#uncle will


No thoughts tonight except Will and Nerron as an older couple and Nerron calling Will “William”/“Wilhelm”(because the language of the latter version would be more familiar to him) when he is being strict or exasperated with him.

(Nerron: What is this?

Will: What is what?

Nerron: The pair of ears poking out from underneath your collar.

Will: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nerron: Wilhelm.

Will: Oh dear. Uhm. I’m just gonna go and-

Nerron: William Reckless. Far too easily talked into something love of my life. Are you carrying our niece under your coat?

Joie in fox shape from underneath the coat: … no?)

I think when Maddie was very little, Will would sing thisto her every time he got to see her. Of course, he’d change the lyrics to “Oh Maddie” instead just to make her laugh.

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