#ufo sightings

Oh, hi aliens

Oh, hi aliens

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On April 18th, 1961 Joe Simonton encountered a UFO hovering over his home in Eagle River, Wisconsin. Joe provided water for the extraterrestrials inside, which they used to make him some pancakes before departing.

That UFO Podcast - Colm Kelleher & George Knapp


00:00:00 - Start

00:00:47 - Welcome

00:01:35 - Why was now the right time to release the book?

00:03:10 - There has been some confusion over AAWSAP, AATIP, & their funding. Was there cross-over between AATIP DOD and AAWSAP DIA, or was it a conscious decision to carry on AAWSAP in a much more focused manner, as AATIP DOD, due to a drop in resources from lack of funding?

00:08:01 - What obstacles did you encounter from the US Gov when AAWSAP was operational? Did the nickname ‘AATIP’ keep you off the radar?

00:09:52 - Some of the experiences in the book are nothing short of harrowing. Given your knowledge of what others have experienced & subsequently suffered medical effects. What goes through your mind in moments like you’ve talked about in the book?

00:16:10 - Why are the US government happy to give up control of such a place?

00:20:41 - George you just released a brilliant interview with Jacques Vallee on the Trinity crash, the follow on conversation, Jacques mentioned how the 3rd phase of what became AAWSAP would have been the implementation of AI to truly analyse and make sense of all the data gathered.Colm & George, how would AI have helped them in their investigations on the Ranch?

00:24:55 - do you think that the best way forward would be essentially merging the AATIP/AAWSAP investigation?

00:27:08 - The data warehouse is currently used by the US Government. Are other countries using this too? Would the UK, who is a FIVE EYES partner, have access?

00:28:30 - Do you have any colleagues across the pond who are interested in this?

00:29:28 - Earlier you mentioned biological studies - Is there DNA data in the data warehouse and are there common markers between experiencers?

00:31:48 - Lue Elizondo has just been on Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal & stated there is evidence of occupants inside craft. Do either of you have an idea of what footage he would be referring to? Have either of you seen a photograph or video, deemed legitimate that would appear to show occupants inside craft?

00:32:30 - Was there ever any footage obtained during AAWSAP that you would deem high quality?

00:38:19 - There are people in the book known only by pseudonyms. Do you think people like ‘Axelrod’ will be coming forward in the future?

00:39:18 - Can you speak to the possible relationship between cattle mutilations and the food chain?

00:42:33 - Did you experiment with Remote Viewing at the Ranch and if so, what did you find out?

Listener Questions

00:44:50 - Dan Z - Has Colm been back to the ranch since Fugal took over? Any strange experiences since you finished work with AAWSAP/BAASS?

00:45:49 - Barry - George or Colm if they would like to confirm if the meta-material known as ‘the bar’ was found on the site, and what can they tell us about it?

00:47:07 - Becir - How have their views on the phenomenon changed from days of investigating Skinwalker Ranch under AAWSAP?

00:51:26 - Dan - If the claim of having hundreds of reports is true then the D.I.A seemingly lied to Sen. John McCain by only giving him the 38 DIRDs. Are they willing to go on record with that statement, or can they correct this?

00:52:22 - Karen - It seems that so much of what happens at Skinwalker Ranch is quite negative, deliberately frightening and harmful. Were there any ‘positive’ experiences recorded by AAWSAP at the Ranch?

00:54:53 - Charlie - Do you think that the phenomenon experienced by the Navy, such as the tic tac is related to the same phenomenon experienced in SWR?

00:57:57 - Logan - Thank you both for your UNBELIEVABLY hard and relentless work all these years! For the both of you, What is the #1 most important reason for getting the truth out?

01:00:53 - Outro

That UFO Podcast - Dr. Michael Masters

Author, lecturer, and Professor of Anthropology at Montana Technology University, Dr. Michael P. Masters discuss his research into the phenomenon.


00:00:00 - Start

00:00:47 - Welcome

00:01:43 - What are your first memories on the subject of UFOs, and what really got you interested?

00:04:06 - Is time travel something you had an interest in from a young age?

00:05:57 - How do you think of time travel in relation to the phenomena of UFOs?

00:10:24 - Why do you think another species would be interested in visiting us now?

00:13:18 - Recently Luis Elizondo has said that around 70,000 years ago there is evidence our genetics may have been manipulated. What are your thoughts on that?

00:15:55 - What is your current thinking with regards to temporal or dimensional beings?

00:17:58 - Do you think we have the awareness to understand a species like that (an extra-tempestrial species)?

00:21:07 - There are reports of different shapes of craft. In your research, have you found any correlations between the shapes of the craft and their intent or purpose?

00:24:01 - Would the occupants of time travelling craft suffer any consequences from travelling through time?

00:26:02 - Do you think the idea of time travel, rather than travelling through space, could explain some of the movements these craft reportedly make?

00:28:47 - Experiences with seemingly temporal beings often come with prophecies or warnings, do you think these are pointing at teaching us something?

00:31:05 - Why do you think another species would allow awful events like Hiroshima to happen?

00:34:35 - How does the idea of aliens coming from another planet meet with your ideas about extra-tempestrial beings?

00:37:40 - Why do you think UFOs end up crashing, despite their advanced technology?

00:41:47 - Psychedelic research is currently finding the language to describe how substances affect us. Amongst other things, they seem to affect our perception of time. People report meeting entities too, all similar to each other. What are the chances these are real beings who exist outside our usual perceptions of time and space?

00:46:18 - Which areas of study are you most excited about?

00:48:23 - Prof. Avi Loeb gets some harsh criticism from his colleagues for entertaining the subject of UFOs. Have colleagues in your field been supportive?

