#the outsiders headcanons


can you please do a sodapop x reader on a movie date? btw, i love your account

aaah i’m sorry i deleted your ask before i copied ur @ so i couldn’t tag u!! thank so much though! ILY

  • literally asks you everyday if you want to go see a movie with him
  • “hey y/n wanna go to the drive in?”
  • doesn’t matter if you’ve already seen it
  • he doesn’t care
  • as long as he gets to spend time with you
  • that’s all that matters
  • makes a habit of dressing up for you
  • even though y’all are sitting in darkness
  • brings you your favorite treats
  • so you don’t have to spend money at the concessions
  • holds you hand throughout the film
  • especially if it’s scary
  • tries to act like he’s not afraid but his little shrieks say otherwise
  • will 100% try to distract you with kisses
  • also loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder
  • he thinks it’s the most adorable thing
  • sometimes he’ll reach his hand up and caress your hair softly
  • if you end up falling asleep he’ll just leave you alone and let you nap
  • loves when there’s a comedy playing
  • because he gets to see you laugh
  • sometimes you’ll catch him staring at you
  • which you find endearing
  • but also makes you a little bashful
  • most times the gang will show up to tease you
  • and by gang i really mean two-bit and ponyboy
  • he appreciates your sense of humor towards them and how you don’t get irritated
  • after the movie depending on how tired you are he’ll take you out to eat
  • ALWAYS buys you a vanilla milkshake
  • which is your favorite after movie snack
  • sodapop is also a true gentleman
  • and never lets you pay for anything
  • even though you insist
  • “cmon soda you always pay”
  • “i don’t mind..” *smirk*you can make it up to me later”

could you do something with johnny having a japanese gf please it’s okay if not!!! i would understand!!!!

you’re totally fine! i can absolutely write something for you love, i hope you like it! i apologize if this is to stereotypical it wasn’t my intention i just wanted to include certain things into it due to the request xx

  • he absolutely adores you
  • like it’s a whole other level of adoration
  • from the moment he saw you it’s been nothing but heart eyes
  • you two met when you moved just a couple houses down from him
  • he saw you struggling to carry some boxes
  • so he offered to help you
  • ended up staying the whole day
  • you were extremely bashful at first
  • and johnny found this cute
  • a few months after getting to know each other more he asks you out officially
  • of course you said YES
  • he was so happy and didn’t know what to do
  • there was definitely a few awkward kisses at the beginning of the relationship
  • he just didn’t want to force you into anything
  • when you become more comfortable then it wasn’t as bad
  • loves to hold your hand in public
  • tries to learn japanese to impress you
  • he isn’t very good but you encourage him anyway because you think it’s cute
  • you mutually respect each other’s lifestyles
  • which is super important in your family
  • your parents instantly liked him (which you surprised about)
  • and the gang thinks you’re cool
  • when johnny is over at your house he’s super respectful and polite
  • which your mom and dad appreciate
  • he tries everything to impress them
  • LOVES when you make him food
  • will literally eat anything you bring for him
  • johnny enjoys learning about your culture
  • doesn’t mind if you talk in japanese around him
  • in fact he likes to listen
  • squeezes your cheeks a lot to make you blush
  • he’s the first one to come to your defense at school if someone is bullying you
  • literally will walk miles to the nearest asian market to buy you your favorite snacks
  • casually knocks on your window late at night to surprise you with them

how they comfort you when you’re stressed out

// ,

— can you do an outsiders reaction where the reader has too much on their plate (work, school, etc.) and their SO asks them if they’re ok and the reader just bursts out crying from stress?

i did add a couple different sceneries! because i didn’t want to write the same thing for each of them, but it all has the same feel to it!! xx

your boss decided to call you into work last minute. it’s only been a few hours since you returned home. which means you haven’t even gotten enough sleep to feel replenished. you wished so badly to tell him no, but he’s extremely hard headed and strict. especially towards the woman that work for him. and, you know you could use the extra money, as you’re putting on your uniform you can’t help but feel a sense of tiredness, it’s so overwhelming it makes you start to feel weak at the knees. you immediately call out for darry.

“what’s wrong y/n?” he asks worriedly.

