#scifi prompts


A Scifi and Fantasy Idea

Far in the future, to avoid Entropy and Heat-Death, Humanity has uploaded themselves onto the fabric of space-time itself; “beneath” the quantum field. Effectively gods, so ancient that many of them have lived more in millenia than the universe in modern times have existed in seconds, creating matter and energy through manipulating the quantum layer.

There is only one question left that science has been unable to answer: What will the next universe be like? It has already been confirmed that they will survive a big bang going off, and will survive no matter what alternate physics will be in play, but how it will turn out is completely unable to be predicted.

After aeons of waiting, when the universe has been dead many millions of times longer than it was ever alive in the first place the time finally comes, and a new Big Bang occurs. Humanity collectively watch in anticipation, and then:

They get a front-row seat to an Overgod creating a High-Fantasy D&D-esque cosmology multiverse, complete with Gods, Magic, Elemental, Astral Planes and Far Realms. And they have no idea how any of it works. But Humanity knows one thing. THEY WANT TO KNOW ALL THE THINGS!

How does a ludicrously advanced sci-fi human civilization of might-as-well-be Space!gods and a D&D-like High Fantasy cosmology react to each other?

Imagine Person A and Person B are somehow communicating with each other from the same geographic location, but at different points in time.

Prompt #14194

“I compile the final moments of people’s lives. And then sell an entire lifetime to those that have the coin.”

Prompt #14202

“The world had a countdown timer. And you would not believe how people reacted to it.”


[ID: “I’m in really bad shape here. My time machine is being held together by a safety pin.” End ID]

[ID: “When the scientists at Astemp Co. say ‘the fabric of space and time,’ yeah, they mean a real fabric. I’ve got a swatch of it stitched onto my jacket.” End ID]

[ID: “In her will, my grandmother left me her CD collection of literally millions of CDs and a single note. It reads, ‘One of these might contain the schematics for building a crystal-powered spaceship. Have fun!’” End ID]

[ID: “The best music to listen to when dimension hopping is jazz obviously.”

[ID: “Last summer my daughter invented a shrink ray so she could play with the fairies who live in the back garden. Now, after making some adjustments, she has started enlarging the fairies instead.” End ID]

[ID: “Board games are thousands of years old and will continued to be played for thousands more years. When stranded in an unfamiliar time line, young timejumpers, befriend the natives by playing their board games.” End ID]

Fun Fact: Board games are in fact very, very old. The one in the picture is senet, an ancient Egyptian game that dates back to over four thousand years ago.

[ID: Text 1: “How are we going to solve this decades old murder case? All we have for evidence are a bunch of grainy photos and old books.”

Text 2: “And, you forget, a time machine.” End ID]

A doctor illegally experiments on human eggs; in one experiment, he injects mosquito DNA into the egg. The result is the world’s first vampire, a creature capable of passing on its condition via blood-sucking. 
