#uncle chuck


Now I don’t remember who, but I saw someone say that they imagine Chuck sounding like George Carlin and honestly I love it. All these quotes are from this since I only remember him from Thomas the Tank Engine lmao https://youtu.be/2a_gW1KvuFk

I had an urge to draw this. Chuck was captured by eggman but instead of putting him in a cell or something he wanted to rebuild his friendship good luck with that egghead


Shard is teaching gay old men and naive twinks to open their bubble tea by peeling the lid.

Morning reblog

Shard is teaching gay old men and naive twinks to open their bubble tea by peeling the lid.


I redid Chuck a bit giving him only one leg instead of both gone. And please enjoy some old gay couple doodles

I’m reblogging these again cause I still like them a lot.

Ok I’m on vacation rn so no art BUT here’s few little things about some characters in my sonic au.

Also it’s late at night and I’m tired so sorry if there’s any typos!

  • Starting with chuck and I guess sonic as well. Both of them actually stim a lot. Mostly by tapping their feet rapidly when thinking or sometimes they’ll do it without realizing. (This actually happens a lot in the old comics with them interacting which I thought was cute.)
  • Another thing about chuck is that he didn’t invent the power rings, but instead makes them by getting water from the lake of rings where they live. It’s a sort of technique that is passed down from generation in the hedgehog aka Prower family. Chuck learned it from his dad and he then taught sonic. Chuck likes to add designs that fits the persons likes and personality in power rings they wear. And he and Nigel have their own unique ones chuck made when he proposed.
  • Sonic hates water. A lot. Not as much as he did when he was little though. No one knows why he is so scared of water. He was so scared when he was little of water to the point of crying if his mom and dad or uncles and aunt go swimming in a lake or beach. And bath time was nearly impossible it was a team effort to get him clean. Driving static and Maurice to exhaustion and covered in claw marks when it was over. Sonic is a little more relaxed around wages even sitting in super shallow water but will refuse to swim and mostly only takes showers.
  • Because Sonic’s mom, static is a cheetah he got a bit of cheetah dna in him. He did absolutely get her powers but he also got more. For one, when he was a newborn he had spots and even cheek marks of a cheetah that slowly faded with time. He also has sharp teeth and claws. Much sharper than any normal hedgehog. Maurice thinks being part cat might have something to do with his fear of water but static likes water so who knows. He also “chirped” like a cheetah when he was a baby to call his mom. Static will randomly chirp to make sonic instinctively chirp back to embarrass him.

Sonia and Manic are twins that are half hedgehog and half porcupine. They’re dad is actually a donor so they haven’t met him but are willing to see him. Manic has zero powers (unless you count pickpocketing as a power) and Sonia has super strength. Working together they love to cause mischief and ruckus in the villages. Manic doesn’t usually pickpocket because he wants to he actually does it sort of instinct. Sometimes he’ll accidentally steal something and not realize it until he gets home. So before they leave a store or something aleena tells him to empty his pockets to double check. And Sonia LOVES pretty princess things. She asks aleena a lot to do her and manics makeup, manic does not mind wearing makeup at all. And finally Sonia and manic are not their real names. Their real names are actually Aria and Chasen. Both with music meaning behind them, since Aleena loves music and even has sound powers.

I’ll post more later im falling asleep I hope y’all like them!


God I need to draw more Nigel because I do love him.

Once again, more au notes but for Nigel:

- Nigel has a Angel Chao! Named Angel cake or just Angel. He got her during the war to help with his stress and to give Sally and Elias a companion while he was away. But now Sally is running the freedom fighters and Elias is doing adventures with friends so Angel became a lap chao. She really likes chuck for some reason even though chuck will get annoyed by her sometimes. But she makes Nigel happy so he deals with her tackling him and biting him.

- Nigel is usually quite cheerful. To the point the people have named him “Nigel the Joyful”. He always tries to look towards the future in good hopes even when things seem bleak. Even sacrificing himself for the safety of his kingdom and family. But because of his view points he will sometimes avoid bad things that happen and not acknowledge it. Which usually leads him into trouble if he doesn’t act upon it.

- This mostly goes for the third sketch. Nigel wears chucks shirts a lot. They’re very comfortable and might as well take advantage of having spare oversized sweaters around. Chuck doesn’t really care that much as long as Nigel doesn’t spill his tea or drinks on them.

- Also Nigel is fucking British as it can get. As in the being whole “posh and pretty” sort of thing. He likes being neat and tidy, loves tea, can’t cook for the life of him etc. Sally had a British accent like her dad when she was little but faded away as she formed the freedom fighters. Elias has a British accent like Nigel which shard and silver make fun of him about.

- Continuing from the last note, Chuck doesn’t allow Nigel into the kitchen to cook because he’s British lol.

-Finally, despite being the second smallest king in the world, Nigel is a badass at fighting. He was trained to use a sword since he was five, learned to be agile and stuff so he can use his size to his advantage. Chuck maybe stronger than Nigel but Nigel could easily beat him in a fight.

God I need to draw more Nigel because I do love him.

Once again, more au notes but for Nigel:

- Nigel has a Angel Chao! Named Angel cake or just Angel. He got her during the war to help with his stress and to give Sally and Elias a companion while he was away. But now Sally is running the freedom fighters and Elias is doing adventures with friends so Angel became a lap chao. She really likes chuck for some reason even though chuck will get annoyed by her sometimes. But she makes Nigel happy so he deals with her tackling him and biting him.

- Nigel is usually quite cheerful. To the point the people have named him “Nigel the Joyful”. He always tries to look towards the future in good hopes even when things seem bleak. Even sacrificing himself for the safety of his kingdom and family. But because of his view points he will sometimes avoid bad things that happen and not acknowledge it. Which usually leads him into trouble if he doesn’t act upon it.

- This mostly goes for the third sketch. Nigel wears chucks shirts a lot. They’re very comfortable and might as well take advantage of having spare oversized sweaters around. Chuck doesn’t really care that much as long as Nigel doesn’t spill his tea or drinks on them.

- Also Nigel is fucking British as it can get. As in the being whole “posh and pretty” sort of thing. He likes being neat and tidy, loves tea, can’t cook for the life of him etc. Sally had a British accent like her dad when she was little but faded away as she formed the freedom fighters. Elias has a British accent like Nigel which shard and silver make fun of him about.

- Continuing from the last note, Chuck doesn’t allow Nigel into the kitchen to cook because he’s British lol.

-Finally, despite being the second smallest king in the world, Nigel is a badass at fighting. He was trained to use a sword since he was five, learned to be agile and stuff so he can use his size to his advantage. Chuck maybe stronger than Nigel but Nigel could easily beat him in a fight.

(After Sonic is taken to the Devil’s Gulag)

Antoine: “To Sonic Ze Hedgehog, what he lacked as a Freedom Fighter, He more than made up for as a very talented assassin.”

Uncle Chuck: “Would you get off it Antione? If I know one thing it’s this, Sonic is innocent!”

Antoine: “And we are basing this conclusion on what? Ze mountains of evidence piled up against him? Pardonnez-moi if I believe in ze legal process!”
