#ukraine and russia



This picture from Syria protesting war in Ukraine actually made me tear up.

Abandoned by the world, destroyed and still having enough compassion to think about others.

My friends from all countries.

About a your ago I created the post, where I described two of my worst nightmares. And now in our progressive and tolerant society we facing one of them. I’m not in the middle of this chaos, but my relatives do.

I want to get into vacuum and not to hear, not to see, I can’t believe it. I can represent my current state of mind by the words from my fav song: “Please, God, wake me (us)”

Just try to believe that IT will end soon, that people won’t die from bullets, hunger and inflation. Please, dear Americans, Europeans, Africans and Australians: don’t hate Russians. We have lots of friends and relatives in Ukraine and very scared too. We’re not the same as our f***ing government.

It costs nothing to reblog this

For bullet/wound care

!Find a safe position or place to lay the person down to treat the wound!

Call for help but if there is none or it will take awhile here;

  • Keep the victim in place, make sure there is no wounds on the spine before lifting the wounded area up to prevent more blood loss
  • Wash the wound with water or any safe liquid you have
  • Act quick. Apply pressure to the wound to control bleeding and use a cloth or shirt as a makeshift bandage if you do not have one
  • Don’t remove bandages/cloth if they become bloody. Keep them on and keep covering the wound
  • Wrap cloth or dressing around wound tightly, but not too much that they don’t have circulation

Victims status

  • Prepare to wrap the person in a blanket and elevate their legs as they will go into traumatic shock, only elevate legs if you are sure the spine is not injured or if they have a torso wound
  • Re assurance, warmth and stay with the person at all times. Make sure they stay awake
  • RememberABCDE
  • Checkairway if they are talking or breathing normally they are probably okay. Check to make sure the airway is not obstructed
  • Monitorbreathing, Is the person taking regular breaths? Can you see their chest rising and falling? If the person is not breathing, start mouth to mouth or rescue breathing etc
  • Checkcirculation. Apply pressure to any bleeding, then check the person’s pulse at the wrist or throat. Does the person have a discernible pulse? If not, begin CPR. Control any major bleeding.
  • Look for a disability. Disability refers to damage to the spinal cord or neck. Check to see if the person can move their hands and feet. If not, there may be an injury to the spinal cord. If the person shows signs of disability, you should refrain from moving them
  • Check for exposure. Look for an exit wound. Check the victim as thoroughly as possible for other wounds that you may be unaware of. Avoid completely undressing the victim before emergency help arrives as this may advance shock

P.S. When medical assistance arrives, be prepared to inform them what you have done so far.

It is very difficult to accurately assess the severity of a gunshot wound based upon what is visible on the victim; internal damage may be severe even in circumstances where the entrance and exit wounds are small.

Keep calm. If you panic you’ll cause the victim to panic.

Pressure is key: it stops the flow and contains the blood to help create a blood clot.

If the victim appears to have a spinal cord injury, do not move them unless you absolutely must. If you must move the victim, be sure to keep the head, neck and back aligned.

Avoid blood-borne illnesses. Make sure any open wounds you may have do not come in contact with the victim’s blood.

Even with the best first aid, gunshot wounds may be fatal.

Do not put your own life at risk when treating a gunshot victim.
