#two-bit mathews


entitled and broken


lowercase intended

shelley martin was a soc by all means. she had the rich dad who cared more about his secretary than his own wife, the sad drunk mom who would ditch this town and her family the second she got a chance, and the older brother who ran away to new york 2 years ago after promising to bring shelley with him. he didn’t. he overdosed last year. his parents refused to pay for his funeral so he’s buried somewhere in new york. shelley wishes she would’ve gone with him. maybe he would be alive, or she’d be dead. they both sound pretty great to her.

after her brother died, her parents did everything they could to make sure she didn’t go down the same path. she planned on it either way, but it was nice to get a few nice gifts from her parents. maybe they did really care, or maybe they were just saving her father’s reputation. either way, shelley gets what she wants now. as long as she acts like a soc should, she’s got no problems.

but soc shouldn’t fall in love with greasers. especially not greasers like steve randle.

steve was fixing up some dirty old car when a black ‘62 pontiac grand prix pulled into the dx, causing him to shift his gaze from the engine he was working on. the pontiac was one of the shiniest cars he’d ever seen, which meant there was no way whoever was driving was from his side of town. a girl with dirty blonde hair stepped out of the driver’s side of the car and quickly walked into the gas station with her head down, but not before he saw who she was.

he knew who shelley martin was, she was a soc if there ever was one. as far as he knew, she was spoilt and never played nice. she wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and her good grades were mostly bought for her. he rolled his eyes and went back to working on the car engine. as long as i’m out here, i won’t have to deal with her in there.

just as steve had finished his thought, sodapop walked out of the station and over to steve. “switch me, stevie. it’s your turn to work the register,” soda grinned devilishly, knowing that steve hated being cooped up behind that counter. steve groaned and used a towel to wipe most of the car grease off of his hands as he walked inside. so much for staying away from martin. he slammed the door behind him as he trudged toward the register, throwing the towel behind him. he’d pick it up later. steve caught a glance of her before she walked behind a shelf. he knew she was pretty, he’d always thought she was gorgeous. all soc girls were pretty- it comes with the label, but it didn’t make them any more tolerable. he toyed with the buttons on the machine in front of him as her thought about her.

the loudening sound of footsteps snapped him out of his thoughts. he looked up to see her setting down three candy bars, a box of tissues, two packs of cigarettes, and a pregnancy test. her gaze shifted around the store, looking at anything and everything but his face. to be fair, the pregnancy test wasn’t for her, but steve didn’t know that. “you know, i’m pretty sure if this thing ends up being positive, those cigarettes might not be the best idea,” he was joking around of course, but shelley wasn’t exactly in the mood for jokes. “watch it, randle, before you start to think you know what the hell you’re talking about.” he raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, “$18.37’s your total, martin,” he threw the stuff in a bag and handed it to her, holding out the other hand for the money. she mimicked his eye roll and handed him a twenty, “don’t worry about the change, i don’t exactly want to spend any more time here than i need to.” and with that, she began walking away.

right as she opened the door she looked back at him with a worried expression, one much different than the annoyed look she had a few seconds ago. “not that i think you care or anything, but would you mind not saying anything about, uh.. about that test? just- just pretend i was never here, alright?”, her voice was ever so slightly shaking, and for once, she didn’t sound condescending or crewd. steve actually felt bad for her, so he promised he wouldn’t say anything about it and she smiled at him. a genuine smile that he’d never seen on her, it was cute. he felt something after seeing her smile like that, he felt like he needed to see that smile more. he decided to chase that feeling.

helping steve after a bad fight headcanons

Requested: nope, sorry !

A/N:i literally have tons of requests right now but they’re all harry potter and i’m honestly not in the mood for harry potter ngl (which is never the case). so instead of writing my requests like a decent person, i’m just gonna write some outsiders stuff because all i can think about lately is steve randle ‍♀️ sooo once again, i’m super sorry but hopefully you guys like this ! (update: i’m not super proud of this so don’t hurt me if it’s bad)

Pairing(s):steve randle x reader

Character(s):steve randle, reader, sodapop curtis, mentions of ponyboy, johnny, dally, and darry

Warnings:angst and fluff if you squint, crying (is that worthy of a warning ??), slight mentions of death (barely), i think like one curse word

