#vld romelle



romellura wallpapers!! i couldn’t decide which version i liked better


romellura for the soul

HI so how about an au in which allura is this arthurian figure in altean folklore (legendary princess destined to return in time of altea’s greatest need) who romelle has had a fascination with since childhood, and then one day she meets this girl who claims to be the princess from those stories, and who asks for romelle’s help in finding the new paladins (reborn rather than just returned like allura) and from there its all adventures of this super powerful, magical princess with a fate that has been written in the stars for ten thousand years struggling to navigate completely mundane things in this unfamiliar modern world and wondering how she can possibly help anyone when she’s so lost and alone here but also finding a new family in romelle and the paladins and learning how to operate a dishwasher


hunk teaches romelle to bake so that she can make little cakes and treats for her girlfriend allura but whenever she gives them to allura she’s so nervous. and she’s always like “haha i just happened to bake some extra so here’s 24 cupcakes just for you. if you want them. or whatever”

⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: HereWith the end of the war, a new era for Nueva Al⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: HereWith the end of the war, a new era for Nueva Al

⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here| More about VLD Fix it AU: Here

With the end of the war, a new era for Nueva Altea began. Coran, with the help of Romelle, organized everything for Allura’s coronation. In less than a week before the ceremony, he became the uncle of all the Alteans survivors.

After the coronation, it was easy for the Alteans to ask for his help or opinion for everyday things. They were curious and ready to learn the original Altean customs. And Coran was perfect for the job.

Coran took Romelle as her apprentice without either of them noticing. She was always asking about the Castle of Lions and everything about Altean history. So a year after their student-teacher relationship, Coran officially appointed her, his apprentice. And when the time came, she would be his successor.

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⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: HereAfter the war, the Atlas had to stay in Earth f⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: HereAfter the war, the Atlas had to stay in Earth f⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: HereAfter the war, the Atlas had to stay in Earth f

⌛️ Speed PAINT: Here | More about VLD Fix it AU: Here

After the war, the Atlas had to stay in Earth for around a year and a half. The planet was healing after the Galra invasion and it wasn’t wise to send the ship in a mission when the Earth was still a mess.

In that time, the Holts and Krolia adopted Shiro. Matt loved teasing him, saying that he was the big brother because Shiro was only 6 years-old. If Shiro wasn’t with the Holts, he was with Keith and his mom or helping where the needs call.

Even with the calm and homely environment, the nightmares were still there. He didn’t want to go to the psychologist until Lance made him talk. They talked about Kuron, about his nightmares and his headaches. He cried and he didn’t scream, but he was frustrated. So he accepted the help. It took him time to get better, but he had his family support.

When the Atlas was ready for its first mission after the hiatus, Shiro was ready too. He loved space more than anything, and the PTSD wasn’t going to stop him.  Especially if the mission was too appealing for him.

“To explore new worlds, seek out new civilizations and motivated other planets to join the Galactic Coalition.”

During his time at the Atlas, Shiro and Hunk’s duet worked better than expected. Their teamwork attracted many planets to join the Coalition and helped to open new doors for the Earth.

He found a new passion for writing. With each new planet he visited, he created a whole new world with letters. And when Hunk became Earth’s Ambassador, Shiro steps down of the Atlas and pursued his new love.

The first manuscript he finished, he sent it to Allura and Coran. He wrote about Altea and Daibazaal, about the first Paladins and their heroic deeds. He wrote what the Black Lion couldn’t say but feel.

There were tears and a lot of “thank you” and “I’m sorry”. After that, the book was sent to the other Paladins and to the editorial with the Alteans approval. And the last page said:

Dedicated to my family, to Voltron, and Kuron, a victim of the war.


  • The black cat is Princess Sirius (yes, Shiro named her Princess lol) for the brightest star in the night sky. Because she has only one white spot in her black fur.  (Name by  little_cosmic_doodles from IG).
  • A year later after the war, Keith found the white cat inside the Black Lion. Nobody knew where had come or how he gets in Black. Shiro adopted him without thinking twice. Pidge named him Commander Pawkins because she wasn’t going to let Shiro use a boring name again. -  (Thanks to @breadstickcat for the name!).
  • And about Shiro’s love life… I’m leaving it open for you guys .

And thanks to: @naramyon @whitepolaris @rubymoon-snape @answrs and @jude-blakes-adventures for suggestions! It was a hard decision because they were really good names >u<

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HAPPY FIRST OF APRIL I TRIED MY BESTyesterday i asked the good people of tweeter and instagram to giHAPPY FIRST OF APRIL I TRIED MY BESTyesterday i asked the good people of tweeter and instagram to gi


yesterday i asked the good people of tweeter and instagram to give me six characters to draw badly and incorrectly and i have no regrets

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I drew this sweet child only once . Needed to change that

screencap redraw but modern au ?? yess and allura’s outfit had to stay the same, nothing could top it

I have decided that romelle needs more fanart

I have decided that romelle needs more fanart

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Since I saw Romelle, I thought she’s like a fairy. ‍♀️‍♀️
