#dallas x reader


how they are with babies

could you write something with how the outsiders act with their baby

of course! the only thing i’m changing for this particular request is i am excluding ponyboy, because his character is only fourteen years old

so sorry if this is disappointing! hope you like it xx

— when you first told him you were pregnant he was so excited but equally as terrified

— darry was there throughout the whole delivery and was so helpful after

— he just loves watching your baby grow everyday and happy he gets to witness his milestones

— your son is only six months old but this doesn’t stop darry from spoiling him

— at first he was so overwhelmed and anxious whenever he got the chance to hold your daughter

— he’d be scared but excited to take her home to meet the rest of the gang

— at night when she sleeps soda insists on sleeping on the floor in case she cries

— when you wake up in the morning he’s still sound asleep on the floor…next to her crib

— wanted a paternity test as soon as he found out you were pregnant

— deep down he knew your baby was his but he was scared of the responsibility

— when your son was born he was with you and even got a little lightheaded

— dallas loves him to death and would do anything to protect him

— he was super embarrassed and mad at himself for not being more carful

— but he knew he had to support you and this baby even if that meant getting multiple jobs

— when your daughter was born he cried…A LOT

— johnny calls her your little miracle because of your young age the pregnancy was high risk


— literally jumps up at down like a child when you told him the news

— when you first brought your little boy home two-bit had decorated the room a Mickey Mouse theme

— didn’t quite understand how to care for something so fragile but he was still very gentle and loving

— never leaves your babies side unless he has to

— steve was the most scared of out of everyone about being a parent

— he wanted your babygirl to have the best life possible and would do anything to ensue that

— when she was born he tried to convince the doctors to let him sleep in the nursery

— buys her whatever she wants, and i mean WHATEVER SHE WANTS*spoiled*

could you do something with johnny having a japanese gf please it’s okay if not!!! i would understand!!!!

you’re totally fine! i can absolutely write something for you love, i hope you like it! i apologize if this is to stereotypical it wasn’t my intention i just wanted to include certain things into it due to the request xx

  • he absolutely adores you
  • like it’s a whole other level of adoration
  • from the moment he saw you it’s been nothing but heart eyes
  • you two met when you moved just a couple houses down from him
  • he saw you struggling to carry some boxes
  • so he offered to help you
  • ended up staying the whole day
  • you were extremely bashful at first
  • and johnny found this cute
  • a few months after getting to know each other more he asks you out officially
  • of course you said YES
  • he was so happy and didn’t know what to do
  • there was definitely a few awkward kisses at the beginning of the relationship
  • he just didn’t want to force you into anything
  • when you become more comfortable then it wasn’t as bad
  • loves to hold your hand in public
  • tries to learn japanese to impress you
  • he isn’t very good but you encourage him anyway because you think it’s cute
  • you mutually respect each other’s lifestyles
  • which is super important in your family
  • your parents instantly liked him (which you surprised about)
  • and the gang thinks you’re cool
  • when johnny is over at your house he’s super respectful and polite
  • which your mom and dad appreciate
  • he tries everything to impress them
  • LOVES when you make him food
  • will literally eat anything you bring for him
  • johnny enjoys learning about your culture
  • doesn’t mind if you talk in japanese around him
  • in fact he likes to listen
  • squeezes your cheeks a lot to make you blush
  • he’s the first one to come to your defense at school if someone is bullying you
  • literally will walk miles to the nearest asian market to buy you your favorite snacks
  • casually knocks on your window late at night to surprise you with them

hcs where you die in the fire instead of johnny + gang reactions also ur my fav


aww thanks babe, hope you like it!! this definitely pulled at some heartstrings while writing

