
Unfermented Noni Paste (like an apple sauce consistency) Fermenting foods usually improves their nutUnfermented Noni Paste (like an apple sauce consistency) Fermenting foods usually improves their nut

Unfermented Noni Paste (like an apple sauce consistency)

Fermenting foods usually improves their nutritional value but from what I’ve read about noni, the fermentation process changes the chemical profile, destroying all of the digestive enzymes and 50% of noni’s 165 beneficial compounds so I’ve chosen to make this recipe unfermented in order to attain as many medicinal benefits as possible. 

To make:

1. Mash the ripe nonis through a sieve into a bowl to separate the seeds from the flesh. 

2. Mix in fresh lime and cinnamon to taste (until you’re happy with successfully masking the noni flavour) unless you like it!

3. For medicinal benefits try to consume 1 ounce a day. Begin with about .5 - 1 tbsp each day and then continue to increase slowly. The flavor at 1 ounce may be too strong in the beginning, I know it was for me. I suggest adding to daily smoothies but it certainly isn’t limited to this. Will keep in the fridge for approximately 2 - 3 weeks before fermentation occurs. 

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