo was now a large tiger with blue bow. They grabbed Mikha by his scruff and began to run, dragging him with them.

“OW! F***! LET ME GO! AARRGGG!! I WILL F*** YA UP! DO YA KNOW WHO I AM?!!” Mikha screamed as he was jostled down the cliff and through the woods. He thrashed about for a while, but after getting smacked by a few encroaching branches he seemed to give up. Whether it was because he passed out was up for debate.

Furo finally stopped running when they reached a familiar clearing. It was one their club often gathered in during their expeditions. They slowly dragged Mikha to the center of it before dropping him. They flopped down beside him as a tiger and transformed back. They let out a groan. “Ugh. Why does this always happen to me? What sort of pheromones do I give off that brings things to chase me?” they whimpered into the dirt.

Mikha just stared into the sky unmoving. He had new cuts and bruises on him and enough leaves in his hair to make him a bush. Furo looked over at him and grumbled, “We made it back to the beginning of the forest. You can leave now. Nothing should chase you…Theoretically…” Furo flipped themselves over and sat up. “I’m going to stay here for a while…”

Furo crawled over to the base of a tree a leaned back on it. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. They heard the rustling and footsteps trailing off in the distance, and let themselves relax in the silence of nature.

A while back I downloaded a lil game known as “Disney’s Twisted Wonderland”. Of all the characters i

A while back I downloaded a lil game known as “Disney’s Twisted Wonderland”. Of all the characters in this mobile game, Leona was my personal favorite. I will admit it’s a bit bias cause everyone in SavanaClaw are cute animal guys.

#AnixDraws #twistedwonderland #twistedwonderlandfanart #Leona #fanart #digitalart #digitalpainting #disneystwistedwonderland #disneytwistedwonderlandfanart


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Back to chef Rook food travel~

Model : Twisted Wonderland SEGA Prize Ex stuffed toy


Model : Sega prize extra plush toy (16cm size)

//l haven’t all of dorm leaders plushies so Deuce, Jack, Jade and Jamil will be instead of their leader

Octavinelle master chef full combo


Left > Floyd Leech

Center > Azul Ashengrotto

Right > Jade Leech

Title: Twisted Wonderland

Extra plush stuffed toy by Sega prize

NRC Master Chef has over except me

Costume ver.2 made by me

Model : Malleus Draconia (l haven’t Silver so use Tsunotarou instead) - Sega prize Ex plush 16 cm size

have time limited to do birthday suit for Azul but thank you for the prototype now l can figure out what the second will come out~

I will do this outfit again for Vil birthday campaign (April)

my new shoe model and takotsubo from my friend~

making dormitory’s badge for my little twst plushies

It’s very tiny so l have to cut some details off.

for 16cm Sega prize plushies~

I bought in 1 lot just because of these little 2 guys as jkvl shipper

They’re 4 character who want home to live with, l just list it on eBay

Adding skeleton for beautiful queen~

Finally, l made it in time! Happy Birthday Vil Schoenheit

Model : Sega prize mascot plush 16 cm (l use his school uniform ver. as a base)

Birthday Boy outfit made by Me, MechaSnugNha

Some doodle of this cutie pie, i also tried a different type of artstyle rather than my normal paintery one. And with that imma sleep now nite nite ♡

A concept/headcanon comic draft I had. Expect me to draw more of Twisted Wonderland cause Im addicted.
