#fuck nazis



“all nazis are bad” should be literally the easiest safest most unanimous political statement you could make what is happening

Mermay Day 9 - “superhero

Shark girl vs. Nazi robot shark!

Because, nothing Says Superhero more than punching fucking nazis. Go get em, girl

fuck nazis

Now, I may be a peace-loving hippie, but I’m one of those people who is in favour of attacking fascists. To explain my point of view I will quote Lady Death herself “Every [German] who remains alive will kill women, children and old folks. Dead Germans are harmless. Therefore, if I kill a [German], I am saving lives.” -Lyudmila Pavlichenko 

So what does this have to do with the neoliberal thought prison? It perceives all violence as equal, when that couldn’t be further from the truth, Punching a Nazi isn’t the same level as assaulting people because you don’t like the colour of their skin. Yet if you punch a Nazi, you’re somehow “restricting freedom of speech,” in a way they’re right, fascists can’t peddle their hate speech if they’re missing a bunch of teeth, for an example of this hit this link to see how the neoliberal and conservative parties enable fascism. 

You can be intolerant of intolerance, it is necessary to be.

Okay. So after a video going viral of an innocent man being choked to death by a police officer, with other cops looking and not reacting whatsoever to this tragic scene. After hearing his begging and pleading, noticing his shortening breaths, hearing the panic in his voice and still not helping. After thousands of previous and following cases of police brutality were talked about. After we were made aware that the police has continously attacked, traumatized, paralysed and killed innocent black people throughout the years and nothing had changed, people were tired of prejudice and decided to do something about it. They protested, they tried making their voices heard, they demanded decency, they wanted black lives to matter. So how did the president of the united states react? Did he call out the undeniable systemic racism that POC have been a victim of ever since the beginning of time? Did he make sure that George Floyd and every other soul that was unjustly taken way received justice? Did he try to reform the police and the racist incarceration system? Did he do anything of use, did he try, did he do the bare minimum, did he lie and say something respectful just for show? No. He called protestors thugs. He cared more about the walls of corporate organizations and businesses than about human lives. He threatened the protestors, allowed the teargassing, beatings, insults, arrests, and murder of people who wanted change to happen.

Forward to a few days ago where a bunch of lunatic trump supporters stormed the capitol because their lord and saviour Donald lost the election, brought guns, stole podiums and mail, attacked the police while waving “blue lives matter” flags, took selfies with cops, displayed nazi symbols, held the racist confederate flag, all while spewing hateful propaganda (because this is all they know what to do). Try to guess how the president of the united sates reacted this time. Did he also call them thugs, did he insult them, did he order the force to attack them with rubber bullets, teargass them, kill them? Actually, he told them that he loved them, that they were very special, that he knew how they felt, and that they should go home.

I am speachless.

Also this made me laugh

I am disgusted and in constant disbelief that people with that much hatred in their heart still exist. Actual nazis. I am not surprised, simply disappointed that it is so blatant and yet, people still don’t seem to care.

Via @mattxiv on instagram

Also, for the ignorant people that still believe it was Antifa because “one of them had a communist tatoo”, I am begging you, just for once, use your fucking brain.

This is unfathomable, this is one of the most vile thing you could possibly do. Make a joke out of an innocent man’s murder, poke fun at police brutality victims, every single soul that was taken away way too soon and that deserved to be remembered for more than just a tragic ending. And in front of a church? Really? Do you seriously think this is what Christianity represents? Do you genuinely think God is proud of you right now?

I am in constant disbelief that some people are ignorant enough to still deny the existence of white privilege, when you get to take selfies with cops, while they should’ve been arresting you. When you got gently escorted down the stairs by the force, while they were tear gassing peaceful protesters for pleading for decency. When you fucking terrorists, loot, attack, break in, shoot and destroy BECAUSE FUCKING TRUMP LOST, and you get labeled as “great patriots”, while the people who asked the police to stop murdering them get called “violent”. That is no coincidence.

This makes me sick. Those are the most hateful, evil, dirty, narcissistics, hypocritical beings. Those are fascists. Those are nazis. Those are the worst kind of humans and they are getting labeled as good patriots, do you seriously not see the irony?

We hit a low point in humanity today.

I am in disbelief and in utter disgust of what this country has come to, but please let’s not forget THIS HAPPENED. This is direct proof that the system hates black people, that the american government is discriminatory, that MAGA supporters are lunatic terrorists, that Donald Trump is a racist hypocrite and that the police has no real honor or devotion to protect the people.

Via Getty Images


Please get reminded that this is not even comparable to the BLM movement. One is about demanding human rights and the other is about being a lunatic hyporcritical asshole.

Via Getty Images

These people make me ashamed to be human. Be better, if this is our version of a advanced society, I can only apprehend what could come next. Please educate yourself and your loved ones, this is inadmissible.

Include jewish people in your activism.

Via @jewishpridealways on ig

*sing songs around the house*

Tonight is the Niiiiiiiiii-hee-iiiight!!!

I want KAMALA to tear him a new butthole

And then shove his face into it

Like folding an envelope

Of the love letter to my hearrrrrrt!

It’s me making the rules now and Inglourious Basterds is a Christmas movie.