Word Count: a heckin lot of bullets, sorry



  • you were watching whatever cartoon was on and having a jolly ol’ time when someone started knocking on your door
  • rAtHeR aGgReSiVeLy might i add
  • you were about to get real fiesty w the person behind the door bc it’s too late for this bullshit
  • turns out the person was sodapop who was practically carrying a rather beaten up steve
  • of course you panic and help soda set steve down in the closest chair
  • soda would’ve stayed with you and steve if he didn’t have a barely conscious dally in the back seat of darry’s ford
  • as soon as soda left you ran over to steve
  • he had a cut on his neck and stomach, a broken nose, a busted lip and eyebrow, a black eye, and bruises all over his chest
  • you almost started crying right then and there but held yourself together and focused on cleaning up his face
  • he could tell you were tearing up and tried to lighten the mood by telling you about how him and dally almost beat up a whole group of socs all on their own
  • that made it worse
  • “darlin’ please don’t cry”
  • “i’m tired of it, steve, i don’t wanna see you like this. it’s one thing when you’re gettin’ in fights in order to protect pony or johnny but when you get all cocky and decide you can take on groups of guys twice your size it’s a whole other story”
  • “well i made it out alive didn’t i ?”
  • “barely ! i’m not stupid steve, i know if soda wouldn’t of made it on time you’d be dead. don’t act like that cut there on your neck ain’t from a blade to your throat cause i know it is”
  • he was silent after that
  • and you were practically sobbing
  • it wasn’t a pretty sight but you couldn’t help thinking that one day you were gonna get a call from soda saying steve’s gone for good
  • eventually between the tears and yelling you managed to clean most the blood and dirt off his face
  • for the millionth time, you had to pop steve’s nose back in place after a fight
  • he was used to it by now but you may have accidentally been a little more aggressive than needed
  • you were upset oh well he can deal with it
  • after he was clean and bandaged up (for the most part) he was apologizing nonstop
  • “i’m sorry darlin’”
  • “i know you are”
  • “like really really sorry”
  • “yep, i heard you the first 8 times”
  • “no baby i mean it i-”
  • “ok steve honey shut your pie hole before i break your nose again”
  • you made him take a shower
  • he insisted on you taking it with him bc he needs more attention and has a weird thing where he loves other people washing his hair
  • you don’t wanna give in but also don’t trust him to be alone
  • eventually you’re in the shower too
  • he won’t full out admit it but he loVES being babied by you
  • you’re starting to think that’s the reason he even gets in fights
  • he doesn’t wanna go to bed bc he wants to tell you about how great the fight was now that you’ve calmed down
  • but you eventually get him to suck it up and go to bed
  • he insists on cuddling but everytime he hugs you or pulls you close he somehow hits a bruise and dramatic wailing ensues
  • after he’s chilled out, he gets a tad more serious
  • “i know i’ve said it a lot but i really am sorry. i’ll be more careful, i swear. i love you.”
  • “thanks, stevie. i love you too”
  • “i mean honestly i aught to, i have no idea what you would do without me. i can’t even imagine!”
  • yup, there’s the steve randle you know

Marcia: Since I have Driver’s Ed in first semester, I can go braless on the first day.

Two-bit: Oh my god. Do it.

Marcia: (snapping her bra straps to her shoulders like overall straps) I’m the mayor of titty city, bitch.

Two-bit: Another fine post from god herself

the gang + some others as things i’ve said this summer

Johnny: Life hack! Scream.


Marcia: And that’s the story of how and why I had an anxiety attack in front of a boy I think is cute in a grocery store.

Cherry: Aren’t you gay?

Marcia: He’s a dork, Cherry. I can make one exception.


Steve: Don’t act gay in the parking lot.

Sodapop: Shut the fuck up, Steve, you and I were literally cuddling last night.


Dally: Make America Great Again? More like Make America GAY again.

Two-bit: Cheers bro, I’ll drink to that.

Darry: I’m naming this cactus after you.


Darry: Because you’re a pain sometimes but I still love you.


Two-Bit: And now for a gay update with Steve Randle.

Steve, looking at Soda: Getting gayer.

Two-Bit: Thank you Steve.

Marcia: Stop being not here. I sat across from a boy who called me a lesbo last semester and I had to physically avoid looking at him to not punch him.

Two-bit: Fuck it up babey!!

Johnny: I need to get a job so I can buy drugs.

Two-bit: that is not at all why I thought you needed a job, but okay.

Two-bit, Johnny, and Dally, smoking together:

Johnny: (takes a hit) I’m god.

Two-Bit: (sleepily) what?

Dally: Didn’t you hear him? he’s god.

Random guy: (flirts with Marcia)

Marcia: (turning to Two-Bit) Straight boy’s make me uncomfortable.

Two-Bit: God, same!

Johnny: Dal put stickers on my face.

Two-bit: You’ve got blue star freckles!

Johnny: I’m interplanet Janet.

Johnny: (flapping his sleeves idly)

Two-bit: What’re you doing?

Johnny: (softly) bein’ cute.

Two-bit: me an Dally went to get drugs-

Johnny: Without me???

Two-bit: Dal’s cousin wanted drugs! we didn’t use em!

Johnny: yeah but you didn’t take me with :((
