#villainous dialogue


Prompt #14195

“The obelisks had crumbled centuries ago. But the runes appeared every full moon, with no stone to hold them.”

Prompt #14194

“I compile the final moments of people’s lives. And then sell an entire lifetime to those that have the coin.”

Prompt #14186

“I’ve heard legends of blades that became human. They can catch blades in their hands and make people bleed with the slightest touch.”

Prompt #14184

“Lord Death followed me for a whole year, because my hourglass was dropping sand in the negatives.”

Prompt #14215

“There are two ways to learn necromancy. Study for twelve years, or get killed and come back within 24 hours.”

Prompt #14213

“For every child that killed a butterfly in your world, there was a child of my world that was waiting to receive them.”

Prompt #14212

“The man crawled out of hell to save his wife. Just imagine what he’ll do to you. The man who tried to send her to hell with him.”