00:51:40 - Neumann - What are Professor Masters’ thoughts on cattle mutilations?

00:54:25 - When comes to abductions, do you think the phenomenon has any ethical responsibility towards us, or is it similar to us fishing?

00:57:22 - Tim - In your works, have you seen any linkage or parallels with the stories from ancient civilisations and any knowledge they may have held about humans existing in different time(s)? Biologically, would we have looked differently in the past?

01:00:55 - Dave - Have you considered that they are a human subspecies that branched off from us and maybe lived underground etc?

01:03:03 - Dave - Do you think that these time travelling beings could have come from our past instead of the future? Does your work in time travel theories and/or the direction of evolution rule this out?

01:04:36 - Josh - Have you spoken to Ross Coulthart about the future human theory?

01:06:20 - Gnosis - Many contactee reports from before the 1970s had very human looking aliens. Do you think time travellers may have masqueraded as aliens during this era?

01:09:39 - Matt - Do you believe that there are governments still in contact with our future selves?

01:11:11 - Charles - I’ve been looking at Fault Lines and seismic activity. Could the sensor Lue talks about be a seismic sensor?

01:13:13 - Gillibrand UAP Amendment

01:13:55 - Bob Lazar

01:15:18 - Skinwalker Ranch

01:16:00 - UFO or UAP?

01:16:42 - Disclosure or confirmation?

01:17:33 - When will your next book be released, and where can people find your work?

01:20:48 - Outro

They Are Already Here! Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible. | Jesus vs Yahweh - Paul Wallis

What If the Elohim Stories of the Bible are not God stories, but records of our ancestors’ contact with the Anunnaki. A race of alien beings not from this world.

Keep looking up and please stay safe….Happy Holidays!!!

Pulsating Cube Shaped UFO Sighted

The witness stated the following “I was on my way home driving north on Glenstone Ave in Springfield, Missouri at about 5pm on 10/18/21. I saw this thing kinda heading southwest from the northeast part of town. Watched it for a minute and thought it was a helicopter. As it got closer I thought it was a balloon or trash blowing around. As I got right up on it I could clearly see it was a cube spinning or wobbling on an axis. To me it kinda looked like it had auras coming off the bottom and middle if it but it could have just been the son reflecting off of it. It kinda hovered over the downtown area and that was when I was able to park my work vehicle in the turn lane and get my phone out to video it. I was tired from a long day and it was rush hour traffic so I didn’t linger very long. After I stopped recording I was able to watch if for about a minute longer and to flew north west towards the Willard, Missouri area.. I figured this thing was so noticeable that surely others would get videos as well. I called my parents right after because they live in the area it went over. They said they didn’t see anything but that they heard a loud noise at the time I was seeing this. I’ve sent this to all the local news channels and so far nothing has been seen or shown. There is no way I’m the only way I saw this. It seemed to be only a few hundred feet off the ground. I was so shocked that it was this clear in broad daylight……”

Huge Illuminated Cigar Shaped UFO Spotted By Truck Driver At Paita Port In Peru. October 20, 2021

This was spotted at dawn today in the city of Paita, Peru.. The strange “visitor” appeared at 5:53 this morning and flew over Paiteño airspace for a few seconds.

Black Saucer Shaped UFO Filmed Over Campo Grande In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

While Felipe Souza was driving along this busy road he and his witness notice this object flying in the sky above them. After Quickly turning into a parking lot they got out of the car to film the UFO but after they lost sight of the object they drove to where they believed the craft to be and there it was and they managed to film it again until it flew behind the tree line and out of sight.

What The Ever Loving “F” is This Shot In Scotland?

Lynsey Currie and her boyfriend filmed this strange object above his flat and at first they though it could be a weather balloon but given the odd shape to this object it looks like no weather balloon we have seen. One thing is sure it that this is a UFO as it is flying over this area in Glasgow but to me the object seem to be “Humanoid” in appearance as we can see a head, arms and legs which are attached to a body. Lynsey Currie also added “ it was flying across the sky going from the northwest of Glasgow towards the southwest.” Thanks to Lynsey Currie and her boyfriend for filming this..

Happy World UFO Day! If you’re looking for close encounters, these three Wisconsin UFO festivals are

Happy World UFO Day! If you’re looking for close encounters, these three Wisconsin UFO festivals are a great place to start.

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weirdwisconsin:Looking to have a close encounter with aliens? Wisconsin UFO sightings are common, bu


Looking to have a close encounter with aliens? Wisconsin UFO sightings are common, but these particular hotspots are great places to grab a beer, have a brat, and get mingle with peculiar beings.

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Today is Flying Saucer Day, the day commemorating Kenneth Arnold’s encounter with what the media later called “flying saucers” over Mt Rainier.

To celebrate, here’s the story of the “flying saucer lady” Coral Lorenzen, who’s 1934 UFO sighting in Barron, Wisconsin prompted her to found APRO, the world’s first civilian UFO investigation group.

Read it here: Coral Lorenzen pioneered UFO research

More fun with flying saucers:

Livestock mutilation: Was Snippy killed by flying saucers?

Futuro House UFO house of the 1960s

Dundee, Wisconsin: UFO Capital of the World

Aliens serve pancakes out of their UFO

Mayville crop circles

Alien abduction insurance

UFOs at Giant Rock

Just a few bottles and samples of Abduction eau de parfum left for the holiday season! 15% off all orders over $50 through December 15th with code EOY18//www.eyesarealwaysthere.com

Abduction is an eau de parfum inspired by what people report smelling during close encounters. Find

Abduction is an eau de parfum inspired by what people report smelling during close encounters. Find out more: www.eyesarealwaysthere.com

Last day (7/15) for free shipping on all orders with code QUAAZGA 

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