“i-i’m just so tired,” you cry out. “i feel like my boss never wants me to have a break.”

you sit in the chair that rests in front of your vanity. you’ve never felt this exhausted in your entire life. darry takes notice at your weakened state, he hates to see you so worn out. it’s not normal for you to lack energy, you’re the most bubbly person he knows.

“okay, lets lay you down,” darry slides his arms under your legs and carries you over to your shared bed. you’re more than capable of walking yourself, but you don’t complain.

“just take a nap and rest awhile you need it more than anyone.”

“no,” you struggle to escape his strong hold. “i can’t i have to go to work.”

“not today, you’re not goin’ in i don’t care if i have to go talk to your boss myself,” he pulls the blanket over you tucking you in warmly. “rest now.”

“thank you, darry.”

you’ve been working towards your masters degree in psychology for the past two years. you’re so close to being done but it’s so much work and the assignment you were just assigned is crazy difficult and time consuming, you try to push yourself to get more done before bed, but eventually your hands start to cramp from the all the typing, your muscles ache from the hours of sitting at your desk. soda comes into your room when he gets home from work. he’s immediately concerned when he sees you hunched over with your head in your hands.

“y/n…” he questions. “you alright?”

it doesn’t take much for you to break. all the stress finally came piling down on you.

“hey,” soda kneels down lifting your chin so he can see your face. “relax.”

“there’s so much pressures on me,” you vent. “this assignment is impossible.”

“nothing’s impossible for you,” he reassures. “you can do anything. i just think you need a break.”

“yeah i definitely do, will you lay with me for awhile?”

“of course i will,” he smiles shyly.

you anxiously walked up the tall stairs into your HS, today was the day of your history presentation. this is what you’ve been dreading for the past week. public speaking wasn’t at all something you were comfortable with or liked doing, and it doesn’t help that you aren’t friends with anyone in your class, well besides ponyboy. he’s the only one you speak to.

you meet him in the hallway, putting your book bag and unneeded things in your locker. ponyboy noticed your hands shaking as you closed the door.

“you scared about this whole history thing huh?”

“uh- a little,” you shrug trying to hide your nerves.

“you’ll be fine,” he tries to reassure you.

but before you can walk away you can already feel the familiar stinging sensation starting to build up in your eyes, your heart rate accelerates, you feel like you’re drowning and can’t reach the surface.

“i can’t breathe,” you say as sheer panic overtakes your body.

pony’s face softenes. he grabs your hand dropping his books, taking you into the nearest closet.

“shh just look at me okay?”

you nod focusing all your attention on him. he runs his fingers through your hair while wiping a few tears away from your eyes. you take slow steady breathes. this isn’t the first time he’s had to help you get over a panic attack. once your breathing gets back to normal again, you feel like you’re finally ready to go to class.

“okay,” you breathe. “let’s go.”

“ uh we’re gonna need a late pass… unless you want to spend the end of the day in detention.”

you look down at your watch noticing you’re about six minutes late to history.

“damn it!”

it’s been a busy night at the movie theater. you’ve tried your best to fill everyone’s orders while also working the cash register. your boss previously complained about how many workers there are on each shift so he cut back. sadly this leaves you to try and get so many things done at once. the stress of it all is starting to really affect you, but you can’t quit. you need this job more than anything right now so you can afford to get books for school.

even though your boss a jerk you do somewhat like this job, you’re a people person so seeing familiar faces every week puts you in a good mood, but every now and then you’ll get a disrespectful customer. this time it was a group of boys, you recognize some of them from the college you attend.

“what shit movies are playing tonight?” one of them asks while skimming through the candy.

“can you read? look at the boards outside..” you try your best to keep your cool.

“i don’t think you employees are allowed to talk to us paying clients like that,” his demeanor quickly shifts.

“hey we gotta problem here,” you hear a voice from behind the guys. knowing immediately who it is.

they quickly scurry off, as dallas pushes himself to the front of the line.

“you okay doll?”

“i am now,” you say softly as you wipe just a single tear from your cheek. you didn’t really care about the boys but it never feels good to be embarrassed at your place of work.

