#ushijima oneshot


Ushijima Wakatoshi: Clueless Lovers (Part 3/3) NSFW

Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

damn, virgin x virgin smut is tough for me to write… don’t think ill be doing this trope again. but anyways I hoped you enjoyed… I really think I messed up Ushijimas personality here...

Part 3/3

Y/n’s heart was racing so fast, she felt like it would rip out of her chest any minute now. He was stoic, carrying her towards their bedroom making her clutch onto him tighter. He could feel her trembling a little, stopping and softly setting her down on the bed

“Are you okay?” He asked and she quickly nodded,

“Y-Yes! Just a little nervous” She admitted, fiddling with her fingers. There was a silence and she diverted her gaze, dropping it from his face, however her cheeks heated up when she caught sight of the semi erection against his pants.

“O-Oh! U-Um…” She squeaked and Ushijima shrugged, his gaze was sharp, watching her look anywhere but him. The more felt like it had passed and she trying to calm herself. However, she was surprised when he crouched down, looking up at her

“Y/n…” He asked and she hummed, finally looking at him

“I’m sorry…” She muttered making him raise a brow, “You don’t need to apologise… You’re not at fault.”

She bit her lip, fiddling with her fingers

“It’s just… I feel guilty… Because of me, your family has disowned us…” She mumbled, feeling her tears forming in the corner of her eyes. He didn’t say anything but his hand reached towards her. She held her breath when his fingers brushed against her cheek, tucking a loose lock of her hair behind her ear, watching her flustered reaction

“Only mother and grandmother have disowned me… But I have you and my father. That’s all I need” He answered, standing up. Her eyes followed him, and she stood up as well

“But… Its not right… She’s your mother–”

“–and you’re my wife.” He ended.

Y/n bit her lip, sniffling

“Wakatoshi…” She whispered in a trembling voice, when he held her hand

“You’ve been suffering all this time and I never realised… I don’t ever want you to cry like that again. I’m sorry you had to go through that…”

Y/n’s lips trembled, and she let go of his hand, only to crash against him, hugging him tight. She actually was still shaken about what had happened, it made her sick how forceful his family was. She felt like a breeding sow… It actually baffled her how Ushijima was the opposite of them.

He was so stoic and aloof, she realised it had to be because he grew up in that environment. Those women were utter nightmares. Her heart squeezed, imaging him as a child. His father lived far away, the one person he admired so much. The one who actually held warmth… It was no wonder Ushijima was clueless when it came to love and their marriage. She realised he was not cold at all, sure he had his bluntness from his mother’s side…

But he had his father’s warmth and sincerity. She remembered the scrap paper she found, when he had duly noted down Tendou’s pointers. The way he slowly began trying to change himself to make their marriage work.

And after how fiercely he fought for her happiness today, she realised just how much he loved her.

She realised just how much she loved him

“Wakatoshi, I love you more than you could imagine…”

Ushijima’s arms wrapped around her, she peaked at his face and despite it being expressionless, she caught sight of his bright red ears, making her giggle a little. She knew he was too embarrassed to say it but she didn’t hold it against him.

“Tendou’s Tips on Romancing Your Wife…” He mumbled, making her lift a brow when he averted his gaze

“Number 7… When your wife says she loves you. You tell her you love her even more” He replied before looking at her blushing face

“…I love you…even more…” He muttered in embarrassment but she smiled, her tears finally flowing.

“Why are you crying?” He was worried, brows furrowing but she laughed, wiping her eyes

“These are tears of happiness, you silly man…” She muttered, confusing him. Y/n just laughed again, her sorrow washed over and he felt like he was entranced. She froze when his hands cupped her face, startling her when he looked at her with such intensity

That smile had done a number on him. He hadn’t seen her so happy before. Suddenly he realised why Tendou and his wife’s marriage was so strong. His bestfriend would always slip out his love for his wife, any chance he got. He wasn’t afraid of showing it. It made sense now, seeing how happy he was with her.

It was the power of love. Something he felt the moment he laid eyes on the woman in front of him. He didn’t understand what that spark he felt around her was, not until this moment. He had been in love with her, all this time

“Wakatoshi” She whispered but he pushed her back, until her legs hit the bed, gently seating her back down. His eyes were glued to her lips, watching them quiver lightly but it only made him lean forward, pushing his own lips against hers. She inhaled, holding her breath for a few seconds but despite her pounding heart, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to deepen their kiss.

