#use your privilege


This makes me sick. Those are the most hateful, evil, dirty, narcissistics, hypocritical beings. Those are fascists. Those are nazis. Those are the worst kind of humans and they are getting labeled as good patriots, do you seriously not see the irony?

We hit a low point in humanity today.

These people make me ashamed to be human. Be better, if this is our version of a advanced society, I can only apprehend what could come next. Please educate yourself and your loved ones, this is inadmissible.

Include jewish people in your activism.

Via @jewishpridealways on ig

Who wears black in California sun

Please excuse my bathroom, it’s being remodeled.

Theres a lot of shit going on, but it’s been going on, people are fucking tired of the insanity. There’s no more asking. There’s no more room for empty promises of change. Be open to learning and accepting. If you’re offended by the term “white privilege” or if you deny it’s a thing I encourage you to take a moment with yourself and really think about it. That discomfort and resistance you feel, it’s change tugging at you, begging you, to use that privilege and make change happen.
