#sammy and skate

Nate Maloley//PARTY PART TWO RECAP Cali chuckled lightly, “Can’t you see, Y/N AND NATE HOOKED UP” sh

Nate Maloley//PARTY PART TWO

RECAP Cali chuckled lightly, “Can’t you see, Y/N AND NATE HOOKED UP” she said loudly, making everyones conversation silence and turn to ours. I hear a loud scoff from Sammy, “w-w-w-wait, you’re telling me, that my boy Skate fucked Y/N.” Whispers started flooding the hall, I turned to Cali. “How could you,” I yelled. “Look what you fucking did!” I looked over at Nate, to see him looking down. I scoffed and walked over to him, he raised his head. “What we did..Was a mistake, I should have known you were just like the rest of them. We were drunk and it was fucking stupid.” “Y/N, I-” He started. “Save it. I’m not worth your breath.” I interrupted. “Bye Nate” I pushed past Sammy and walked right by my friends, I can’t stand to be here right now. I thought I could handle this. Wrong. I walked out the building to my car, when I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned around to see the person I least expected.

“What now, Nate?”

Nate takes a deep breath, trying to hold back a fit of anger, hurt and humiliation. He looks down, speaking quietly. “Is it true?”

My anger soon fades when I see him, the real him. Not the jock that plays every girl in school. I saw the chill, laid back guy with good taste in music. The guy that was at the party. “W-w-wh-what?”

He scoffed, “C'mon Y/N, don’t play dumb with me Lil'Mama. What you said in the school is it true? Do you regret it? Ya know hooking up?”

I shook my head in disbelief, I sighed. “Do you want my honest opinion?” He nodded. “I don’t regret sleeping with the guy at the party. The one that was laidback, The one that didnt care what people thought of him.” I paused, trying fight my tears.

“But I do regret sleeping with this Nate. You’re not the guy you were at the party. And because of that I am ashamed of people thinking that I fell for one of your famous traps. I hate the idea of people thinking that I slept with the Nate they think you are.” I began to walk towards my car, but I was stopped by two strong arms wrapping around my waist.

I turned around. “Nate, I-” I was cut off by his lips pressing to mine, bringing me back to what I experienced with him at the party. I wanted pull away, I did. But there is something about him that makes me want more. I gave in, and wrapped my arms are his neck, deepening the kiss. Everything seemed to fade, like nothing else in the world existed. Hard to beieve that the infamous Nate Maloley can make me feel like such a sap.

When we pulled apart. I smiled up at him. “Look, Y/N..I-”

“SKATE? WHAT THE FUCK HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU BRO?!” Sammy yelled by the school doors, surrounded by all the people who were in the hallway. He walked towards Nate. When he got closer, you can see the disbelief in his face, “Skate, you could legit have any girl in this school and yet I find you here with this loser.” He chuckled, pushing Nate back, hearing gasps coming from the crowd of students.

Nate stumbled before quickly regaining his balance. Nate chuckled lightly and glanced at me before charging at Sammy, tackling him to the ground. Soon Nate started throwing punch after punch at his best friend. Sammy managed to get out from under Nate and throw him to the ground. The roles reversed, Sammy grabbed Nate by his shirt, “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? GOING AFTER THIS NO GOOD, FAT, FUGLY BI-”

“NO!!” Nate interuppted, picking Sammy up by the collar. I could see the veins sticking out of his neck and arms out of pure anger and tension. It was kinda hot. “YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL ME WHO I GO FOR. YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL THAT BEAUTIFUL GIRL SHE IS NOTHING. SHE MEANS SOMETHING TO ME YOU PEICE OF SHIT.”

Sammy scoffed, “And what exactly does she mean to you Skate? C'mon man, I know you. All of this? Over a girl?”

“You really don’t get it, do ya Sam? She isn’t just some girl. She is so much more. Wanna know why?” Nate explained as Sam nodded, giving in. “She sees the real me, I hate being known as some player that gets with all the girls..why can’t you accept that man?”

“So you’re just done, with me? with basketball?”

“What? NO. Stupid. I love basketball and youre my brother dude, you’re a dick, but you’re still my best friend. But Y/N is just as important and i’m tired of hiding that.” Nate looked over at me, signalling me to walk over. I cautiously made my way over to Nate and Sammy. I latched myself onto to Nates side, he wrapped his arms around and kissed my head.

