


The fact that Sandra revealed that the kiss scene was essentially entirely created by her and Jodie improvising just makes it even more hilarious looking back on the interview where the interviewer joked about Killing Eve being all improv and Sandra laughs and goes: “Oh my God. Oh, you’re so close on that one.”


She really wasn’t kidding lmao.

Jodie’s reaction is sending me

It’s the fact that the finale would’ve given us NOTHING if it weren’t for Jodie and Sandra. We don’t deserve them and I owe them my life

As some of you know, i have recently been struggling a bit, and so I started a ko-fi page , for accepting donations/commissions (currently 10 slots are free for commissions, 5 allotted for fics but i can change them depending on the circumstances).

  • Rates: $ 10 (USD) per 1000 words, with $ 1.50 for every hundred words after that for commissioned fic. Base price $3 per 1000 words for beta. Please keep in mind that Paypal deducts fees and I shall also need to convert it into my currency. No extra charge for exceeding the word limit you paid for.
  • Fandoms: Harry Potter, ASOIAF/GoT, Grishaverse, Skam OG (remakes I am willing to write for: Druck and Skam España), ATLA, AHS:Coven and Apocalypse, The Secret History, certain characters only from ACOTAR (please note I am anti sjm and usually focus on characters mistreated/sidelined in her narratives), Killing Eve. dm me on @lunaathorne for specific standalone related works, for example: The Priory of the Orange Tree.
  • Things I won’t Write: any Non-con elements, explicit smut (we can negotiate about M rated content because i have written some before), Genderbends, weird age gap ships, ships I am VERY much against etc…. this excluding GoT-typical relationships (I’m not 100% discourse free so). Might update this list later.
Payment details:
  • Once you contact me, I shall get back to you with further details, on dm or email. If there is a slot before you in the queue, I shall complete it before I contact you to accept your payment.
  • I reserve the right to politely refuse a commission.
  • Please do not cancel the commission when I am midway through the wip.
  • Deadline: four weeks from payment.
for additional information on characters and ships I’m willing to work for from the mentioned fandoms, please dm me here or on @/lunaathorne, or shoot me a message on discord: Mimi#6801. Thank you!


tbh, i wish eve died as well. it is too cruel to kill one and leave the other to roam the earth in perpetual loss. it’s like killing a part of yourself, or losing your soul. if they were to die, I would have wished them to go down hand in hand, smiling at each other in peace and acceptance. not desperate, blind panic and violent confusion. eve’s blood curdling scream of grief is still haunting me.

I just know vill was thinking “she better not head butt me again”


Kiss #2

This was so hot-

#killing eve    #villaneve    #villanelle    #eve polastri    #sandra oh    #jodie comer    #ke spoilers    #spoilers    


On a brighter note: They were so goddamn happy together.

Did y’all see just how happy they were? The pure joy on both their faces with finally being together actually made me cry. We always talked about them getting to a point where they could find a calmness with each other. But what I found so beautiful was that the final stage for them wasn’t calmness, but happiness.

That to me was the most heartwarming thing to witness. That it wasn’t calmness but a beautiful romantic passion that was uncontrollable in the best of way. It wasn’t a place of peace but an unfiltered happiness of finally feeling complete.

We have never seen them as joyful as when they finally allowed themselves to love each other so freely, and my god did they love each other. 

eve traces shapes into oksana’s back until she falls asleep

eve traces shapes into oksana’s back until she falls asleep

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what truly happened in the sleeping bag

what truly happened in the sleeping bag

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hugs and kisses

hugs and kisses

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