“don’t let those jerk offs make you cry.”

you nod and sneak in a quick kiss before dal leaves.

“why can’t he do it this time! i’m going to be late!” you argue. your parents have asked you to clean the house again for the third time this week, and you normally don’t have a problem with helping out but your brother has been sitting in his room playing video games all day and you need to be somewhere. you feel like they always pick you at the most inconvenient times, and the worst part is johnny is waiting for you outside, you’d hate to make him wait.

“your brother is sick and slow! it would take him an hour to even sweep the kitchen,” you mom says as she puts her coat on.

“he’s not sick! he’s playing video games!”

“do it y/n! or you and johnny won’t be going anywhere tonight,” you dad warns as he slams the door behind him leaving you in a mess.


you collapse on the couch, breaking out into a full on crying fit. it feels like your parents are punishing you. johnny must have heard your cries from the front porch because without knocking he opens the front door, approaching you slowly.

“hey you okay?” his asks trying to help but this only makes it worse.

your cries get louder and johnny is completely stunned. he’s never seen you this emotional. you’re almost positive he’s going to think your absolutely insane after tonight.

“my parents hate me!” you say dramatically.

“i don’t think that’s true.”

“they are always making me clean things or do everyone’s chores,” you sigh. “we can’t leave until i sweep and mop all the floors.”

“well i’ll help ya,” johnny offers.


“yeah, but we better get started…” he pulls you up from the couch bringing his jacket sleeve up to your eyes so he wipe your tears away.


“i get that ma’am but i don’t have the receipt.”

“then i’m sorry hun…we can’t exchange it.”

you were trying to get a new shirt for two-bit. the one that you previously ordered had came in to small. but since you ordered it off the store website you didn’t have a paper receipt, and your order wasn’t showing up on their computers, which made you frustrated.

“so there’s no way i can get a new one? or even just get my money back?” you question.

“i’m sorry,” the cashier shakes her head obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

you don’t respond, instead you leave the shirt on the counter and walk out. it might not be a huge deal for some people but you didn’t have a lot of money. and you were out 25$, with nothing to show for it. when you get home two-bit is lazily slumped over the arm rest of the couch, drinking a beer.

“hey baby where’d you sneak off to?”

“the clothing store down town…”

“what’s up? you seem upset?” he asks lifting himself up from the couch.

your shoulders slump down as you bring your heads up to cover your face.

“wow wow don’t cry! sorry for askin.”

“no it’s not that,” you tell him. “they wouldn’t let me exchange your shirt today.”

“and that’s what you’re cryin over?” two-bit laughs wrapping his arms around your frame. “it’s fine.”

“i just wanted you to have something special.”

“you’re all i need y/n.”

steve had decided last minute to stop and get gas at the DX before the two of you finish your date. this annoyed you a little since you tell him every morning to just fill up while he’s at work, i mean makes sense right? but with his forgetful nature it’s hard to keep him on track with things. when you pull into the gas station it’s pretty empty, only one car parked along the gas lineup. steve steps out to pump and you go into the store to pay. when you walk in you’re met with a very rude and arrogant man who pushes you aside so he can be helped first at the register.

“excuse you sir?” you’re taken aback. “i was in line first.”

he laughs not offering you a response. the lady working the register meets your gaze and mouths “i’m sorry” in your direction. she must not be a very confrontational person, which you understood.

“i’m only paying for gas it won’t take long,” you add hoping the man will let you go since steve is waiting outside in the freezing weather.

“not my problem, you got somewhere to be?”

“actually yes, i do.”

“dressed like that?” the man scoffs. laughing as he scans up and down your body.

you might not have name brand clothes like him, but they weren’t dirty or disgusting looking. as he hands the lady his credit card to pay you can’t help but hang onto his cruel insult. right before you’re about to storm out the doors, steve runs right into you, latching on tightly to both sides of your arms. you lean your head into his chest.

“hey what’s goin’ on?”

you wrap your arms around his waist, crying softly as you reply the mans insult over in your mind.

“that man he-he was being a complete jerk!”

“what did he do?! huh did he hurt you!” steve becomes more aggressive.

you shake your head.

he takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes your eyes gently, while also trying not to smear your eye makeup. you laugh at his sweet gesture.