I looked at Sammy and he smiled lightly at me. “Hey man. I see what she does to you.” He said sincerely to Nate, “You fucking sap. But hey, if you’re happy then I guess she’s alright.” I smiled and nodded my head as a thank you, “Maybe we’ll even get her to smoke a few with us”

I laugh, “Good luck with that Wilkinson.” Sammy smirked, walking back into the school, taking the crowd of shocked students with him, leavingme and Nate alone in the parking lot.

I looked at Nate to see him with cuts and brusies all over him. “Even though you look so hot, we should go get you cleaned up.” I joked, making him smile.

“Mmm So you’re going to be my nurse, lil'mama” he said close to my lips. I roll my eyes before slamming my lips onto his.

“C'mon you idiot, I’ll drive.” I said pulling him to my car.

//THE END.?// so that is part two of party..enjoy babes

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< p> PARTY//Nate Maloley All I could think in my head was “Fuck”. Today was the first day back



PARTY//Nate Maloley

All I could think in my head was “Fuck”.

Today was the first day back after Spring Break and I was not looking forward to it. There are two types of teenagers during Spring Break. There are the party animals. Then there are the chilled out, rather stay home and watch Netflix than socialize people. I(obviously) am the second one.


p> INormally I choose to hide in my room and binge watch my favourite series, but my friends decided that they were going to drag me to the last party of Spring Break. It just so happened to be Nate Maloley’s party. I was not looking forward to it. He was the star basketball player, key word player. By the time my friends and I showed up there was at least 70 people. As soon as we all stepped through the door my friends were gone.


p> I made my way over to the drinks. This was going to be a long ass night if I don’t have alcohol in my system. I picked up a red cup, chugging the unknown mixture down, when the bitch of the school came up to me.“Oh, Y/N you’re here? wow, this party must suck.” she smirked at me before spilling her drink all over my shirt.


p> I scoffed as she walked away. “Bitch” I muttered. Throwing away my drink, I made my way up the stairs, trying to find a bathroom or a empty room that wasn’t in use..if you know what I mean. ;)


p> After 15 minutes of walking in on unpleasent sights I found an unoccupied room. I walked in and locked the door, making sure no one would walk in. I sighed, hearing bass of the music pounding throughout the walls. I took off my shirt and looked around for something to dry it with. As I looked around I saw medals and trophies, signed basketballs and a huge shelf of music. It must be Nate’s room.


p> I put my shirt down and walked towards the music collection. He surprisingly had a good taste in music..too bad he’s a dick. All of a sudden I heard someone cough, I whipped my head around to see a smirking Nate.


p> “WHAT THE FUCK?!? HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?” I screamed at him trying to hide my exposed chest. It was so awkward. I’m not skinny whatsoever. I’m average…I’m nothing like what Nate goes for. He smiled even wider as he moved closer to me, moving my arms away from my body.


p> “Last I checked, this was my room, plus I was using my bathroom.” He said in a cocky tone. “Damn Y/N you’re fine as hell.” He smirked as he pulled me closer to him. I didn’t know what was happening. All of a sudden Nate’s lips were on mine as his hands roamed my body, adoring every curve, “You’re beautiful.” He said before finding my sweet spot. Things got heated quick, soon I was straddling him on his bed. Let’s just say, I hooked up with Nate Maloley that night.


p> Its been 3 days since then,now being the first day back, I was freaking out walking into school.


p> All I could think in my head was “Fuck”.


p> I take a breath and walk through the doors with my head held high, prepared for whatever may happen for today. I opened my locker when my friends came up to me.


p> “Soooooo…what’d you think of the party, we barely saw youuu” my friend Anna winked. I blushed.


p> “Must’ve been good for you then. Soo,” my friend Cali nudged me. “Who was it?!


p> “Guys stop. I-I-it was nothing, just ya know a random hook up” I said nervously, praying to God that would stop asking about the party.


p> “Okay. Y/N. Seriously. Spill. Who was it?” Anna said, as soon as the words left her mouth. Nate’s group walked around the corner. I looked at Nate to find that he was staring at me. Our eyes locked and he smirked. Our gaze held until they stopped at Sammy’s locker, which happened to be just down the hall. Great.


p> I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cali, “OH MY GOD, Y/N..WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”. Anna and I looked at each other with the exact same confused expression.