  • the entire gang is in absolute shock
  • the horrible sound of your parents screaming from the distance  
  • the saddened looks as the firefighter carries your limp body out of the flames 
  • johnny tries to forgive himself for not making sure you were behind him as you two ran out
  • darry tries his best to calm everyone even though his heart is broken 
  • dallas feels bad for not holding you back
  • ponyboy wishes he showed up sooner
  • sodapop is tightly gripping your sweater you tossed him right before running in the church
  • and two-bit and steve are comforting your parents as best they can 
  • but the boys can’t help but feel guilty
  • why did you and johnny have to go in there alone?
  • why couldn’t they have been braver?
  • why did it take so long for the fire department to show up?
  • dallas starts cursing at emergency responders when they refuse to continue compressions
  • he knows in his heart that there’s nothing more they can do
  • but it doesn’t make it hurt any less
  • your mom is completely mute and your dad hasn’t stopped crying 
  • the police approach them dreading to tell everyone that you have been pronounced dead
  • sodapop is the first out of the gang to cry 
  • darry pulls him in for a hug but soda rejects
  • he wishes he had the chance to tell you he’s loved you since the first grade 
  • the thought of you being gone is unimaginable
  • johnny runs over to the ambulance where your body had been placed
  • he ask the paramedics if he can say goodbye 
  • two-bit follows not far behind to comfort him  
  • they pull the white sheet down
  • exposing your soot covered face
  • johnny runs his hand over your cheek
  • two-bit wipes a few tears away
  • steve can’t even look at you
  • ponyboy and dallas just stare blankly 
  • darry gives his condolences to your parents and helps your mom into the ambulance 
  • she insists on riding with your body to the funeral home 
  • “i’m going, she’s still my daughter”
  • the gang stays behind
  • left to face the emotions of this horrible day
  • they each speak briefly at your funeral
  • giving beautiful sentiments and eulogy’s
  • your mom is grateful they were in your life
  • even if it was just for a few years
  • after the service they make sure to place your favorite flowers on your grave
  • they can’t help but laugh as they think about what you’d be saying to them at this moment
  • “she’d probably say this is the nicest she’s seen any of us dress” -ponyboy
  • darry is the last person to leave
  • “rest easy, kid”

Johnny’s big sister falling in love with Darry please

it’s been awhile since i wrote some headcanons so i hope this format is okay with you!! xx

  • you never meant to develop these types of feeling for darry
  • you’ve known him your entire life
  • the two of you are the same age
  • and practically grew up together
  • also johnny and ponyboy are best friends
  • which makes things even better for you
  • darry is the sweetest guy in your life
  • well besides johnny of course
  • he’s never been cross or disrespectful to you
  • he may come across as intimidating or mean to others but it’s just a facade
  • you feel yourself falling harder the more you spend time together
  • sometimes you wonder if he shares the same type of feelings
  • but when you start getting really close he shuts himself out
  • many times you’ve tried to break him out of this internal fear of his
  • it’s like he’s afraid to open himself up to love
  • one night he catches you off guard
  • he asks you out on a date
  • well not really out
  • he offers to cook you a nice dinner at his house
  • since he does have a lot of responsibility for his younger siblings
  • and he’s worried they’d try and throw a party or something in his absence
  • which is another thing you two bond over
  • you both constantly worry about your family
  • but he seems nervous
  • way nervous that he usually is around you
  • darry surprises you with your favorite pasta
  • you’re actually shocked at how good it is
  • since you haven’t seen him cook like ever
  • after dinner he takes your plate for you and heads into the kitchen
  • when he returns he has two cupcakes
  • he hands you one and you thank him
  • “so what’s the special occasion?”
  • “the truth is, i like you y/n i always have”
  • tries to keep calm
  • unfortunately the boys walk in right when you and darry are about to kiss
  • johnny is a bit shocked but not surprised
  • and ponyboy has a wide grin across his face
  • “it’s about damn time..”

new beginnings

dally drabble where he followers the reader home after a party and she catches him (with some cute angst fluff) but not too long because i get too emotionally attached LOL thanks!!


“you’re not driving!” you wrestle with your boyfriend trying to pry his car keys from his hand. “you can’t even walk straight you idiot!”

“y/n- ah! god dammit!” he yells loudly drawing the attention of some people exiting the party. “ITS MY CAR I CAN DRIVE IT WHENEVER I WANT!”

