#exam season

usuk-omg:nowaitstop:You have been visited by Baljeet, the Failed Test. If you do not reblog with



You have been visited by Baljeet, the Failed Test. If you do not reblog within ten seconds, you will fail your finals.

too risky man

Must reblog. First exam tomorrow

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[29th jan 2022]

i have just one more exam left! can’t say im motivated but it helps to know my efforts helped me pass everything so far and im almost finishing this tough semester! here’s my desk.. that ive been glued to this whole month ;(

[11th january 2022]

today was productive! i spent most of my waking hours revising oncology lectures.. only one week now until the first exam im keeping my hopes up!! i have to.. (pictured are my notes on a Virginia Woolf book im reading & binder area in my room!)


It’s been a while since I posted, and honestly that’s because I’ve not felt quite right about it. I’m awaiting my penultimate exam to start, reading my notes and drinking my coffee and it feels a but meaningless with the injustices currently going on. I wanted to share a post as I’m proud of my work, and a significant era is coming to an end for me. Please note that this post and my actions does not mean my focus has shifted away from what actually matters. I just wanted to share. 

I hope you are all keeping safe. 

Testudo sacrifices as of May 7. I’ll try to get another photo as I’m sure they’re piling up, but I h

Testudo sacrifices as of May 7. I’ll try to get another photo as I’m sure they’re piling up, but I had to share the dedication someone put into dragging a toilet all the way to the library.

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12.02.2020 | 17:00

Here’s to the last round! Survived yesterdays exam, next one is on friday! There’s a hell lot to study for, so i’m gonna spend the next two days cramming madly. I’ll be so relieved when this will finally be over! My body is reacting to all the sugar and coffee already - and not in good ways. So i need to reduce that consuming again after this, so that i can stay healthy. Hope you’re all doing good, don’t make the same mistakes than i do! Stay healthy and motivated xx

09.02.2020 | it’s already February, and i’m full on studying for my last exams. Already had the first one, finances is comin up in two days, then it’s the last one about leadership and organisation on Valentine’s day. Time’s flying by so fast and i’m actually living on coffee, carbs and sugar at the moment. I’ve already gained some weight again, and the semester hasn’t come to a complete end yet, because after that, it will be time to write three research papers (between 10 and 15 pages each) in a month. How do you cope with stressfull times?

100/100 days of productivity | 20.1.2020

I guess i completed the challenge - for the very first time in history i actually managed to do this in a way which i’m happy about! However, my productivity phase isn’t over yet - exam season is looking around the corner and i haven’t started yet! Let’s see if i manage to actually take some picture and time for posting. If not, i’ll be back in Mid february or April, depending on whether i’ll post during my essay-writing phase or will get back for my masters thesis. Hope you’re all doing good! Inwish you good luck for school related projects! You’ll do fine!

this week was the ½ weeks of mock gcse exams

- so far, i’ve had 7 exams this week and have 7 next week too

- there’s definitely been some stress going into some but as you as i had prepared, i felt fine

good luck to anyone else doing there mocks now or in january

25.03.2019 // Monday

Here’s a short time lapse video (this is my first time recording + editing a video haha) of me studying for my quiz on this coming Friday. Was reaaaaaaally busy with all the assignments + lab reports that I’ve finally managed to find the time to study for my Structural Biochemistry quiz, which will be covering 6 chapters + here I am on the first chapter (yes, I’m going to be so dead soon hahahaha).

startinghouse of leaves after finishing my first final exam early… already in love

making a character in thirty questions but it becomes increasingly more personal

  1. what is their name?
  2. do they have a nickname?
  3. do they have other names?
  4. what is their age?
  5. what is their eye colour?
  6. hair colour?
  7. what languages can they speak?
  8. what is their favourite food?
  9. least favourite?
  10. who is someone they would die for?
  11. who is someone they would kill?
  12. do they have any family members?
  13. did they go to school?
  14. what was /would be their favourite class?
  15. who was their childhood friend?
  16. what is their clothing size?
  17. shoe size?
  18. height?
  19. gender orientation?
  20. sexual orientation?
  21. do they have a sworn enemy?
  22. do they have any tattoos?
  23. have they ever smoked?
  24. what is their mental state?
  25. what is their darkest secret?
  26. who is their sacred confidant?
  27. what is a lie they tell everyone?
  28. what is one lie they know is not true but continue to believe?
  29. if they were under different circumstances would they stray from their storyline?
  30. what makes them hurt?