p> “Uhmm, What did I do?” I questioned.


p> “Why? How come you didn’t tell us..seriously dude?!” Cali exclaimed


p> “Wait, hold up.. What are you on about?” Anna chimed in.


p> “You don’t see it, Anna..It is soo obvious, I mean its written all over both of their faces.”


p> “Cali, just drop it.” I said, starting to panic.


p> NO..Cali, spill it.” Anna pressed.


p> Cali chuckled lightly, “Can’t you see, Y/N AND NATE HOOKED UP” she said loudly, making everyones conversation silence and turn to ours.


p> I hear a loud scoff from Sammy, “w-w-w-wait, you’re telling me, that my boy Skate fucked Y/N.”


p> Whispers started flooding the hall, I turned to Cali. “How could you?!?!” I yelled. “Look what you fucking did!” I looked over at Nate to see him looking down. I scoffed and walked over to him, he raised his head.


p> “What we did..Was a mistake, I should have known you were just like the rest of them. We were drunk and it was fucking stupid.”


p> “Y/N, I-” He started.


p> “Save it. I’m not worth your breath.” I interrupted. “Bye Nate” I pushed past Sammy and walked right by my friends, I can’t stand to be here right now. I thought I could handle this. Wrong. I walked out the building to my car, when I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned around to see the person I least expected.


p> “What now Nate?”




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p.s I know this sucks But I needed to post

I got bored working on new posts so this happened I’m so sorry❤️

DAYS WITH MATT i finally finished this one and i am hoping that the wait was worth it. im sorry yall


i finally finished this one and i am hoping that the wait was worth it. im sorry yall

I giggled as Matt started placing light kisses all over my face, he was making a snapchat video. “Matt- Stop.” I laughed trying to push him away, he stopped and layed on top of me still recording, he placed his face in the crevace of my neck.

“I love you.” He said before placing a peck on my lips, ending the video.

I looked at him, pulling out my phone. Matt looks at me as I start recording, zooming in closer to his face, “Y/N, what are you doing?” He ask as I burst out laughing right before the video ends.

“You’re a jerk, Y/L/N” He smiled, shaking his head.

I kiss him, “Mm, but I’m your jerk.” With that, I crawl onto Matt, smashing my lips onto his, he slowly placed me down on his bed crawling on top of me, deepening the kiss. God, I love this boy.

1 hr later

“Matthew.” I said, lifting my head off his lap looking at him.

“Y/N.” He mocked, glancing up from his phone smiling.

“Let’s be productive.”

“Well, what do you have in mind babe.” He winked.

I playing hit his arm, causing him to laugh, “Not that, Espinosa! We should film some videos, I mean I need to post and you definitley need to post considering you never do.”

“Fineeee.” Matt agreed. I’m a youtuber, that’s how Matt and I met. We went to the same digitour about a year and a half ago and we just hit it off. Now we’re both living in L.A and it’s perfect

“Wait. What did you have in mind, Y/N?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“I wanna do the makeup tag.”

“No. No way, Y/N.”

“Matt pleeeeaaassseee?” I ask pouting. He takes out his phone and takes a picture of me to post on twitter saying: about to film with this dork I look at him, “Okay I’ll film that video if you come and give me a kiss, you cute goof.” I smiled so big and pounced on him making him fall backwards, kissing lips while he was laughing.

I pulled away, looking at him. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, “God, how did I get so lucky?” He said, I looked away blushing. I kissed his nose and mouthed ’ I love you’ before getting up to go set up for the video.

“Hey guys, It’s Matt and today I am joined here with my beautiful dork of a girlfriend, Y/N.” He said, placing a kiss on the side of my mouth. I wave and smile, “Hi Guys. Just to let you know, Matthew sucks.” I joke, looking at him.

“Anyway, today I am letting her do what I swore I wouldn’t let anyone do, but she wouldn’t stop pouting. Plus it helps she’s really cute.. but I am going to hate this.” He stated looking into the camera.

“Y/N, why don’t you tell them what you are about to do to me.” He sighs wiping his face with his hands in nervousness.

I chuckle, “Today, I am going to be doing Matt’s makeup and turn him into a pretty girl.” I squeal, pinching the frowning boys cheeks. “Let’s just get this over with.” Matt groans as I smile.