The gentle smacks of their kisses filled the room, she could feel the heat burning between their bodies.

Her legs felt like mush, pins and needles growing in the bottom of her feet but she didn’t care. It was finally happening, her fantasies coming to life. His eyes fluttered open when her tongue shyly swiped his bottom lip.

He was taken back… Parting his lips,

“Are you alrigh–”

He was confused, about to ask what happened but the moment his lips parted, she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Mmh!”She squeaked when he accidently bit her mid speech, pulling away.

“Ow…” She whined, sticking her tongue back inside her mouth, sucking on the soreness. Y/n felt embarrassed for how forward she had been. She hadn’t ever kissed someone like that and in the movies… They always made it look easy.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. He was experienced in this field either… He felt like a headless chicken, but he looked at her bright pink tongue, now worried if he hurt her.

“Show me…” He muttered, holding her jaw in his hand. Awkwardly, she parted her lips, sticking her tongue out and he was relieved she wasn’t bleeding, although the tip of her tongue was bright red.

“It looks sore…” He muttered but again, he admired the look on her face. Her expression was adorable, making hiss heart skip a beat.

“This might make it better…”

Y/n’s eyes widened when his face drew closer. He closed his eyes, kissing her again, going very slow. Y/n’s heart raced, only this time, he pushed his tongue into her mouth. It was a little uncoordinated, both of them tried to match their rhythm but their bodies were brimming from excitement.

She moaned softly against him, when he rubbed her tongue with his. His fingers dug into her hips harder, when he felt his dick beginning to rise. He never knew just how arousing her voice was. It exhilarated him that he was capable of making her sound like that…

Mmh~ Wakatoshi” She panted when he pulled away, her cheeks were burning. He stood tall in front of her and now she felt shy again

“Is it still hurting?” Ushijima asked but she shook her head,

“N-No… I feel much better now” She muttered. Ushjima felt pleased that she wasn’t hurt, looking at her sitting on their bed below him.

“Y/n… Can we continue?” He asked her, watching her face coil into a fluster… She took sudden interest in her fingers, fiddling away at them before she finally answered

“Can I take a bath first?”


Shocked, she gaped at him asking him why but Ushijima just shrugged,

“Won’t it make sense to bathe after having sex? We’re only going to get dirty again” He said so nonchalantly that she covered her face

“D-Don’t say it out loud!” She squealed, flummoxing him

“But you said you wanted to have sex” He answered, embarrassing her further.

“Wakatoshi!” She squeaked, “…I know I said it in the heat of the moment but when you say it so blatantly, it makes me embarrassed…”

Ushijima gave her a blank look. His wife was very confusing, it was clear she wanted to have sex but her words didnt match. He didn’t understand how to read women…

“So, I shouldn’t talk about having sex, while we’re having sex–”

His question was cut off when her palms pressed against his lips, silencing him. He gripped her wrists, pulling her hands apart, cocking his head to the side. Y/n was extremely flustered, her heart was racing. They both were super clueless but she decided to follow her instincts. He was silent, watching her trembling hands go towards the buttons of her dress.

Slowly unbuttoning it, he held his breath when he caught sight of her skin… The pink bra she wore underneath slowly peaking between the lapels… She remained composed, letting her dress crumple around her ankles, now standing in front of him in just her underwear.

“Um… Could we turn off the lights? I know I’m not fit like you are…”

She wasn’t going to lie, she was a little insecure about her body. He was solid all over but she wasn’t… Her mother in law once mentioned in dismay that Y/n had gotten pudgier after marriage…

Her arms covered her stomach but Ushjima gripped her wrists, pulling them from her body. He held them tight, scanning her figure before swallowing.

“You’re beautiful” He muttered, making her heart skip a beat… He could sense her uneasiness but he stepped away from her, removing his clothes, letting them join her discared dress.

(AN: Idk these days ive been into the muscular guy x chubby reader trope. Ushijima with a cute soft wife makes my heart mushy :3)

Y/n’s breath hitched, looking at him in nearly all of his glory. Unlike her, there was not a hint of fat. He was purely muscle… She felt ashamed for not being as health conscious,

“Waka… Please turn the lights off…”


She squealed when he pushed her onto the mattress, caging her underneath him

“I want to see all of you…” He said softly, his hands now feeling up her sides. Y/n bit back her whimpers, her legs trembling when his hands slowly made their way to her breasts. She covered her eyes with her arms, mewling when he cautiously squeezed them. He stretched a hum in astonishment, making her peek at him.

