#aliens are real


Today is Flying Saucer Day, the day commemorating Kenneth Arnold’s encounter with what the media later called “flying saucers” over Mt Rainier.

To celebrate, here’s the story of the “flying saucer lady” Coral Lorenzen, who’s 1934 UFO sighting in Barron, Wisconsin prompted her to found APRO, the world’s first civilian UFO investigation group.

Read it here: Coral Lorenzen pioneered UFO research

More fun with flying saucers:

Livestock mutilation: Was Snippy killed by flying saucers?

Futuro House UFO house of the 1960s

Dundee, Wisconsin: UFO Capital of the World

Aliens serve pancakes out of their UFO

Mayville crop circles

Alien abduction insurance

UFOs at Giant Rock

Conspiracy Theory #79

Aliens are real and they are living among us. They are studying our behaviors so they can one day take over the entire world in one fell swoop.
