


Here’s a visionshipping fic written by Abbey


Mai: I’m lesbian

Ishizu: I thought you were Japanese


Ishizu: Hey dear, happy one year.


Mai: I’m 20-

seraphravenflight:i love useless lesbian mai


i love useless lesbian mai

Post link


Here’s the progress post of the lesbivision wedding!



Mai always thought of Ishizu as the moon, brilliant and clear but mysterious and seemed so far away. Just like the moon, the woman was beautiful, eyes like the night sky, hair dark as midnight, the shine in her eyes like stars. Mai always loved to hear the woman laugh, such a sweet laugh she always thought. Mai loved to hear Ishizu’s voice, it was always lovely to hear, so Mai made it a point to talk to her as often as possible.

If Ishizu was the moon as Mai claimed, then Mai was the sun. Fiery and determined, bright and cheery. Eyes like lavender in the day, practically glowing with determination, hair as yellow as daffodils. Ishizu loved to compare Mai to flowers, but there was no contest. Mai always outshined any flower, like a beautiful sunny day. Ishizu loved to hear Mai’s jokes and witty responses, they always made her laugh, it brightened her day, just as the sun did.

Yes, the sun and moon.

As Mai was the sun for Ishizu, Ishizu was the moon for Mai.


Ishizu: I don’t care about the risks! I will protect my little brother and his friends with my wife!

Malik: don’t you mean ‘life’?

Mai in the distance: [VERY LOUD MOM NOISES]