“you’re the best,” you lift onto your tiptoes placing a small kiss on his forehead.

“i know,” he smirks. “now let’s go outside before that jackass leaves i wanna give him a piece of my mind.”

hcs where you die in the fire instead of johnny + gang reactions also ur my fav


aww thanks babe, hope you like it!! this definitely pulled at some heartstrings while writing

  • the entire gang is in absolute shock
  • the horrible sound of your parents screaming from the distance  
  • the saddened looks as the firefighter carries your limp body out of the flames 
  • johnny tries to forgive himself for not making sure you were behind him as you two ran out
  • darry tries his best to calm everyone even though his heart is broken 
  • dallas feels bad for not holding you back
  • ponyboy wishes he showed up sooner
  • sodapop is tightly gripping your sweater you tossed him right before running in the church
  • and two-bit and steve are comforting your parents as best they can 
  • but the boys can’t help but feel guilty
  • why did you and johnny have to go in there alone?
  • why couldn’t they have been braver?
  • why did it take so long for the fire department to show up?
  • dallas starts cursing at emergency responders when they refuse to continue compressions
  • he knows in his heart that there’s nothing more they can do
  • but it doesn’t make it hurt any less
  • your mom is completely mute and your dad hasn’t stopped crying 
  • the police approach them dreading to tell everyone that you have been pronounced dead
  • sodapop is the first out of the gang to cry 
  • darry pulls him in for a hug but soda rejects
  • he wishes he had the chance to tell you he’s loved you since the first grade 
  • the thought of you being gone is unimaginable
  • johnny runs over to the ambulance where your body had been placed
  • he ask the paramedics if he can say goodbye 
  • two-bit follows not far behind to comfort him  
  • they pull the white sheet down
  • exposing your soot covered face
  • johnny runs his hand over your cheek
  • two-bit wipes a few tears away
  • steve can’t even look at you
  • ponyboy and dallas just stare blankly 
  • darry gives his condolences to your parents and helps your mom into the ambulance 
  • she insists on riding with your body to the funeral home 
  • “i’m going, she’s still my daughter”
  • the gang stays behind
  • left to face the emotions of this horrible day
  • they each speak briefly at your funeral
  • giving beautiful sentiments and eulogy’s
  • your mom is grateful they were in your life
  • even if it was just for a few years
  • after the service they make sure to place your favorite flowers on your grave
  • they can’t help but laugh as they think about what you’d be saying to them at this moment
  • “she’d probably say this is the nicest she’s seen any of us dress” -ponyboy
  • darry is the last person to leave
  • “rest easy, kid”

Johnny’s big sister falling in love with Darry please

it’s been awhile since i wrote some headcanons so i hope this format is okay with you!! xx

  • you never meant to develop these types of feeling for darry
  • you’ve known him your entire life
  • the two of you are the same age
  • and practically grew up together
  • also johnny and ponyboy are best friends
  • which makes things even better for you
  • darry is the sweetest guy in your life
  • well besides johnny of course
  • he’s never been cross or disrespectful to you
  • he may come across as intimidating or mean to others but it’s just a facade
  • you feel yourself falling harder the more you spend time together
  • sometimes you wonder if he shares the same type of feelings
  • but when you start getting really close he shuts himself out
  • many times you’ve tried to break him out of this internal fear of his
  • it’s like he’s afraid to open himself up to love
  • one night he catches you off guard
  • he asks you out on a date
  • well not really out
  • he offers to cook you a nice dinner at his house
  • since he does have a lot of responsibility for his younger siblings
  • and he’s worried they’d try and throw a party or something in his absence
  • which is another thing you two bond over
  • you both constantly worry about your family
  • but he seems nervous
  • way nervous that he usually is around you
  • darry surprises you with your favorite pasta
  • you’re actually shocked at how good it is
  • since you haven’t seen him cook like ever
  • after dinner he takes your plate for you and heads into the kitchen
  • when he returns he has two cupcakes
  • he hands you one and you thank him
  • “so what’s the special occasion?”
  • “the truth is, i like you y/n i always have”
  • tries to keep calm
  • unfortunately the boys walk in right when you and darry are about to kiss
  • johnny is a bit shocked but not surprised
  • and ponyboy has a wide grin across his face
  • “it’s about damn time..”

new beginnings

dally drabble where he followers the reader home after a party and she catches him (with some cute angst fluff) but not too long because i get too emotionally attached LOL thanks!!