“W-What?” She muttered, looking at his brows lift, almost like he was lost in thought

“It’s just like mochi…”

She was at a loss for words, she swore his eyes sparkled in delight but he hummed again, his hands massaging her through her bra, making her back arch

“W-Waka” She whined but couldn’t help but slide his hands underneath her back, his fingers fiddling with her bra. But his attempts at unhooking it, went unsuccessfully, frustrating him. Y/n felt a little amused, watching his brows furrow in frustration… He was trying his best to concentrate… Although she had been insecure about her breast sized, often being teased by her friends when they were younger… She couldn’t help but lift her chin, softly kissing his cheek, making him freeze

“Um… Let me show you how to open it…” She said shyly, sitting on the edge of the bed. He watched her turn, facing her back towards him while her hands reached for the clasp, releasing it with ease. Ushjima held his breath when she dropped the article on the floor. However, she didn’t dare turn around to face him… Instead her arms crossed, covering her bared flesh.

“Y/n, can I see them?” He asked but she quickly shook her head,

“Wait, I need to mentally prepare myself!”

Ushijima remembered one of Tendou’s tips again, recognising her efforts. It must have taken her a lot of courage to undress first…

She felt the mattress dip behind her, turning her head only to see him coming close. Looking away again, when his legs rested on either side of hers, his chest pressing into her back. She could feel his heart racing against her, making her realise that she wasn’t the only virgin in the room. He must have been equally nervous but he was trying for her sake.

“Are you prepared now?” He asked and she nodded, making him hum

Ngh~”She tried to hold back her voice, her back arched slightly when his palms brushed over her tits.

“So soft…” He revealed, squeezing her pillowy flesh. Y/n’s breathing felt heavier and she almost squeaked when his fingers accidently brushed against her nipples.

He peeked over her shoulder, looking at her nipples… Amazed when he felt and saw them harden into peaks. He couldn’t help but remember certain chapters from Tendou’s wife’s book…

“O-Oh!~” She mewled when his fingers squeezed and rolled her buds between them. She suddenly felt the wetness begin seeping from between her folds.

“Does it feel good?” He asked and she nodded, humming because she had no idea how to speak in this moment. His hands were large, cupping her breasts with ease but they were so warm… She tried to settle herself against him but he wouldn’t stop his unintentional teasing with her nipples. As he experimented between flicks, pinches and tweaks, her moans were slipping, arousing him further. He couldn’t take it anymore, moving away from her. She didn’t have a second to recollect herself. He pushed her back down on the bed, now gazing at her breasts in their full glory.

He remembered the hentai mangas that Tendou would forcefully lend him when they were teens. Ushjima never understood the fascination his teammates had with the female body … He was always confused as to why, in porn and hentai, people always went for the breasts first… He never understood it until he saw hers right in front of his face

His lips felt dry and suddenly he felt the urge… He wanted to know what it’d feel like… Looking at the puffy nipples that harden when he teased them earlier. He felt like he was being coaxed…

Y/n let out a startled moan when his mouth engulfed one breast, her hand immediately clutched the back of his head, moaning louder when he began sucking on her nipple hard.

“O-Ouch! You’re being too rough” She whined and he eased up, letting his tongue eagerly swipe and circle her areola… She settled down, now feeling very turned on from how gentle he was trying to be, slowly sucking on her bud…

Her eyes opened, feeling his heavy erection pressing against her thigh. She glanced at it, looking at the obvious tent in his boxer.

Ushijima grunted, almost alarmed when he felt something rub against his cock. Pulling from her breast with a light pop, he glanced at her hand, palming him timidly

“I-Its not fair if you to do all the touching…” She barely muttered but he heard. He sat back, letting her sit up. Her fingers hooked into his underwear but she glanced at him

“Can I…?” She asked and he nodded, just watching her.