“OH MY GOD.” Matt yells, examining every inch of his freshly done face, “Y/N?!? WHAT DID YOU DO?” He screams, starting to freak out. Which ends up me having a laugh attack every time I make eye contact with the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.

“Well, that is it for this video. If you want to see how Y/N’s face turns out, then I’ll leave a link below to her channel. I love you guys so much and I’ll see you next week!” He says.

“Or whenever he decides to upload again because his schedules suck.” I joke, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Bye guys.” He says before leaning in to kiss me, right before our lips touch, he turns to the camera and smirks before covering the lens and placing a kiss on my lips.

“You know, you are a really pretty boy.”

“Stop, Y/N I’m going to take this shit off my face and then you’re getting payback.” He smirks walking to the bathroom.

“Matthew Lee Espinosa. I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” I scream as I put the mirror down to look at a giggling Matt. He just finished doing my makeup for the video and I look like a clown.

“Isn’t my girl a stunner?” Matt says laughing squishing my cheeks together.

“SO I am going to go attempt to get this all off my face. We did the same video on Matt’s channel so I will link it below along with all the basic links to my social media. But I will see you next week looking like a normal human. Bye Guys!” I say kissing my hand before covering the camera.

“Hey, Y/N after you get my masterpiece off your face, we should do a younow.” Matt called from the living room.

“Sounds good, my laptop is in your room. You can start and I’ll join in when I finish getting your work of art off my face.” I yelled back.

“Okay!” He yelled back, he smirked at me as he walked by the bathroom, he poked his head back in, “By the way, Y/N.” He said walking into the bathroom wrapping his arms around my waist as I finished getting off the last spot of makeup, “YOU are my work of art.” He smiled, placing a long kiss on my lips before walking out.

“You’re such a dork, Matthew!” I giggled, shutting off the light in the bathoom before running to the couch and flopping on top of Matt.

“Y/N Get your butt off of me!” I laugh and kiss his cheek before sitting beside him. I see that Matt had YouNow already set up, so I waved.

“Babe, they say we’re trending on twitter.” He laughed. I pull out my phone to check the trends.

“Matt, they’re not joking. Y/S/N is trending number one!!” I squealed showing Matt my phone.

“Thank you guys so much for your support!! I love you so so so much. ” I say to YouNow blowing a kiss.

“Ayyye, where’s my kiss? I also helped get it trending, you bumhole.” he faked pouted.

“Oh, baby. Here you go.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before turning my attention back to reading the comments flooding in on our broadcast. I laughed at some of them. Some were freaking out that their OTP just had a moment before her own eyes. One girl asked when our videos will be up.

“My video will be up Monday, but who knows when Matthews will be because he is kinda lazy.” I joke.

“ I can hear, Miss Y/L/N” Matt said sassily.

I smiled and read a question out loud, “Matt, what are your nicknames for Y/N.”

He smirked and slung his arm around me pulling close, “It depends, usually it’s Babe or her last name. But I like to annoy her and call her muffin and honeysuckle.” He said piching my cheeks.

“I like to call him Dork because he is one.” I joke sticking my tongue out to Matt. “But I can be sweet and call him Babe.” I say still looking at him before pressing a kiss on his cheek.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, dork.”

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“Sammy.” I panicked, rubbing my sweaty palms along my thighs. “I’m nervous. What if they think I’m not good enough for you.”

Sammy chuckled walking towards me, placing his hands on my cheeks,kissing my forehead. “Baby, they’ll love you just breathe.”

I huffed, and looked up at him, “What should I wear?” I asked walking over to our shared closet, rummaging through my dresses.

Sammy walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. “Whatever, you wear is fine. Don’t worry.” He spun me around and took the bundle of clothes out of my arms and dropped them on the floor. He leaned in,placing his lips on mine. We continued for a while when I felt Sammy’s hand go up my shirt.

I pushed him back smiling, “Sorry babe, but we have to meet your parents in 30 minutes. Maybe later.” I winked grabbing a white summer dress before walking into the washroom.

Soon we were in the car, riding to the restaurant to meet his parents. As we pull into a parking spot, my heart starts beating faster. Sammy notices my sudden increase of anxiety and leans over from the drivers seat to place a long kiss on my lips. I smile into the lip lock before he pulls back smirking. He gets out of the car and opens my door before taking my hand into his. He holds open the door as we walked in, bombarded by pleasant scents of expensive foods.

