#v talks



make the grade ch3 sneaky peek ✨

as a treat, because @nobodys-baby-now helped me figure out the problem with this part and maybe (FINGERS CROSSED) I can aim for an upload tomorrow (!!)

in case anyone is wondering what the writing process looks like for this chapter

make the grade ch3 sneaky peek ✨

as a treat, because @nobodys-baby-now helped me figure out the problem with this part and maybe (FINGERS CROSSED) I can aim for an upload tomorrow (!!)


make the grade update

okay, so, real life is hitting me like a truck as of late, so chapter 3 (“All Nighter”) is not going to be ready for tonight as planned.

(the problem: it’s done, but this chapter is really important and it’s simply not as good as I want it to be. also, it’s monstrously long…like 11k. way too many words for one chapter! some serious editing is in order.)

I’m gonna edit my little heart out and hopefully have it ready for tomorrow. if not, it’ll have to wait til next week…will keep you posted. thanks for your patience, y’all

ok so I cut something like 4-5k and am rewriting that part and y’all I promise it will be worth the wait

imagine being such an asshole you’d use a gif of a kiss that someone else made in your post just to talk about how much you hate that kiss. can’t relate

listen, i’m always glad to see cheryl, toni and veronica teaming up… but also veronica literally came looking for jughead and they still didn’t even talk in this episode

jughead and veronica: *both drinking chocolate milkshakes in that scene where they’re talking at pop’s*

my dumb ass: !!!!!!!!???????foreshadowing?????!!!!!!

aside from b*ghead and how nonsensical the plot is i actually kinda enjoyed the episode?? i don’t remember much about s2 but i feel like this was more entertaining

‘the serpent queen is a warrior queen’ is one of the cringiest things i’ve ever heard on a tv show 