Y/n held her breath, pulling them down but she almost fell back when his cock sprang out so fast, smacking lightly against her cheek. Ushijima parted his lips, despite her being so flustered and embarrassed, he felt extremely aroused, looking at his cock mere inches from her face…

Y/n was very close to backing out… She had never seen an actual penis before… His looked like it could break her apart

‘There’s no way that’ll fit inside me!’ She screamed in her head but she couldn’t look away. She took note of every detail but aside from his size, she wanted to please him

Ushijima grunted, his chest rising when her hand wrapped around his shaft, slowly feeling it…

“It’s hot…” She muttered, feeling her hand warming… He swallowed, trying to control himself but her soft fingers innocently mapping his cock, making him throb when her finger rubbed his glans.

“Y/n…” He breathed her name and she peeked at his face, blushing when she saw him look so flustered… It was really cute…

“I’m not sure if I’m doing it right” She asked shyly and he nodded, his fist covering hers

“Like this…” He panted softly, leading her hand to his pace. She watched in wonderment, she could feel him pulsating within her wrapped fingers. Clenching her thighs, she squirmed against the bed. Her eyes caught onto the pre-cum sliding from the tip of his cock…

“Does it feel good, honey?” She asked him. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back, just humming. It felt so much better than when he did it by himself…

His eyes popped open when he felt a soft sensation against the tip of his dick. He gasped when he caught her in time to see her tongue shyly licking his cockhead.

Ngh!” He grunted, his hands quickly fisting themselves into the back of her head, pulling her quickly off his dick

“S-Stop” He panted and she felt alarmed, “W-Was I not supposed to do that!?”

Ushjima’s cheeks were burning,

“You can but it feels too good… I don’t want to cum so fast” He answered truthfully before petting the top of her head, “We can do that another time…”

His eyes darted towards her thighs and he took note of the wet stain growing on her cotton underwear… Y/n gasped when his fingers pressed against the damp material, feeling against her slit. She whimpered when his fingers began tracing it slowly

“You’re incredibly wet.”

Y/n’s cheeks flushed, gripping his wrist shyly

“It’s because I’m with you…”

Ushijima curiously gazed at her face, looking at the genuineness swimming in her eyes. His chest warmed, both of them didn’t need to exchange words. Instead, he hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and she stood on her knees, letting him slid them off with ease.

His heart was racing, laying her down gently. She had closed her thighs, trying to hide herself form his view… But instead, she gave him a glorious view of her ass, squeaking when his hands began feeling her soft flesh.


When he felt her body loosen, he quickly pulled her onto her back, his hands gripping her knees, holding her legs wide apart, making her squeal from shock

“D-Don’t look!”

Ushijima ignored her, his eyes were glued to her slick folds… He saw the thin stream of juices gliding down, her folds spread just enough for him to see her throbbing…

“It’s so pretty…” He muttered,


One hand let go of her knee, slowly pressing his fingers against her folds, silencing her. She whimpered when his pointer and middle fingers traced up and down her puffy lips…

“If it hurts, tell me.” He said before his middle finger pushed between the slick slit, now tracing the inside of her slit. She mewled and whimpered, her chest rising with each deep breath. His fingers were much thicker than hers, it felt so much better.

He sneaked glances at her expression, watching her brows furrow in need. He spotted her clit, and she jolted when she felt a finger brush against it.

Hah!” She moaned, raising her hips while he watched in fascination.

Ushijima was startled, he recoiled his hand worried she was hurt but she shyly gripped onto his wrist

“…It feels good when you touch it…” She muttered, making him raise a brow. He pressed his finger against it again, listening to the whimpers she let out. Y/n’s hand covered his,

“Like this…” She mumbled, making him slowly circle it. He took over, letting his fingers feel the small nub, before his thumb pressed against it. She took heavy breaths, letting him explore her body. The more she moaned, the more confident he felt, his other hand tracing her folds again, before he spread them between his fingers.

Y/n’s eyes opened again when she felt his hands move away, she was about to call out his name but he gripped her knees, pulling them over his shoulder. Ushijima’s mouth opened and he was about to press it against her pussy but she squeaked from shock, her hand pressing against his lips

“N-No! Don’t do that!”

He was puzzled, “But you did it to me?”

“…Um, like you said… We can try this out another time… I think I’ll faint otherwise…”

It was true, her heart was not prepared for oral sex yet… but Ushijima’s hands held onto her thighs, ignoring her. She yelped when his face dived between her thighs, his mouth pressing against her pussy.