“you’re not driving!” you wrestle with your boyfriend trying to pry his car keys from his hand. “you can’t even walk straight you idiot!”

“y/n- ah! god dammit!” he yells loudly drawing the attention of some people exiting the party. “ITS MY CAR I CAN DRIVE IT WHENEVER I WANT!”

“fine! but when you crash into a tree don’t call me for help!” you throw your hands up in defeat.

as you made your way outside, it didn’t take long for you to start hearing his voice call out for you, you didn’t respond, instead you kept walking. trying your best to leave the party as fast as you could before things could escalate any further.


it was a little chilly out. you had left your jacket in his car but wasn’t worth turning back for. you had already walked about half a mile. you crossed your arms over your chest, thinking about all the ways you could have handled the situation better. should i have tried harder to convince him? am i bad person? what if he does get into an accident, would that mean it’s my fault? NO you shake you head snapping yourself out of any negative thoughts.

that’s when you felt an arm sneak around your shoulder and resting loosely over your chest. you let out a small yelp as you pushed them away. expecting to see your boyfriend when you turned around, you were surprised when you were met with someone else.

“dallas?!” you yell as you push your hair out of your face to get a better look. “are you stalking me?”

“oh come on doll,” he chuckles. “i saw you were walkin by yourself i thought i’d get you home..” you could tell by the way he dragged his words he was trying to get under your skin, like he always does when you two have a conversation.

“well thanks but i can take care of myself,” you cross your arms over your chest confidently.

“i’m well aware of that, but i couldn’t help but overhear your little uh- scuffle at the party,” he stopped abruptly to light a cigarette.

“okay? and?” you carried on waking, dallas following beside you.

“he’s not worth it ya know…”

you looked at him in shock. why would he care?

“look, dallas i don’t know what your play is here but i’m not looking for a hookup tonight.”

dallas scoffs as he takes his jacket off.

“neither am i,” he drapes it over your cold shoulders.

“oh uh-thanks,” you say shyly.

“anytime…y/n listen i know we argue sometimes…”

“all the time,” you interrupt.

“but, i like ya and i have a feeling you feel the same way about me,” you watch as he takes a long drag of his cigarette, respectfully blowing it away from your face. you can’t help but smile at his sweet gesture.

it’s completely silent. you don’t know what to say. a part of you wants to agree, but the other is telling you you’re still in a committed relationship, even though you felt like that was leading to an end.

dallas stops, grabbing your arm lightly so you two are now face to face.

“you feel the same, right?” he moves his thumb under your chin and lifts your head slightly so you’re looking into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes.

“what about.. ?” you question as he moves his lips closer to yours catching you off guard.

“forget about him, he don’t deserve you.”

and within a second he connects his lips to yours. you instantly feel a spark, something you’ve never felt with anyone before. it was at that moment you knew this was the beginning of something special.

@neurobeing oooohhh i have a request: Ponyboy dating a hippie girl headcanon? like how the gang (esp. Curtis bros) would treat her when she’s all against violence?

finally done just for you!!it seemed like the perfect time to post this with everything going on in the world right now, please spread kindness and love wherever you go we need it more than ever