“fine! but when you crash into a tree don’t call me for help!” you throw your hands up in defeat.

as you made your way outside, it didn’t take long for you to start hearing his voice call out for you, you didn’t respond, instead you kept walking. trying your best to leave the party as fast as you could before things could escalate any further.


it was a little chilly out. you had left your jacket in his car but wasn’t worth turning back for. you had already walked about half a mile. you crossed your arms over your chest, thinking about all the ways you could have handled the situation better. should i have tried harder to convince him? am i bad person? what if he does get into an accident, would that mean it’s my fault? NO you shake you head snapping yourself out of any negative thoughts.

that’s when you felt an arm sneak around your shoulder and resting loosely over your chest. you let out a small yelp as you pushed them away. expecting to see your boyfriend when you turned around, you were surprised when you were met with someone else.

“dallas?!” you yell as you push your hair out of your face to get a better look. “are you stalking me?”

“oh come on doll,” he chuckles. “i saw you were walkin by yourself i thought i’d get you home..” you could tell by the way he dragged his words he was trying to get under your skin, like he always does when you two have a conversation.

“well thanks but i can take care of myself,” you cross your arms over your chest confidently.

“i’m well aware of that, but i couldn’t help but overhear your little uh- scuffle at the party,” he stopped abruptly to light a cigarette.

“okay? and?” you carried on waking, dallas following beside you.

“he’s not worth it ya know…”

you looked at him in shock. why would he care?

“look, dallas i don’t know what your play is here but i’m not looking for a hookup tonight.”

dallas scoffs as he takes his jacket off.

“neither am i,” he drapes it over your cold shoulders.

“oh uh-thanks,” you say shyly.

“anytime…y/n listen i know we argue sometimes…”

“all the time,” you interrupt.

“but, i like ya and i have a feeling you feel the same way about me,” you watch as he takes a long drag of his cigarette, respectfully blowing it away from your face. you can’t help but smile at his sweet gesture.

it’s completely silent. you don’t know what to say. a part of you wants to agree, but the other is telling you you’re still in a committed relationship, even though you felt like that was leading to an end.

dallas stops, grabbing your arm lightly so you two are now face to face.

“you feel the same, right?” he moves his thumb under your chin and lifts your head slightly so you’re looking into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes.

“what about.. ?” you question as he moves his lips closer to yours catching you off guard.

“forget about him, he don’t deserve you.”

and within a second he connects his lips to yours. you instantly feel a spark, something you’ve never felt with anyone before. it was at that moment you knew this was the beginning of something special.

hi! I was wondering if you could write a relationship headcanon with Steve?? Thank you! I love your writing

aw thank youuu….sorry this took forever and a day to finish…hope you like it!! :) xx

  • firstly, you two are the most admired couple
  • there’s something about seeing the two of you together that just makes people melt
  • he’s always trying to make you laugh
  • will definitely say cheesy pickup lines to make you smile when you’re upset or stressed
  • “do you have a name? or can i call you mine”
  • you think it’s super cringy but his effort is cute
  • steve is honestly your best (boy) friend
  • you tell him all your deepest darkest secrets
  • he’s 10000x trustworthy 
  • sometimes arguments are common
  • it just depends on both of your moods
  • but even when you’re mad at each other you still find a way to forget about it easily
  • steve is usually the first to break
  • he’ll surprise you with flowers
  • or tackle you onto the nearest soft surface and attack your face with kisses
  • he loves to pull you onto his lip
  • especially around the rest of the gang
  • he’s also super affectionate when ur in public
  • <always holding onto you in some way >
  • date nights are super unpredictable
  • he took you to a skating rink once…
  • you both ended up at the er with injuries
  • “maybe that lift wasn’t a good idea, huh..”
  • though he doesn’t always act like it, he’s super caring and protective
  • he’ll always put your needs before his own
  • steve doesn’t really like pet names
  • he just calls you babe or baby most the time
  • sometimes when he knows you’re annoyed with him he’ll call you short or shorty
  • just so he can see your cute pout face

Someone please explain why this post was flagged as showing inappropriate content…




“Dallas,” you said as you walked into Dally’s room at Bucks"What is that?“

"It’s our Christmas tree,” He answered.