“No~” She moaned, her hips twitching when his tongue greedily lapped up her juices. He let out an inquisitive hum

“It’s sweet…” He muttered, before spotting her clit.

“…It feels good when you touch it…”

Y/n released a pitchy moan when his tongue flicked her clit, she pressed her thighs against his face, trying to control herself but Ushijima was unrelentless, just a single taste had released his pent up hunger.

“W-Waka, please~” She mewled, shaking her head “S-Stop! I don’t wanna cum now” She sobbed and he dropped her legs to the bed. She watched him wipe his wet lips, licking at them before his hands felt her body all over.

She calmed down, when he focused back on her tits, moulding them between his fingers. Her hand reached out to caress his face, distracting him

“…Y/n?” He asked and she just smiled, reaching to hold onto his hands tightly

“Wakatoshi… I cant wait any longer… Can you put it inside?” She asked shyly, her fingers wrapping around his dick, making him grunt.

He sat up, getting up from the bed and she watched him turn to his bedside drawer, opening it. her heart was racing again when he picked up the unopened box of condoms, wondering when he had gotten them… But she chose not to ask, just watching him pick up the foil packaging between his fingers.

His brows furrowed, rolling the condom over his shaft and she held her breath when his hands rested on her thighs, cock resting over her pussy. Ushijima gripped his cock, trying to align it with her entrance but he grunted, not sure what he was doing.

“A little lower, I think…” She muttered, gripping his dick with him, leading him towards her aching hole.

“Here?” He asked and she nodded, “Y-Yeah…”

She bit her lip, closing her eyes in anticipation but he looked at her face, noticing her quivering bottom lip

“Relax, honey… If you’re tense, it’ll hurt” He muttered but she couldn’t open her eyes.

Mmh…”She mewled when he kissed her softly to distract her. She instantly relaxed, focusing on his tongue that now glided better against hers than earlier. When he felt her stop shaking, he took a deep breath, pushing his cock inside her.

Her eyes flew open and she pulled away, her hands gripping his biceps, whimpering. She was about to look down but his hand cupped itself over her eyes, blocking her view

“Don’t look there. Look at me” He said, removing his hand and she gazed into his fierce eyes. Y/n let out a small smile,

“I love you” She sighed in bliss, biting back her tears making his heart melt. It was torture for his penis, it was begging for stimulation but he controlled himself. His hands found hers, holding onto them tightly before he slowly pushed through her weeping folds. She whimpered again, feeling the pain as his cock separated her tight walls. He grunted when he felt her squeezing onto him tightly

Finally he had managed to push all the way in, stilling his hips.

“Are you in pain?” He asked, feeling worried but she shook her head

“It hurt a little before but I think I’m good…”

Now that she could feel his cock inside her, she was delighted. She felt full but her hand excitedly pressed over her abdomen, smiling

“I can feel you from here…” She breathed but that was enough to send him over the edge. He slowly began thrusting his hips against her and she moaned, letting her head fall back on the pillow, mewling his name.

Ushijima was lost in his own lust, his slow pace suddenly picked up. He couldn’t get over the way those velvety walls gripped and squeezed onto him. Her voice sounded better than any music he had ever heard.

“You’re perfect” He admitted, moaning when she twitched against him. Y/n’s arms wrapped around his neck, while her legs crossed over his lower back

“M-More…” She moaned and he complied, going harder. Both of them were panting hard, her body

“You like it?” He asked and she hummed, nodding frantically

“I-I love it!” She mewled, letting herself get lost in the sensation of his thrusting cock. Ushijima could feel himself getting closer to his orgasm. Moaning, he kept going, but the moment he titled his hips, accidnelty rubbing against the bundle of nerves, she squealed, clutching onto him harder

“Waka!” She yelped, “O-Oh! There!” She moaned, “Right there…”

Grunting, he pinned her hips into the mattress with his, her legs going weak but her hands gripped his ass, feeling the breath leave her lungs. The way his body had pressed her into the bed, made her feel nothing but the way he kept fucking her.

His fingers sneaked between their bodies, experimentally rubbing her clit and that made her reach her edge. Arching her back, her moans danced through his ears when she cried out his name. He groaned when he felt her pussy grip onto him so tight before she came,

“Shit…” He panted, his thrusts became sloppy but he humped her hard, until his own climax reached. Ushijima hung his head down, moaning when he felt his cock spurt, filling the condom.