  • okay at first ponyboy was extremely annoyed with your whole “love over violence” vibe
  • he didn’t think you were genuine about it
  • but after seeing you at every single protest he started to ease up on you a little
  • he admired the passion you had for peace
  • one day after a long protest he brings you a yellow rose
  • you quickly recognized him from around town
  • you unknowingly take a step back from him
  • he was hurt by your reaction
  • but ponyboy tried his best not to show it
  • the last thing he wanted was for you to be afraid of him
  • but you couldn’t help it
  • all you heard about him and his brothers is that they were involved with gangs
  • he introduced himself politely and offered to take you to get a cold drink
  • your gut was telling you to say no
  • but you couldn’t help but notice how fast your heart was beating in your chest
  • there was something special about him
  • you accepted and the rest is history
  • ponyboy wasn’t like anything you imagined him to be
  • quite the opposite actually
  • he was extremely caring
  • loving and always made you laugh
  • but he had his flaws too…
  • like being too overprotective
  • you know he means well but he can get carried away at times
  • he just knew you were a easy target for bullying because of your beliefs
  • all he wanted was to shield you from that
  • darry and sodapop warmed up to you quickly
  • they thought you were innocent and sweet
  • aka a good influence for pony
  • sometimes they worried about how your relationship would last
  • because you were two different people
  • but opposites attract, right
  • dallas thought you were straight up annoying
  • long story short you couldn’t stand each other
  • steve and two-bit could care less about it
  • they were just happy for ponyboy
  • and johnny loved you
  • like a lot
  • he thought you were beautiful
  • and would constantly tell ponyboy how lucky he is to have found you </3

you dating another member of the gang

@floydtabpreferences or headcanons for dating another member from the gang? (example: for Sodas headcanon, reader is dating Steve

thanks for requesting, this was a fun concept!!!

**y/n dating ponyboy**

— honestly darry didn’t mind you and pony dating

— he’s actually thankful he found someone who could be a good influence on him

— pony seems to always be on his best behavior when you’re around which darry appreciates

— but he’s still on big brother mode and is always making sure you both are safe and happy

**y/n dating steve**

— to be honest sodapop hated you at first, he felt like steve wasn’t around much when you started dating

— after a few weeks of him hanging around you and steve he realized you weren’t actually so bad

— you started to develop this friendship which was surprising to steve + the rest of the gang

— steve and sodapop lowkey fight for your attention

**y/n dating two-bit**

— pony was taken aback when you told him you and two-bit were official

— it doesn’t make it any easier for him since he’s been in love with you for months

— for your happiness he decided not to say anything to you about his feelings

— even though seeing you two together makes his heart break a little more every time 

**y/n dating johnny**

— dallas definitely intimidated you at first

— because of his protectiveness towards johnny he wanted to make sure your intentions were good

— you told him that you’d never hurt johnny in any way and that you really truly love him

— dallas came around and became super protective towards you and johnny even more than before

**y/n dating sodapop**

— johnny was so supportive and happy for sodapop when you two got together

— he knew you worked at the drive in and he always thought you were super friendly

secretly has a cute little schoolboy crush on you

— super shy and nervous when all of you hang out


**y/n dating dallas**

— worries about you at first because you and two-bit have been friends for years

— he’s not thrilled about you dating dallas because he knows how he can be with woman

— but after seeing how you two are around each other he sees that dallas acts differently

— still keeps a close eye on your relationship and will definitely go after dally if he hurts you

**y/n dating darry**

— actually confused when he suddenly started seeing a girl coming to the curtis house

— at first he thought you were there to see pony or soda because you looked fairly young

— when he saw you and darry kiss it finally clicked

— “come on darry when you were gonna tell me!”

how they cuddle with you


hehe i’m back!!! and again, i feel bad for being so inactive for awhile…i actually got a new job and i’ve been trying to get use to my new hours and sleeping arrangements! i have spent a lot of time writing and answering some requests so i’m super excited to get them all posted for you! so thank you so much requesting! sorry it took so long :)

++also this is NOT proofread

— literally hugs you incredibly tight and refuses to let you up for anything

— he likes to tease you sometimes when he knows you’re being especially cuddly

— “someone’s being a little clingy today..”

— but he secretly loves it and hopes that you ask him more often

— firstly sodapop is soft boy and deserves the world

— he’d let you wrap your arms around his body and wouldn’t argue to much about it

— when he knows you’re asleep he’ll turn over so he can kiss your forehead

— when you wake up in the morning you usually find yourself in the little spoon position 

— pony rests his head on top of yours and always pulls you super close

— he gently runs his fingers through your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep

— his hands pat your back slowly especially if he knows you’ve had a hard day

— just super comforting in general

— doesn’t show it as often but he loves it…A LOT

— definitely takes full advantage of you asking him

— pulls you as close as he can to himself, snuggles his face into your neck

— acts nonchalantly about it but he’s actually a whole cinnamon bun

— gets super winey and annoying in the morning when you unwrap your arms from around him

