#usagi drop

Had to hop on the six fanarts challenge! Just six of my all time fave characters XOXO

Had to hop on the six fanarts challenge! Just six of my all time fave characters XOXO

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Anime I Will Never Forgive And Their Reasons

This doesn’t mean these anime are bad (I like all of these actually). I just have beef.

1. Orange

This show had the audacity to make me hurt so much and have two of the best bros center their biggest life decisions on one of the most boring girls I’ve ever seen.

2. Nana

How do you have some of the most precious characters go through the most traumatic shit?? And it’s not even over so the torture is just more prolonged. (Not hating on my queen Yazawa sensei. I too would take a decade long hiatus after writing this.) Finally, the worst part…Nana and Hachi aren’t even lesbians. Like what’s even the point.

3. Usagi Drop

JAIL. FUCKING JAIL. I recommended this series to my friend (not knowing the manga ending), and I searched up clips on Youtube because I remember really enjoying the anime. I saw the comments…I wanted to cry and vomit at the same time. To anyone who is interested in this series, the anime is incredible….just only watch the anime and never search up the manga EVER.

4. Jujutsu Kaisen

I haven’t even read the manga, but I heard two of my favorite characters have died, so fuck you Akutami sensei (not actually I love your work).

5. Berserk

Guts has never vibed his entire life and mf can never catch a break it’s exhausting.

When people liken Barakamon and Poco’s Udon World to Usagi Drop

I am having a fun day. I got myself the anime, amiibo and Mario Kart, but @tigeriffic94 surprised me

I am having a fun day. I got myself the anime, amiibo and Mario Kart, but @tigeriffic94 surprised me with I Am Setsuna which is so so so so awesome :3

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Usagi drop manga ending, honestly could it be more cuter? I blieve not! ♥♥

Usagi drop manga ending, honestly could it be more cuter? I blieve not! ♥♥

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