“Kiss me while you cum…” She panted, gripping his face to pull his lips against hers, he used that as his leverage to ride out his orgasm before they both slowed their thrusts. Letting go of her, they caught their breath and he pulled out, now looking at the mess they made on the bed…

Ushijima discarded the used condom before he lay down next to her, looking at her flushed face

“Was that good?” he asked her and she nodded, still panting


They made eye contact and let out a soft giggle, making his own brows soften. His arm slid under her body, pulling her against his side, letting out a content sigh

“…Why didn’t we do this before?” He asked and she smiled,

“We have our own pace and I’m kind of glad we waited now…”

Ushijima nodded, “I like sex.” He ended making her freeze before she burst out laughing from him bluntness

“Me too, I like having sex with you” She said making him feel pleased. She watched him sit up in curiosity, pushing herself up as well.

“Honey?” She asked, reaching for him and he gripped her wrist,

“Come here” He said and she obediently climbed onto his lap, letting him wrap his arms around her body

“What’s on your mind?” She asked him and he grunted,

“Nothing… I’m just happy that you’re my wife” He answered, making her cheeks heat up, peeking at his stoic face.

“I’m happy you’re mine too” She answered, resting her forehead against him. Ushijima sighed, his hands dancing up and down her sides, before he spotted the box of condoms by them, picking it up

They both stared at the box before looking at one another. She flushed, averting her gaze

“D-Do you want to do it again?” She asked shyly

“Yes.” He answered curtly, pushing her back down on to the bed

“Waka!” She giggled when he picked up a condom

“I know what to do now and there are some things I want to try out”

Y/n raised a brow, “What exactly do you want to try?”

Ushijima just shrugged, “I saw somethings in Tendou’s hentai mangas… Now I want to do them with you”

“Hentai manga… You read those kinds of things?” She asked, making his ears turn red

“Well… I am a man after all.” He hinted and her brows raised, realising what he meant


Y/n giggled before she sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek softly

“C’mon darling, let me help this time” She cooed, taking the condom from his hands. Ushijima leaned back, letting his wife do what she wanted but more than the sex, he knew he was absolutely enamoured by her. This woman was everything he never knew he needed.

He would sacrifice his entire life just to see her smiling.

“Y/n.” He cut through and she looked up at him,

“I love you” He said and she flushed but her lips grew into a wide smile,

“I love you too!” She laughed


“So where are you taking Y/n today?” Tendou asked, bouncing Anzu on his lap while she laughed.

Ushijima leaned his back against the bench,

“Korean Barbeque.” He answered before smiling softly, “Celebrating”

Tendou grinned, “Oh man I love Korean Barbeque… What’s the occasion?” Tendou asked capturing Ushijima’s attention.

“She finally opening her own business. She had been studying and working really hard the last two years.”

Tendou let out a delighted cheer, “Its finally happening! I better get an invite for the launch party…Actually, you better let me cater it. With baby number two on the way and I’d like some additional work. Need to save up” The red hair said and Ushijima nodded,

“Y/n already said she will be contacting you.”

Tendou cheered again, making Anzu giggle at his antics. Tendou beamed, hugging the three year old, pressing his cheek against hers, gushing out coos of love for her

“To be honest, your wife is a super woman. I can’t believe she took on additional work, studied, passed her exams and opened her own business in just two years…”

Ushijima felt proud, he admired her oh so much. She was so dedicated to going back to what she loved doing. After the Olympics, he had finally taken time off to now being the supportive spouse before he would begin volleyball again. He spent the entire year being her support through every step of the way.

“You’re still not talking to your mother?” Tendou asked and he nodded,

“I have no interest in them.” He answered and his friend nodded,

“What about your father? He stayed with you guys a few months ago no?”

He hummed, remembering what a lovely time he had with his family. His bond with his father only grew stronger, but Ushijima did sometimes feel pain that his mother was out of his life…

However, it didn’t matter anymore to him

Both of them were distracted when they heard crying and Tendou quickly looked at Anzu, groaning

“Oh man, Zuzu! I told you not to do that” He groaned, leaning to pick her up while she suckled on her thumb.

