
< p> PARTY//Nate Maloley All I could think in my head was “Fuck”. Today was the first day back



PARTY//Nate Maloley

All I could think in my head was “Fuck”.

Today was the first day back after Spring Break and I was not looking forward to it. There are two types of teenagers during Spring Break. There are the party animals. Then there are the chilled out, rather stay home and watch Netflix than socialize people. I(obviously) am the second one.


p> INormally I choose to hide in my room and binge watch my favourite series, but my friends decided that they were going to drag me to the last party of Spring Break. It just so happened to be Nate Maloley’s party. I was not looking forward to it. He was the star basketball player, key word player. By the time my friends and I showed up there was at least 70 people. As soon as we all stepped through the door my friends were gone.


p> I made my way over to the drinks. This was going to be a long ass night if I don’t have alcohol in my system. I picked up a red cup, chugging the unknown mixture down, when the bitch of the school came up to me.“Oh, Y/N you’re here? wow, this party must suck.” she smirked at me before spilling her drink all over my shirt.


p> I scoffed as she walked away. “Bitch” I muttered. Throwing away my drink, I made my way up the stairs, trying to find a bathroom or a empty room that wasn’t in use..if you know what I mean. ;)


p> After 15 minutes of walking in on unpleasent sights I found an unoccupied room. I walked in and locked the door, making sure no one would walk in. I sighed, hearing bass of the music pounding throughout the walls. I took off my shirt and looked around for something to dry it with. As I looked around I saw medals and trophies, signed basketballs and a huge shelf of music. It must be Nate’s room.


p> I put my shirt down and walked towards the music collection. He surprisingly had a good taste in music..too bad he’s a dick. All of a sudden I heard someone cough, I whipped my head around to see a smirking Nate.


p> “WHAT THE FUCK?!? HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?” I screamed at him trying to hide my exposed chest. It was so awkward. I’m not skinny whatsoever. I’m average…I’m nothing like what Nate goes for. He smiled even wider as he moved closer to me, moving my arms away from my body.


p> “Last I checked, this was my room, plus I was using my bathroom.” He said in a cocky tone. “Damn Y/N you’re fine as hell.” He smirked as he pulled me closer to him. I didn’t know what was happening. All of a sudden Nate’s lips were on mine as his hands roamed my body, adoring every curve, “You’re beautiful.” He said before finding my sweet spot. Things got heated quick, soon I was straddling him on his bed. Let’s just say, I hooked up with Nate Maloley that night.


p> Its been 3 days since then,now being the first day back, I was freaking out walking into school.


p> All I could think in my head was “Fuck”.


p> I take a breath and walk through the doors with my head held high, prepared for whatever may happen for today. I opened my locker when my friends came up to me.


p> “Soooooo…what’d you think of the party, we barely saw youuu” my friend Anna winked. I blushed.


p> “Must’ve been good for you then. Soo,” my friend Cali nudged me. “Who was it?!


p> “Guys stop. I-I-it was nothing, just ya know a random hook up” I said nervously, praying to God that would stop asking about the party.


p> “Okay. Y/N. Seriously. Spill. Who was it?” Anna said, as soon as the words left her mouth. Nate’s group walked around the corner. I looked at Nate to find that he was staring at me. Our eyes locked and he smirked. Our gaze held until they stopped at Sammy’s locker, which happened to be just down the hall. Great.


p> I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cali, “OH MY GOD, Y/N..WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”. Anna and I looked at each other with the exact same confused expression.


p> “Uhmm, What did I do?” I questioned.


p> “Why? How come you didn’t tell us..seriously dude?!” Cali exclaimed


p> “Wait, hold up.. What are you on about?” Anna chimed in.


p> “You don’t see it, Anna..It is soo obvious, I mean its written all over both of their faces.”


p> “Cali, just drop it.” I said, starting to panic.


p> NO..Cali, spill it.” Anna pressed.


p> Cali chuckled lightly, “Can’t you see, Y/N AND NATE HOOKED UP” she said loudly, making everyones conversation silence and turn to ours.


p> I hear a loud scoff from Sammy, “w-w-w-wait, you’re telling me, that my boy Skate fucked Y/N.”


p> Whispers started flooding the hall, I turned to Cali. “How could you?!?!” I yelled. “Look what you fucking did!” I looked over at Nate to see him looking down. I scoffed and walked over to him, he raised his head.


p> “What we did..Was a mistake, I should have known you were just like the rest of them. We were drunk and it was fucking stupid.”


p> “Y/N, I-” He started.


p> “Save it. I’m not worth your breath.” I interrupted. “Bye Nate” I pushed past Sammy and walked right by my friends, I can’t stand to be here right now. I thought I could handle this. Wrong. I walked out the building to my car, when I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned around to see the person I least expected.


p> “What now Nate?”




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