“Samuel.” I heard a deep voice call from a well lit booth. I see Sam smile and look down at me before leading me over to the table. This is it. “Dad.” Sam greets with a hug following.

“Good to see you, son.” His father said, patting his shoulder.

“Mommy.” Sammy squealed like a little boy causing all of us to laugh before engulfing his mother with a hug. I awkwardly stood behind Sam before he glanced back and walked over to me, guiding me to his parents.

“Mom, Dad. I’d like you to meet Y/N. My girlfriend.” He said, resting his hand on the small of my back.

“Hello dear. How are you?” His mother said before hugging me lightly.

“Hi. To be quite honest, I’m a little nervous.” I chuckled.

“Aweeh.” She cooed, rubbing my arm, “Honey, you have nothing to worry about. You’re family now.” I smiled at her.

“Hey Y/N.” Sammy’s father smiled, putting his hand out. I smile and shake it. “I’m Dave.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Let’s sit. I’m starving and Mama wants some ribs.” His mom says, patting her stomach as Sammy and I sit across from them.

As the dinner progressed my nerves started to ease. His mom insisted on me calling her Mama Wilk. I didnt mind that because it basically welcomed me into the family with loving arms. Dave and Sammy were talking about his music.

“So Y/N. Is Sammy a pain to live with?” Lori, his mother joked.

I laughed, “He is messy, that’s for sure! Especially when he has all the guys over, the apartment will be a pig pen for days.”

She smiled and I took a sip of my water when I felt a hand slowly rising up the thigh. I Choked on my water almost spitting it out. “Y/N, dear. Are you alright?” Dave asked.

Sammy chuckled keeping his hand cockily close to my area. “Yeah, just forgot how to swallow I guess.”

“So Sammy, are you treating this lovely lady well?” His father asked. Sammy smiled widely, beginning to to rub his thumb on my thigh. Fuck. Why does he have to do this in front of his parents that I just met.

“Oh believe me. She gets treated like a princess. I even let her fill our fridge with healthy ass foods and you both know I like my junk food.” He chuckles.

He gets into a conversation about his family back in Omaha. I smirked, I’m going to get a little pay back. I pretend to be intersted in the conversation, but I sneakily placed my hand on Sammys “friend”. His eyes go wide and he coughs, but goes on pretending like he isnt phased. I unzip Sammy’s pants and place my hand over top of his boxers.

He leans over and whispers “What are you doing, Y/N?”

I smirk, “Just getting a little payback.”

This little game goes on for a while until Sammy fingers trace over my underwear. I take this oportunity to reach my hand into Sam’s boxers and squeeze his package. He tenses up as I lean in, “Whats wrong?…daddy” As soon as that word left my mouth, Sammy was quick to zip up his pants and reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. This is his classic trick, he pretends to get a text about something important so we can leave early because he gets to ‘excited’.

“Me and Y/N actually have to go. I just got a text from Nate and he told me he got us some extra studio time.

“Alright. You kids go, have fun. We’ll stop by your apartment tomorrow.” His mom said


p>“Oh and make sure you guys use protection, I don’t want any grandbabies yet from you two.” She winked. We both shot her a puzzled look.




p>She chuckled, “Trust me kids, I know the fake text trick….plus you’re holding you’re phone upside down, Samuel.“ His father laughs almost spitting out his drink following his mother shaking her head.



"Now go on. But I expect there will be no used condoms and clothes scattered throughout the apartment tomorrow when we show up.”

My face turned beet red, “I’m so sorry, I-” I was interrupted by Sammy standing up and dragging me out of the booth.

“Thanks Guys, See you tomorrow!” He said pulling me away from the table and out of the restaurant.

We got in the car and Sammy was not hesitant to start the car and speed down the road. “SAMMY! I can’t believe that just happened. Oh My Lord.”

“Y/N. I really don’t care about that right now the only thing I can think about is ripping that dress off your body.” He moaned impatiently, increasing his speed down the highway.


IM GOING TO SEE SHAWN AUGUST 2ND ASHDKDKSLSIEUKEVF I’m going on a 6hr road trip with my friend


I’m going on a 6hr road trip with my friends just to go see Shawn perform but it’s soooo worth it…MY BABY SHAWN

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