“Sorry Papa! I playin with Eji!” She rambled and Tendou sighed before hugging her again

“Papa forgives you because you’re just too cute! But next time when Reiji-kun’s sleeping, you mustn’t wake him up. It’s not nice” He gently scolded her and she nodded


Ushijima just chuckled, bending down to lift the crying one year old from his pram, bouncing his son against his shoulder

“It’s alright Reiji… Anzu wanted to play with you” Ushijima tried explaining to the whimpering baby who calmed down when his father calmly unzipped the baby bag, pulling out his milk bottle. Reiji greedily suckled on his milk, settling down fast and Anzu looked at Tendou

Ushijima felt at peace, setting Reiji back down into the pram before checking his watch

“We’ve got the leave now Satori. Y/n’s going to be home soon” He explained and his friend grinned,

“Awe, its so cute seeing you in full house-husband mode. Need to be home so you can give her a welcome kiss, right?”

Ushijima nodded, not even hiding it, making Tendou grin

“See you soon!” He laughed, watching him friend walk away with his son.

Anzu climbed onto Tendou’s back, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, making the scarlet hair man grin, holding onto her before standing up

“Shall we go home too Zuz?” He asked and she nodded, making him sigh happily. He was a very happy man after marriage, and it made Tendou happy to know his bestfriend was also living his bestlife. He remembered how clueless Ushijima was when he had first gotten married, chuckling to himself when he remembered how his bestfriend began noting down pointers in his little notebook every time they met and how Ushijima would provide positive feedback when Tendou’s tips worked…

He’d also tell Tendou what did not work.

Eventually Tendou knew Ushijima didn’t need any more pointers from the moment they had redone their wedding photos, now looking ecstatic in their photos.

The once clueless Ushijima was no longer clueless when it came to love.





your lips, my lips; apocalypse

now playing: [apocalypse]« 0:20 ─〇── 4:51 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

“I want this to be our wedding song”, you say out of the blue as you both were reading together on the couch, the song playing on the record player catching your attention.

“it is a pretty song,” wakatoshisays.

“just a pretty song? It’s beautiful toshi and…and it reminds me of you” you say, almost whispering the last part, but of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed by wakatoshi.

“of me?”

“yup. I actually listened to it when I got home after our first date” you sigh out reminiscing of the first time you associated the song with him, thinking back to your first date where he had taken you to the fair and he’d won you a pink stuffed bear, the same bear that’s sitting in the corner of your bed after all these years.

“cmon give me your hand,” you say, reaching out to him. “will you give me the honor of having this dance with you, sir?” you say jokingly, curtsying slightly to which he softly laughs

“of course, m'lady” he amuses you.

it amazed you how much he has changed, sure he was still the blunt volleyball idiot you loved and adored but he had matured so much, not only in his looks but emotionally, he was more understanding of social cues now, much more understanding of you and your antics, how you spoke, joked around, how you acted, he was enthralled with you in more than one way.

“I’m not good at this” he confesses while stiffly standing up.

“well that’s why we practice toshi” you beam at him, softly taking his calloused hands and placing one on your hip and taking the other in your palm, “just relax babe and follow me”

you gently move side to side, wakatoshi still awkward with his movement try to follow along and your face hurts from the smile you’re wearing on your face right now looking at how serious he looked about getting it right.

you place your palm on his face softly reminding him to ease up and he holds your hand in his face, with a soft smile and it turns you into putty and it doesn’t help how your smile got even bigger thinking of how lucky you are.

all those years you’ve felt lonely, felt like no one could ever love you, wished you had someone that loved you endlessly and now all that wishing had turned into a reality, personified into the man that you loved with all your heart and being and you wouldn’t give it up for the whole world.

“am I doing it right?” he asks snapping you back into reality

“huh- yeah baby just like that. side to side…” you softly laugh, holding your lover close.

“we have all the time we need toshi, so take your time” you softly say, leaning into him to share a loving kiss

you don’t ever want to leave this moment, gently swaying with him in the middle of your living room, to the faint sound of the record player, taking in everything about him from the way his lips are softly parted, to his knitted eyebrows, to his soft eyes and his hand that’s gripping your waist tighter every time he feels like he’s messing up. I can’t wait to do this forever, with you, you think to yourself leaning in for another kiss.