— attacks you with kisses to distract you

— begs you to stay in bed for a little while longer

— wraps his arms and legs around you to keep you from getting up


— this cutie would like cuddles a little to much

— asks throughout the entire day

— “please babe just for few minutes.. *pouts*

— gushes over you when he sees you’ve fallen asleep on his chest

— steve would often come back late from work and you’d already be asleep

— as soon as he was laying down you’d wrap your arms around him

— he’d laugh softly and leave a few kisses against your cheek before getting comfortable

— whispers “i love you” before he shuts his eyes

hi! I was wondering if you could write a relationship headcanon with Steve?? Thank you! I love your writing

aw thank youuu….sorry this took forever and a day to finish…hope you like it!! :) xx

  • firstly, you two are the most admired couple
  • there’s something about seeing the two of you together that just makes people melt
  • he’s always trying to make you laugh
  • will definitely say cheesy pickup lines to make you smile when you’re upset or stressed
  • “do you have a name? or can i call you mine”
  • you think it’s super cringy but his effort is cute
  • steve is honestly your best (boy) friend
  • you tell him all your deepest darkest secrets
  • he’s 10000x trustworthy 
  • sometimes arguments are common
  • it just depends on both of your moods
  • but even when you’re mad at each other you still find a way to forget about it easily
  • steve is usually the first to break
  • he’ll surprise you with flowers
  • or tackle you onto the nearest soft surface and attack your face with kisses
  • he loves to pull you onto his lip
  • especially around the rest of the gang
  • he’s also super affectionate when ur in public
  • <always holding onto you in some way >
  • date nights are super unpredictable
  • he took you to a skating rink once…
  • you both ended up at the er with injuries
  • “maybe that lift wasn’t a good idea, huh..”
  • though he doesn’t always act like it, he’s super caring and protective
  • he’ll always put your needs before his own
  • steve doesn’t really like pet names
  • he just calls you babe or baby most the time
  • sometimes when he knows you’re annoyed with him he’ll call you short or shorty
  • just so he can see your cute pout face

@vhsbellecuddles w johnny pls? some soft stuff? ily ♡ stay safe from the coronavirus!

you too!! everything is so crazy right now i hope everyone is healthy! stay inside! and wash ur hands!

  • johnny gives the most loving cuddles ever
  • he’s a big fan of spooning
  • he loves being able to hold you close to him
  • and honestly he’s just the best hugger
  • you know you’re going to sleep good at night when he stays over
  • johnny also loves when he nestles his head in the crook of your neck
  • the sound of you sleeping makes him extremely happy
  • and the way his breathe hits your neck is
  • but sometimes he prefers to be the little spoon
  • he enjoys laying in your lap while you watch tv
  • you’ll run your fingers through his hair
  • if you stop he’ll beg you to keep going
  • he’s just a soft baby who needs attention
  • when you’re both really exhausted you’ll literally fall asleep on top of each other
  • he’s like a teddy bear and will hold onto you
  • whispers “i love you” when he notices your eyes aren’t open anymore
  • will probably do it more than once
  • sometimes he catches himself staring at you
  • he doesn’t mean to be weird
  • johnny just adores you
  • he could look at you until the day he dies
  • he also likes to trace the outline of your lips
  • his touch wakes you up sometimes
  • but you pretend to still be asleep
  • once you caught him off guard and raised up quickly placing a soft kiss on his cheek
  • he was definitely surprised and super blushy
  • you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction
  • …and speaking of kisses
  • johnny loves to leave small pecks on your shoulder or neck
  • he’d cuddle n kiss you forever if he could

when they were kids darry and sodapop thought it would be funny to convince ponyboy he was adopted, and naive little seven year old ponyboy really believed them and cried himself to sleep for months

but then they completely forgot about it so ponyboy believed he was adopted until he was like 13 lmao

caribbean shepards day 3 and 4 bc i was a tired lil lad yesterday

ok SO i hc that angela has arachnophobia like a mild case of it, she reFUSES to come near a bug and so she gets her mom to do it most of the time and everytime she does her mom goes “u american kids r pathetic ‍♀️” ALL bc she grew up where there was more bugs

speaking of their mom her and tim make rlly good fried plantains

ik i’m only active like 2% of the time but quarantine has been kicking my butt so if anyone would like to request some outsiders stuff rn that’d be lovely

helping steve after a bad fight headcanons

Requested: nope, sorry !