“No, it’s not. That’s the most pathetic tree I’ve ever seen.” The tree in question barely decorated at all, and the ornaments were in the same spot. “why is the bottom of the tree decorated and not the top?”

"Shhh, you’ll hurt it’s feeling,” Dallas whispered.

“It hurts my feelings, Now can we please fix the tree and make it look like an actual Christmas tree this time.”

“No,” Dallas said, folding his arms across his chest. You knew that he made the tree look terrible just to tick you off. You could tell by the massive smirk plastered across his face.

You laughed as you put your hands on your hips. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

“I mean no. We’re not getting rid of Branchy.”

You raised an eyebrow. “Branchy? You named the tree?”

“Of course I didn’t name the tree,” Dallas said, grinning. “Two-Bit named it.”

“Well then Two-Bit can have the tree”

“Two-Bit already has a tree.” Dallas’ grin widened.

“We are not keeping the tree that way. Either you can go get the decorations and help me decorate tree, or I’ll do it myself and invite Steve and Soda to help.

"Well Soda helped us pick this one out and Steve thought it had class.”

“It’s a dead pine sapling. In what world does that have class?” You asked.

Dally shrugged. “This one, apparently. Anyways, we’re keeping the tree the way it is”

“Dal, it’s our first Christmas together. Do you really want to have that,” she pointed toward the little pine. “As our first Christmas tree?”

He smiled brightly. “Sure. It means things can only get better from here.”

You smiled and cocked your head to the side. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

“Also I knew it would annoy you,” Dallas was grinning widely now.

“You’re lucky I love you,” Y/N said “Fine, we can keep the tree, but I get to put the star on top” he lightly ruffled your hair chuckling “FINE. You can put the topper on the tree.”



“Mark please… please don’t do this” “Y/N I have no interest in being with you” you and your boyfriend mark were currently in the midst of a breakup. It was your 5 month anniversary and you were a mess but mark on the other hand remained un phased by the tears running down your face “did-did you ever even love me?” “No, and I never will” “y-you don’t mean that” you were at your breaking point your entire relationship was a lie.

“Your broken,people like me don’t date people like you” “then why did you ask me out in the first place?” There was a long uncomfortable silence before you walked out of the house slamming the door behind you. The glass of the door shattered and glass coated the floor but you didn’t care, you didn’t care about anything anymore. The next week you didn’t go to school, you didn’t even leave your house. You thought no one would notice but when you stopped hanging out at the DX after school the devilishly handsome boy with the movie star smile noticed. He noticed that you weren’t around as much, that his friends said they stopped seeing you at school, but most of all he noticed how much he missed having you around.

~time skip~

It was 1:00pm when you heard a knock on your door, you didn’t answer, 5 minutes later there was a knock again. Sighing you get up trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable, you open the door and see Sodapop Curtis staring at you with sympathetic eyes before being embraced by a heart melting hug and slowly you begin to feel ok.“All he ever did was use you. Why can’t you see that? “ “Soda…” you trailed off and slowly realized that what sodapop said was true. “Your right” you reflected on your relationship and realized he never did love you, he was playing a game he played with your feelings and toyed with your emotions for his own amusement. What you and mark had wasn’t real, you thought about all the times you fought and how it always ended up in you breaking down in tears. Soda was the only person there for you and suddenly you weren’t sad about mark or anything else you realized you had someone who really loved you and who you loved back and he was standing right there infringe of you. “I love you sodapop Curtis, you’ve always been there for me no matter what happened and I-I lov” before you could finish your sentence a gentle kiss was placed on your lips and the tears were wiped off your face “I love you too Y/N”


I will accept requests for all outsiders characters

I write imagines, headcannons, and preferences but will write multi chapter fics if asked

Here are links to my prompt lists





Please feel free to request more than one prompt
