#university of maryland


Hey there friend,
Have you ever wondered what your old pal Doctor Buggs has been researching for his thesis? What’s that? You say you only have 3 minutes? Well have I got the video for you!


After winning the regional rounds, I’m representing the good ‘ole US of A in an International science competition in which we are judged on the impact of our thesis research and how well we’re able to explain it in just 3 minutes. Part of the of it involves a popular vote. Mine is called “The Curious Case of the Bee Mite’s Bite”. I hope you’ll give it a watch and make your way over to this page to vote!

Vote now at www.u213mt.com.

Thrilling climax of a turtle race at the University of Maryland(George Skadding. 1952)

Thrilling climax of a turtle race at the University of Maryland

(George Skadding. 1952)

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Homecoming at the University of Maryland(Hank Walker. 1955?)

Homecoming at the University of Maryland

(Hank Walker. 1955?)

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Testudo sacrifices as of May 7. I’ll try to get another photo as I’m sure they’re piling up, but I h

Testudo sacrifices as of May 7. I’ll try to get another photo as I’m sure they’re piling up, but I had to share the dedication someone put into dragging a toilet all the way to the library.

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So…. I performed “Preach” again. The University of Maryland gave me a standing ovation in return. It was awesome.

O-Slice | “Preach” | 11.02.15

#o-slice    #hyerlearnin    #rapper    #artist    #female rap artist    #femalerapper    #female artists    #spoken word    #spoken word poetry    #spoken word poem    #preach    #performance    #oslice    #o-slice    #university of maryland    #howard university    #dmvhiphop    #dmvartist    #dmv artist    #dmvmusic    #hip hop    #rap cypher    
skunkbear:Canadian engineering team Aerovelo just broke their own world record in the Eta, a recum


Canadian engineering team Aerovelo just broke their own world record in the Eta, a recumbent bicycle fitted with a windowless, egg-like shell. Most of the incredibly efficient machine is built of carbon fiber. The engine is muscle, sweat and sinew – engineer Todd Reichert.

I’ve covered Aerovelo’s efforts before: in 2012, they were racing to build a human powered helicopterThey succeeded in 2013.

Here’s a video I made about their competitors, a team of graduate students and undergrads from the University of Maryland.

engineeringetahuman poweredbikescyclingsciencenews

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