A/N:i literally have tons of requests right now but they’re all harry potter and i’m honestly not in the mood for harry potter ngl (which is never the case). so instead of writing my requests like a decent person, i’m just gonna write some outsiders stuff because all i can think about lately is steve randle ‍♀️ sooo once again, i’m super sorry but hopefully you guys like this ! (update: i’m not super proud of this so don’t hurt me if it’s bad)

Pairing(s):steve randle x reader

Character(s):steve randle, reader, sodapop curtis, mentions of ponyboy, johnny, dally, and darry

Warnings:angst and fluff if you squint, crying (is that worthy of a warning ??), slight mentions of death (barely), i think like one curse word

Word Count: a heckin lot of bullets, sorry



  • you were watching whatever cartoon was on and having a jolly ol’ time when someone started knocking on your door
  • rAtHeR aGgReSiVeLy might i add
  • you were about to get real fiesty w the person behind the door bc it’s too late for this bullshit
  • turns out the person was sodapop who was practically carrying a rather beaten up steve
  • of course you panic and help soda set steve down in the closest chair
  • soda would’ve stayed with you and steve if he didn’t have a barely conscious dally in the back seat of darry’s ford
  • as soon as soda left you ran over to steve
  • he had a cut on his neck and stomach, a broken nose, a busted lip and eyebrow, a black eye, and bruises all over his chest
  • you almost started crying right then and there but held yourself together and focused on cleaning up his face
  • he could tell you were tearing up and tried to lighten the mood by telling you about how him and dally almost beat up a whole group of socs all on their own
  • that made it worse
  • “darlin’ please don’t cry”
  • “i’m tired of it, steve, i don’t wanna see you like this. it’s one thing when you’re gettin’ in fights in order to protect pony or johnny but when you get all cocky and decide you can take on groups of guys twice your size it’s a whole other story”
  • “well i made it out alive didn’t i ?”
  • “barely ! i’m not stupid steve, i know if soda wouldn’t of made it on time you’d be dead. don’t act like that cut there on your neck ain’t from a blade to your throat cause i know it is”
  • he was silent after that
  • and you were practically sobbing
  • it wasn’t a pretty sight but you couldn’t help thinking that one day you were gonna get a call from soda saying steve’s gone for good
  • eventually between the tears and yelling you managed to clean most the blood and dirt off his face
  • for the millionth time, you had to pop steve’s nose back in place after a fight
  • he was used to it by now but you may have accidentally been a little more aggressive than needed
  • you were upset oh well he can deal with it
  • after he was clean and bandaged up (for the most part) he was apologizing nonstop
  • “i’m sorry darlin’”
  • “i know you are”
  • “like really really sorry”
  • “yep, i heard you the first 8 times”
  • “no baby i mean it i-”
  • “ok steve honey shut your pie hole before i break your nose again”
  • you made him take a shower
  • he insisted on you taking it with him bc he needs more attention and has a weird thing where he loves other people washing his hair
  • you don’t wanna give in but also don’t trust him to be alone
  • eventually you’re in the shower too
  • he won’t full out admit it but he loVES being babied by you
  • you’re starting to think that’s the reason he even gets in fights
  • he doesn’t wanna go to bed bc he wants to tell you about how great the fight was now that you’ve calmed down
  • but you eventually get him to suck it up and go to bed
  • he insists on cuddling but everytime he hugs you or pulls you close he somehow hits a bruise and dramatic wailing ensues
  • after he’s chilled out, he gets a tad more serious
  • “i know i’ve said it a lot but i really am sorry. i’ll be more careful, i swear. i love you.”
  • “thanks, stevie. i love you too”
  • “i mean honestly i aught to, i have no idea what you would do without me. i can’t even imagine!”
  • yup, there’s the steve randle you know