#united kingdown



honestly good fucking job to the United Kingdom, it’s been years since we’ve been up the board, the song and performance was amazing.

I don’t know if only I or the rest of you notice how modern culture places English history the most (especially the Tudor and York dynasties,etc) on TV. Don’t get me wrong, they really deserve attention and they are interesting, but I think there are many other European (world!) dynasties that deserve a lot of attention. Again, don’t get me wrong, I adore those series, but I wish there were more series about Russian history, Austro-Hungarian, Italian, about the ancient peoples of America, Africa, Asia, about ancient Greece, Rome, etc … No hate, just my opinion! If you have any suggestions about some other historical shows (or movies, it doesn’t matter), feel free to answer me! Don’t you agree?


when the uk entry is not half bad but it’s still a uk entry so you know what has to be done

y’all know how some tumblr users have apollo’s gift of prophecy well not me

when the uk entry is not half bad but it’s still a uk entry so you know what has to be done

me seeing the british man singing about space in a futuristic setting: haha this is just like doctor wh
